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MORE HORTONS COME HOME! Fan favorites, Roark Critchlow and Jamie Lyn Bauer, will be returning to their roles of Mike Horton and Laura Horton this December on the blog. "Laura was last seen in May when she left town with Jennifer. She's going to be back for a few big events. She'll have lots to do. It's a temporary stint, but it's going to be action packed."...says the headwriter. "She's going to bring home some big news that will change the Hortons' lives forever. And then she's going to happ



European Adventure Begins!

Episode #226 - Monday, October 23rd, 2006: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqQc5sKx0tc - It is Halloween night in Salem. A college-aged couple is interrogated by The Salem Police Department. Roman Brady walks onto the scene. The detective on the case explains to Roman that a man was shot on the docks and by the looks of the surveillance tape, he was shot three times in the face and fell back off of the docks and into the ocean. The police explain that they are combing the waters for the bod



More Fan Favs RETURN!

More Fan Favs RETURN! Fan Favorites, Bill and Susan Seaforth-Hayes, will be returning to the roles of Doug and Julie Williams this November. They join Eileen Davidson, Thaao Penghlis, and Ari Zuker on the list of big returns for November Sweeps. "There are going to be quite a few climactic events in the lives of the Horton's that necessitate their returns. The stint isn't contract, but it's not temporary either. They are on recurring, and they'll be seen more and more."...says the hea




OPENING THEME! The updated opening theme is now available! Hope you like! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqQc5sKx0tc And don't forget about the WHO KILLED ALAN promo! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANCFGloQDmw




WHO KILLED ALAN HARRIS!?! Hey, everyone! So, I decided to make a video promo! It's pretty rough, but it also was thrown together very quickly. It has a scary voice, but I hope you like it! (I couldn't figure out how to embed it. ) It's actually really hilarious! Haha. But you get the drift. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANCFGloQDmw




*DOWNLOAD AND BEGIN LISTENING TO "SOMEWHERE A CLOCK IS TICKING" BY SNOW PATROL.* Episode #225 - Friday, October 20th, 2006: - Halloween night has arrived in Salem. The city is emersed in a deep fog, the wind whistles, and leaves bristle. The streets are filled with people of all ages wearing their Halloween costumes. - Carrie loses it and goes berserk. She jumps on Alan and begins pounding him and scratching and slapping him. Austin and Roman remove her from him. Carrie accuses Alan




PLEASE NOTE THAT THE NEXT TWO EPISODES ARE SPECIAL EPISODES DEDICATED ONLY TO THE LIVES OF SAMI BRADY, CARRIE BRADY, LUCAS ROBERTS, WILL ROBERTS, AUSTIN REED, AND ALAN HARRIS! Episode #224 - Thursday, October 19, 2006: - Will attacks Alan and punches him in the face. Eric, Austin, and Lucas intervene and carry Will away from him. - Jeremy leaves the apartment complex when he gets a cell phone call. In the hallway, he meets up with the caller - Roman (Josh Taylor)! Roman explains tha




Episode #223 - October 18, 2006: - Sami runs at Alan with a fire poker ready to strike him. But Eric intervenes and sweeps Sami off of her feet and away from Alan. Lucas begs Will to tell him that none of this is true. But Will says that it is. Austin calls Alan a sick bastard. Will is confused. - Shawn Sr.'s spirit urges Caroline to find happiness. - Vivian meets with Belle behind Kate's back and asks to see Belle's designs. - Will explains that he understands why they wouldn't want him




Episode #222 - October 17, 2006: - Kate and Vivian make plans for the Winter Fashion show scheduled for late October. - Abby and Max share a passionate kiss during their paradise island dream. - Caroline prays and asks for Shawn's guidance and approval for seeing Victor. - At the party, Lucas reveals to Sami (and everyone else) that Alan and Will are having some type of romantic relationship! - Lexie is relieved when Abby and Max survive her separating their hands from one another. -




