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Episode #166 - Monday, July 31:

Episode #166 - Monday, July 31: - Georgia tells Steve on the pier that she knows him! - Billie asks Bo why he is freaking out. Bo begins describing Steve and asks Billie if that sounds like this man she has found. She says it does. "Oh my god! It can't be!"...Bo yells. Billie demands to know what is going on. - Erika and Max burst into the Salem Lake cabin where they believe Lance is staying, but they find no one. Meanwhile, Lance and Maggie begin to hitch hike back to Salem. - Lucas tries



Shawn is Cook-ed!

Shawn is Cook-ed! As the blog has previously reported, the show is going to systematically phase out five or six characters in order to feature other and new storylines that have recently been backburnered. The blog is now announcing that Shawn is one of those characters. "Shawn really is a great character when in the right hands, and Cook is a capable actor, but it is rumored that the real show is re-casting, and the blog is also very interested in a re-cast."...says the writer. "The blog's



Episode #165- Friday, July 28

August is kicked off with a bang in an unforgettable episode! Episode #165- Friday, July 28: - Bo and Billie are shocked that the room at the Salem Inn has been ransacked! - Patch sits on the pier where he reveals that mysterious men have been following him for years while he has tried to piece together his past and THAT is why he keeps moving around so quickly. He recalls how he knew he had to get out of the Salem Inn because he could sense that they were coming after him. - Georgia loo



Episode #164- Thursday, July 27:

Episode #164- Thursday, July 27: - Greta is shocked when she realizes that Frankie might be the man Celeste was alluding to when she said Greta would find love with a new man. But Greta says it can't be because she would never come between two people in love. - Abby is troubled about Max and Erika's closeness while Max and Erika get a lead on Lance Avalon! - Will gets a threatening phone call at the Pub where he is called a "F*g" and told to watch his back. - Hope tells Lexie that she will




WHO'S GOING!? AND HOW WILL THEY LEAVE! According to the writer of the blog, up to five very popular characters/actors might find themselves off the show....temporarily, that is! "The blog really is like a big stove right now! We're constantly moving things from the frontburner to the backburner and vice versa."...says the writer. "With Justin, Adrienne, Jo, Stephanie, Lawrence, and Jack coming on very soon, the Steve/Kayla story is going to be moved to the forefront. The Alan story will also



Episode #163- Wednesday, July 26:

Episode #163- Wednesday, July 26: - While kissing, Max pushes Erika away and tells her that things can't go any further between them. - Greta tells Austin and Carrie that regardless of Frankie's status as a prince that she can't marry someone whom she does not love. And due to the limited time limit she has been given, she will have to forfeit her mother's inheritance. - Maggie is seen at a lakeside cottage with a mysterious man. The man's name is Lance. She thanks Lance once again for pull



Episode #162- Tuesday, July 25:

Episode #162- Tuesday, July 25: - Greta worries about finding a prince to marry within 7 weeks. - Shawn tearfully confesses his undying love for Belle to her while she's unconscious. - Eric tells Will that Sami will come around in time and to stick in there. Will, Eric, and Caroline have some chowder at the newly reconstructed Brady Pub. - Frankie and Melissa grow closer than ever. - Melissa feels like she can finally open up to Frankie and let him into her world. - Abby tells Max that s



Episode #161 - Monday, July 24:

Episode #161 - Monday, July 24: - Lexie vows to get Zach back from Bo and Hope at any cost. - Billie and Patch arrive in Salem. Billie takes him to the Salem Inn where she sets him up with a room. She tells him that he should get some rest, but she will be by in the morning with her fiance who is a detective and will help him figure out if he has connections to Salem. - Will returns to the apartment where Sami and Lucas wait for him. - Greta is shocked at the contents of the telegram she



Episode #160 - Friday, July 21:

