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The best DAYS around!

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Episode #149 - Thursday, July 6th:

Episode #149 - Thursday, July 6th: - When the smoke clears, Bo, Austin, John, Abe, Frankie, and Max work with the rescue workers to save the children. Austin finds Sami laying unconscious and carries here to safety in the front of the house. Lucas declares his love for Sami and tells her that he can't lose her. Meanwhile, Belle, Hope, Marlena, Carrie, Melissa, Erika, Alice, Caroline and the others wait in the front of the house and are terrified at what has happened. They pray for everyone's



Episode #148 - Wednesday, July 5th:

Episode #148 - Wednesday, July 5th: Blog Bonus: Download "To Be Alone With You" by Sufjan Stevens now! In this special, action-packed episode filled with little dialogue, begin the Blog Bonus NOW! - Frankie and Melissa and Bo and Billie rush to the backyard where they just heard the crash. They find their loved ones lying lifeless all of the yard. The smokey car rests half inside of the house and half out of it. - Melissa rushes into the house and calls 911 for help. - Bo worries f



Episode #147 - Tuesday, July 4:

Episode #147 - Tuesday, July 4: Blog Bonus: Download "Hide and Seek" by Imogen Heep now! - Cassie talks herself out of her awkwardness with Lucas and Sami when she realizes they don't know WHAT she is talking about. - Liam and Hope AND Bo and Billie grow closer than ever. - Cassie gets into another raging fight with Abby. Cassie tells Abby that she knows something she doesn't. Abby is intrigued. - Melissa and Frankie share a delicate kiss under the fireworks. - Victor tells Caroline t



Episode #146 - Monday, July 3:

Episode #146 - Monday, July 3: - Lucas and Sami announce to Will and Austin that they are back together. Cassie interupts. Will pulls Cassie aside and tells her that he's about to come out to his parents. She lets Will re-join Austin, Sami, and Lucas. Will prepares to tell them the truth. - Billie once again reaches out to Hope and asks for her friendship. Hope is reciprocal once again. Billie tells Hope that she loved when they used to be friends. And Billie says that she only ever wanted




This week on "Days of Our Lives"............. Announcer: "Fireworks explode all over Salem this Fourth of July!" *Clips of the Brady/Horton Fourth of July Bar-B-Que. Everyone is in attendance.* Victor: "I don't know who could be trying to deep six Titan, but I'll find out, and I'll destroy them." *Clips of Caroline having a troubled look.* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Announcer: "Three big returns!" *A quick shot of Scott Holiroyd as Alan Harris. A shot of Mar



Episode #145 - Friday, June 30, 2006:

Episode #145 - Friday, June 30, 2006: - Max worries what Abby will do when she learns his secret. - Frankie asks Melissa if she will attend the Brady/Horton Family 4th of July Bar-B-Que with him. - Max and Erika share an awkward moment. Max realizes that he is drawn to Erika and has to confess his secret to Abby. - Bo decides to pop the question to Billie on the Fourth of July. - Mason asks Georgia to be his date to the BBQ, and she agrees. - Will decides that he needs to come out to h




BIG NEWS ON FRIDAY, JULY 7th! On Friday, July 7th, the Blog is going to drop a HUGE casting bomb on readers. The show has lured back S-I-X faces that are going to have fans smiling from ear to ear! S_T_A_Y____T_U_N_E_D! Feel free to speculate!



Episode #144 - Thursday, June 29, 2006:

Episode #144 - Thursday, June 29, 2006: - Will awaits Austin's reaction. - Victor vents to Caroline about how someone is trying to put Titan out of business. - Celeste begs the Reaper to leave the kids of Salem ALONE! - Marlena and John bond with their unborn baby. - Caroline asks Victor if it could be John, now that Titan put Basic Black out of business, he could be wanting to get back at Titan. Victor says that Basic Black was just a cover for John's I.S.A. operations and that he would



Episode #143 - Wednesday, June 28, 2006:

Episode #143 - Wednesday, June 28, 2006: - Bo, Hope, Billie, and Kate re-act to "Chelsea." Erika explains that she is NOT this Chelsea person! Max and Abby explain that they ran into this girl in the Florida Keys. - Cassie and Georgia continue to urge Will to tell his parents about being gay. - Victor gets word that a Publishing Company is gunning for Titan by releasing a new magazine geared towards Fashion, Glamor, and Makeup, and that it is even launching a cosmetics line to compete with



Episode #142 - Tuesday, June 27, 2006:

Episode #142 - Tuesday, June 27, 2006: Blog Bonus: "Run" by Snow Patrol - Mason and Georgia continue to bond. - Bo and Hope see their children bonding, and they talk about they remind Bo and Hope of themselves when they were younger - only reversed. Mason is proper and polished and naive and innocent like Hope was while Georgia is rough around the edges with a lot of life experience like Bo was. - Celeste tells the Reaper to stay away from the children of Salem. - Erica and Greta stare



Most Popular Supercouple in 'DAYS' History Returns

Most Popular Supercouple in 'DAYS' History Returns! As promised, the big announcement for Tuesday is HERE! As first hinted in the summer previews seven weeks ago on May 9th, two HUGE characters of DAYS past are returning this summer! Their idenitities are now revealed. Stephen Nichols and Mary Beth Evans will be reprising the roles of Steve and Kayla this summer. "This is big news. I've really enjoyed their time on DAYS thus far and am looking forward to writing for them! Kayla was just



The Blog Celebrates 150 Episodes!

'DAYS' Blog Celebrates #150! On Friday, July 7th, the Blog will be celebrating its 150th episode! WOW! The show has some big plans to commemorate the event. Here's how!: - A shocking twist for John and Marlena! - A death of a child of Salem! - Three familiar faces will return that will have fans JUMPING for JOY!



Episode #141 - Monday, June 26:

Episode #141 - Monday, June 26: - Billie wonders who could have mugged her, but she comes to the conclusion it was a random act. - Bo and Hope sign the divorce papers. - Eric enjoys another amazing date with Annie. He is shocked at himself for having such a good time with such an unconvetional girl. - Max is keeping something big from Abby! - The Reaper spies the Brady Nanny watching Theo, J.T., and Zach, and he smiles wickedly. - Frankie Brady and Melissa Horton finish their fun date a



The Death of A Child PROMO!

One of the Children of Salem is Going to Die! But Who Will It Be? J.T. Brady? Zach Brady? Theo Carver? Georgia Brady? Mason Alcantar? Will Roberts? Abby Devereaux? Find out Tuesday, July 4th!



OLTL Sensation Joins 'DAYS!'

OLTL Sensation Joins 'DAYS!' Trevor St. John has been tapped to play the role of "The Reaper" whom Celeste will encounter. "He first showed up as a faceless image in the spring to take Phillip. Celeste made a deal with him not to kill Phillip so he obliged, but the plans were already set in motion so Phillip was still critically injured. But the Reaper is back, and he will have some chilling interactions with the cast this summer."....says the writer. "The role is going to be VERY short



Episode #140 - Friday, June 23:

Episode #140 - Friday, June 23: - Kate arrives at the Private Investigator's office. - Bo and Hope meet with Frankie and Mickey to draw up divorce papers. - Megan knocks Billie unconcious. - Melissa and Frankie go out on a date. Frankie tries to impress Melissa with a dinner a Chez Rouge. - Maggie thanks Avalon for fishing her out of the river. - Celeste begs the Reaper not to kill anyone else in Salem. She says they have been through enough! - Melissa tells Frankie to stop impressin



EPISODE #139 - Thursday, June 22:

EPISODE #139 - Thursday, June 22: - After her dream, Melissa finds Frankie. He is taken aback by her sudden change of heart. - Billie gets a call from Jack (off-screen.) - Abby and Max help Erika search for father while Max worries what will happen to him if the man Erika says is her father, Avalon, finds him. - Melissa tells Frankie that she would like to take him up on his offer to go on a date. - Jack asks Billie for her help in finding Jennifer. - Max recalls his shady past with mobs