BIG RETURNS FOR NOVEMBER! The blog has done some huge events for May and February sweeps, but this November could be the biggest and most action-packed Sweeps yet! BRIEF HIATUSES END! "Fans can expect the returns of Simone Marais (Kelly McGarry), Georgia Brady (Peyton List), Cassie Brady (Alexis Thorpe), and Shawn Brady (newcomer, Brandon Beemer). They'll all be returning from their temporary absences, as promised."...previews the headwriter. "Cassie is going to be a thorn in the




Episode #221 - October 16, 2006: - In Lucas' apartment, Lucas and Eric listen in to the planted microphones to try and uncover Sami and Annie's secret, but they stumble across a conversation between Will and Jeremy that reaveals Will and Jeremy's secret affair! - Max and Abby continue their romantic, tropical adventure dream while comatose at the hospital. - Victor's Private Investigator can't dig up anything on Kate and her past secret. - Lucas and Eric burst into Sami's apartment w



Friday The 13th Hits SALEM!

Episode #220 - Friday, October 13, 2006: - Alan covers for what Jeremy has just said. And Sami and Lucas buy it. - Carrie and Austin are devastated by the new DNA results and tell the police their must be some mistake. - Meanwhile Sami and Annie take great joy that their switcheroo has worked. - Greta and Frankie grow closer than ever. - Jack arrives at Abby's side. - Abby and Max both appear to be having the same dream when they both appear on a tropical island. - Eric and Lucas reca




FORMAT CHANGE: EACH EPISODE IS GOING TO BE TITLED FROM NOW ON WITH A DESCRIPTION (like above, "Alan EXPOSED!?!?") AS OPPOSED TO THE DATE, WHICH IS BELOW. Episode #219 - Thursday, October 12, 2006: - Sami, Lucas, and Austin tell Alan to get out of the party. But Jeremy tells them all that he invited him and that Alan was his first friend he made in town. Jeremy's lying, but Alan has no choice but to go along with it. - Billie is convinced Jack has some type of feelings for her. When the



Episode #218 - Wednesday, October 11, 2006:

Episode #218 - Wednesday, October 11, 2006: - Austin and Carrie learn the baby that was buried is not their son! - Jack and Billie are able to break free from the secret room at the estate in North Carolina that they had trapped themselves in. - Maggie pushes Mickey away and grieves Lance's death. - Jeremy leaves a special message for Alan, luring him to his party. - Greta comforts Frankie over Max's precarious state of health. They grow closer than ever. - When Jack checks his messages,



Episode #217 - Tuesday, October 10, 2006:

Episode #217 - Tuesday, October 10, 2006: - Carrie and Austin go to the gravesite as the police dig up the baby's coffin. - Lucas and Jeremy plan Jeremy's Welcome Home Party. Lucas tells Jeremy that he has a surprise for him. - Abby and Max lie next to each other on their respective stretchers in the I.C.U. - Lance flatlines. Lexie tries desperately to save his life. - Steve, Kayla, Jack, Billie, Bo, Hope, John, and Marlena settle into the Dimera Estate in North Carolina. They begin to se




MASS EXODUS! There is a big buzz around the blog set that many big changes are coming this fall! The blog has re-evaluated its cast and has decided to trim its cast significantly. "Three big exits were already planned for this Fall and already worked into the story outlines."...says the headwriter. "But three more characters have now been added to the list. With Shawn, Georgia, and Cassie making returns in November and Tony, Nicole, and Kristen all coming back onto the canvas, we needed to



Carrie remembers!

CARRIE REMEMBERS!! Episode #216 - Monday, October 9, 2006: - Street goers rush to Lance and Abby's sides who lay lifeless on the street....having fallen many stories off the Salem Inn Balcony. - Carrie remembers giving birth! - Eric and Lucas devise a plan to uncover Sami and Annie's secret. - Sami and Annie meet and realize they are both cracking under pressure. - Alan and Jeremy get into a shouting match over Alan and his plans of revenge against Sami, Austin, Carrie, and Lucas.