Episode #160 - Friday, July 21: BLOG BONUS: "Wonderwall" by Ryan Adams - Abe, Lexie, and Theo get stranded in the elevator at the Penthouse Grill. - Megan tortures Belle while Shawn and Jan finally return to Salem. - Greta realizes that maybe it's better never to tell John and Marlena the truth about his being her father. Meanwhile, Kristen recalls how she overheard that secret and is plotting to use it to her advantage. - The Penthouse Grill is taken aback with looks of shock and horro



Episode #159 - Thursday, July 20:

Episode #159 - Thursday, July 20: - Belle decides to leave the shower and return home. - Abe arrives at the shower and tells his friends that he has won custody of Theo. - Steve tells Billie that he may be from Salem. He's not sure. He can't remember his past, but he feels Salem sounds very familiar so that's why he was heading there. - Megan Spears continues to torture Belle via the walkie talkie even though Kate has demanded she stop for fear of Belle's mental health and thus Claire's



Episode #158 Wednesday, July 19:

Episode #158 Wednesday, July 19: - Billie runs an errand on the outside of town to pick up Marlena and Carrie's baby shower gifts. - Patch lays lifeless in his car on the side of the road. - Marlena and Carrie arrive to their baby shower at the Penthouse Grill and are amazed to see the beautiful set up - the decor is white, candles everywhere, a gigantic screen against the wall that is hooked up to a cam corder so that guests are able to send the mothers and the babies messages. John explai




Beloved Character, Actor, Staple of the Show Let Go! James Reynolds (Abe Carver), who has been with the show for almost 22 years, will last air this Friday, July 21st. The move is storyline dictated. "This is really hard. Of all of the cast-cutting I've done in the nine months of the blog, this is the hardest, and that says a lot because of the high caliber of the actors who were written out. This was really difficult. I went back and forth and back and forth and back and forth with the idea.




UPDATED CAST LIST! CONTRACT: Liam Alcantar - Grant Aleksander Erika Avalon - Rachel Melvin Lance Avalon - Alan Dale John Black - Drake Hogestyn Bo Brady - Peter Reckell Carrie Brady - Christie Clark Caroline Brady - Peggy McCay Eric Brady - Jensen Ackles Frankie Brady - Billy Warlock Hope Brady - Kristian Alfonso Jan Spears Brady - Heather Lindell Kayla Brady - Mary Beth Evans Max Brady - Darrin Brooks Paige Brady AKA Georgia - Peyton List Sami Brady - Alison Sweeney Shawn B



Episode #157 - Tuesday, July 18:

Episode #157 - Tuesday, July 18: - Kayla visits Steve's grave. - Alan further bonds with Austin, Lucas, and Carrie. Sami is not pleased. - Hope and Lexie get into a war, but Bo is able to break it up. - Kristen has a plan to ruin Marlena and Carrie's wedding shower. - Patch continues his journey to Salem. - Kayla has an emotional breakdown at Steve's gravesite. - Shawn and Jan prepare to come home from their vacation, but Meghan and Kate continue to gaslight Belle. - John and Marlena



Episode #156 - Monday, July 17:

Episode #156 - Monday, July 17: -Bo and Hope try to come to terms with what Lexie’s lawsuit means. - Will realizes that he could have died without his parents knowing who he really is. He vows to tell them the truth this week. - Meanwhile, Carrie convinces Austin and Lucas to give Alan a chance. - Marlena tells John that she and Carrie have decided to have a joint baby shower but everyone is invited, not only the ladies! - Kayla has the strangest feeling that Steve is closer than ever.



Episode #155 - Friday, July 14:

Episode #155 - Friday, July 14: - Kayla grieves Steve. She tells Caroline that she's never been able to move on without him. - Abe tells Lexie that they are over - FOREVER - and to move on with her life. He informs her that HE is moving on with his plans to get custody of Theo. - Hope, Liam, and the Hortons mourn Mason's death at his funeral. - Bo and Billie vow to keep their engagement a secret for a few weeks, in light of recent events. - Carrie and Alan do lunch at Salem Place. Carrie




BADDIES OF THE BLOG There's a whole lot of scheming going on in Salem lately......... And with these two headed to town......................... You know things are just getting good! Nobody does villains better than "Days of Our Lives!" STAY TUNED!