EPISODE #138 - Wednesday, June 21:

EPISODE #138 - Wednesday, June 21: - Bo and Hope talk as a result of Alice and Caroline's scheming. - Megan realizes that Billie Reed will be a problem in winning back Bo Brady so she plots to kill her. - Billie has an encounter with Liam that leaves her wondering if she's made the right decision to give on her search into his past. - Celeste has a premonition of Will's lifeless body. - Will wonders about Celeste's premonition that he is danger. - Bo and Hope talk and realize that mayb



EPISODE #137 - Tuesday, June 19:

EPISODE #137 - Tuesday, June 20: - Alice, Mickey, and Hope probe Melissa about how she feels about Frankie, but she grows frustrated with them and takes them aback with her behavior. - Megan plans to split Bo and Hope even further apart than they are already. - Billie finally decides to let the search into Liam’s past go since Kate has doctored the Private Investigator’s dossier on him and made it look like he is clean. - Greta tries to keep her intentions hidden from Marlena and John.



King Reilly - OUT!?

King Reilly - OUT!? After reporting that the blog was not going anywhere for a very, very long time, there comes shocking word only TWO days later that King Reilly is now looking into hanging up his SON hat...for good. The writer cites a lot of personal changes, decisions, and growth as the reasons for wanting to cut back on his SON time - TREMENDOUSLY. "It's a time of great change in the life of King Reilly. He's losing the love for his old soaps, he's gone spoiler-free which has also contri



EPISODE #136 - Monday, June 19:

EPISODE #136 - Monday, June 19: BLOG BONUS: "How Good It Can Get" by the Wallflowers - The Salem Spectator announces a Dancing Contest down at the docks. The couples of Salem each get their newspaper one by one and decide it might be fun to participate. - Megan reveals how she used to love Bo and how she tried to win him back from Hope. When that didn't work, she tried to kill Hope, but Larry Welch spoiled her plans and tried to kill her (Megan) when she discovered discriminating evid



The Future of the Blog!

The Future of the Blog! Many of you have PM-ed and IM-ed asking why the blog hasn't been new everyday. It's just the usual craziness! I assure you I won't ever stop doing the blog! Not for a looooong time, anyway! Between December and May, I finally have the cast in the place that I've wanted it, so everything is REALLY JUST kicking off. Be patient and check back often, and the episodes will be out. As a reward for your patience and proof that the blog is not slowing down, here are some




WHO *IS* MEGAN HATHAWAY!? As revealed in Friday's shocking cliffhanger, Jan's mother, Megan Spears (Gina Tognoni, above.), is actually the presumed dead Megan Hathaway! But some of you might be wondering who Megan Hathaway actually is. Here is a brief character history: Megan came to Salem in 1984 with her adopted father, Maxwell Hathaway. Megan was an ex-girlfriend of Bo Brady and would stop at nothing to win him back! She lied and schemed and tried to pass off a child as hers and Bo's. S



Episode #135 - Friday, June 16th:

Episode #135 - Friday, June 16th: - Kate tells her private investigator to step up the investigation of finding her twin daughters from all of those years ago with Stefano. - Lexie vows revenge on all of Salem for turning their back on her. - Frankie has a steamy fantasy about Melissa Horton. - Shawn explains to Belle that he IS going on the second honeymoon with Jan that Megan is sending them on. Belle is devastated, but Shawn says that what they had is over and how he needs to be loyal t



Episode #134 - Thursday, June 15th:

Episode #134 - Thursday, June 15th: - Austin continues to romance Carrie. - Greta and Alice bond further. Alice catches Greta up on everything that has been happening in Salem. - Lexie tells Celeste that she knows the truth because Stefano sent her a video tape telling her that Celeste killed Lexie's guardians (and the people she thought were her parents) years ago! Celeste begs for the chance to explain everything. - Mickey and Caroline re-call their greatest times with their dead spous



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