Episode #214 - Thursday, October 5, 2006: - Max remains in a coma. Frankie, Greta, and Caroline stay by his side. - Abby searches Lance's hotel room for proof he tried to kill Max, but inadvertantly killed his own daughter, Erika. - Jeremy reveals himself to Carrie! Austin is taken aback by the closeness between Carrie and Jeremy, Mike's son. - Annie tries in vain to win Eric back. - Lucas confronts Sami and asks what her secret is. - Carrie and Austin introduce Jeremy to Will. Jeremy




Episode #212 - Tuesday, October 3, 2006: - Someone watches Will and Alan having sex. - Sami, Lucas, and Austin begin to wonder if Will has a secret boyfriend. - Max is on the brink of life and death. - Abby calls Frankie and tells him to get to the hospital. - Jack, Billie, Bo, Hope, John, Marlena, Steve, and Kayla board John's plane bound for South Carolina to one of Dimera's Headquarters. - Victor decides the key to ruining Kate and Vivian's company is uncovering the secret that she




OCTOBER PREVIEW! "October is the new November!"...quips the blog headwriter, taking note that October is going to be just as exciting as the blog's November Sweeps. The adventure!: "Jack, Billie, Bo, Hope, Steve, Kayla, John, and Marlena are going on a witchhunt for Kristen Blake and John and Marlena's baby boy! It's going to be an awesome two month-long adventure filled with danger, lust, forbidden love, unrequited love, mystery, and intrigue! Little do they all know that Stefano, Meg



Episode #211 - Monday, October 2, 2006:

Episode #211 - Monday, October 2, 2006: - Max lays by the side of the road, unconscious. - Abby feels like something is wrong with Max. - Maggie wonders how to let Lance down lightly. - Frankie and Greta react to the news they just received from their lawyers! - Lucas and Eric close in on Sami and Annie's secret. - Austin and Carrie decide to make a decision about their relationship TODAY. - The mysterious man bandies about Salem looking at Horton's and Brady's. - Max is found by pas




TWO STARS MAKE BIG RETURNS! The blog is very excited to announce the return of two fan-favorite characters and actors that should leave DAYS afficianados jumping for joy! Arianne Zuker (Nicole Walker) and Thaao Penglis (Tony Dimera) will be returning the show this November and December, respectively. "I'm so excited to be writing for these characters again. Nicole is going to be back and better than ever. Tony will be redeemed and reformed to his former glory of the 1980's and early 1990'




Don't miss all of last week's five - * CAN'T MISS * - mini episodes! All of last week's episodes back-to-back in one post! Episode #206 - Monday, September 25, 2006: - It is a new day in Salem. - Austin and Carrie continue to grieve their baby's death. - Annie and Sami re-call their plans and how they stole Carrie's baby, convinced her it was dead, and gave it to a clueless Simone, Ivan's neice and Vivian's personal assistant. - Abby tries to help Max mourn, but to no avail. -



Episode #205 - Friday, September 22, 2006

Episode #205 - Friday, September 22, 2006 BLOG BONUS: "BETTER DAYS" by GOO GOO DOLLS. DOWNLOAD NOW OR CLICK HERE! - Roman interrogates Sami and Annie. - Frankie and Greta weigh the pros and cons of getting married as midnight draws closer. - Kate, Billie, Lucas, and Will arrive to be with Carrie and Austin. - Sami and Annie manage to evade Roman's questions and convince him that they are just out having a late-night stroll. - Max and Lance continue their confrontation. Abby arrives



Episode #204 - Thursday, September 21, 2006

Episode #204 - Thursday, September 21, 2006 - Greta and Frankie remain at the church wondering what to do. - Kate and Vivian tremble in fear at the "new" Victor. - Carrie and Austin continue to grieve their baby boy, Roman Roberts Reed. - Bo and Jack remain by Billie's side. - Hope continues to push Liam away. - Max and Lance get into a fistfight over Erika's death. - Frankie recalls Melissa interupting his wedding to Greta to declare her love. Meanwhile, Greta recalls the chandelier fa



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