Episode #154 - Thursday, July 13:

Episode #154 - Thursday, July 13: - Max and Erika spend the day together. - Sami refuses to give Alan the benefit of the doubt. - Melissa pushes Frankie away after the fourth of July kiss. - John and Marlena re-call their relationship with Edmund and grieve his death. Meanwhile Paris/Kristen re-calls how she is responsible for his murder! She thinks about how she wanted to kill Susan, as well, but was afraid the death(s) would not look accidental then. She says that John Jr. will be hers



The Phoenix Rises!

The Phoenix Rises! "Joe was recently let go from The Bold and The Beautiful. THEIR mistake! We would be a fool not to snatch him up."...says the writer. He will first air in August. He will be recurring. "We have some plans for Stefano, but nothing hugely concrete yet. Until we do, we want to keep him on recurring for a bit. The last time we saw Stefano he was parading around time with Wayne Northrop's face. We're going to establish that the old Phoenix is back, and we'll have him interacting



Episode #153 - Wednesday, July 12:

Episode #153 - Wednesday, July 12: - Abby tells Max that she isn't sure that she can forgive him for not telling her that he and Chelsea were intimate for the last 7 months. She tells him she feels duped. - Bo and Billie agree to keep their engagement a secret for now. - Sami is horrified and begins screaming at Alan Harris! Carrie is able to calm her down. - For the first time, John gets an air of something familiar about Paris. - Kate, Vivian, and Simone are pleased as punch when they



Episode #152 - Tuesday, July 11:

Episode #152 - Tuesday, July 11: - Vivian brings her personal assistant, Simone, who is Ivan's neice. Simone (Kelly McGarry). The three of them plot and scheme as to when to launch Alamain International's new magazine. Kate suggests that August is the best month, claiming Victor had big plans for Bella's "Back-To-School" fashion issue. Vivian and Kate agree that they have a lot of work to do before then, and they get working. - Hope and Liam finalize plans for Mason's funeral. - Sami and Wi



Episode #151 - Monday, July 10:

Episode #151 - Monday, July 10: - Kate is outraged at the sight of Vivian. Vivian pushes herself into Kate's suite and tells Kate to calm down. She tells Kate they have a common goal - revenge! - Will is given a clean bill of health, but Kayla says he needs time to recover. - John and Marlena return home and are shocked at the mess at their penthouse. - Hope is grief-stricken and inconsolable. Hope tries to be strong for Liam, citing that Liam has cared for Mason since the day he was born.



"I Wanna Be A Soap Star" Actress Cast!

Recurring Role Cast with "I Wanna Be A Soap Star" Actress Kelly McGarry of "I Wanna Be A Soap Star" fame has been tapped to play the recurring role of "Simone." Simone is described as a quirky, showstopping, unforgettable, witty vixen who is sure to leave a mark on our Salemites. Simone will first air this week as the niece of Ivan Marais, Vivian's partner-in-crime. "Ivan, unfortunately won't be returning, at least not yet, but Simone is the newly created role of his niece - and Vivian's pers




THE BITCHES ARE BACK! On Friday, July 7th, the blog revealed that two of the big returns this summer are Eileen Davidson and Louise Sorel! Kind of! "Eileen will be back. We needed her face for this BIG reveal, but when we see Kristen around Salem for the next few months, we'll be seeing the Michelle Stafford's face. November Sweeps will likely mark the end of Michelle's time on the show since her six month contract will be up, and Eileen will step into the role."...says the writer. "She's bee



Episode #150 - Friday, July 7th:

Episode #150 - Friday, July 7th: - Celeste apologizes to everyone in the waiting room and runs off. She is horrified to see the Reaper at the hospital. - Kayla emerges from the E.R. All the parents wait with baited breath. Kayla tells Abe and Lexie that Theo is unconscious right now, but all the tests show that he should make a swift and clean recovery when he wakes up. Abe and Lexie take a big sigh of relief, but they are still devastated over the day's events. - Billie and Liam are pertur



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