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King's DAYS

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"October is the new November!"...quips the blog headwriter, taking note that October is going to be just as exciting as the blog's November Sweeps.

The adventure!: "Jack, Billie, Bo, Hope, Steve, Kayla, John, and Marlena are going on a witchhunt for Kristen Blake and John and Marlena's baby boy! It's going to be an awesome two month-long adventure filled with danger, lust, forbidden love, unrequited love, mystery, and intrigue! Little do they all know that Stefano, Megan, and Lexie are hot on their tails. And so are Liam and Lawrence. Charles Shaugnessy will be returning as Shane for a bunch of episodes in this story. This is, in no way, supposed to top anything done in the 80's, but this my little hommage to the glory days of DAYS. With these fourteen strong personalities coming together, you know not everyone will be coming home to Salem in one piece!"

Sami/Austin/Carrie/Lucas/Will/Alan/Annie/Eric: "This storyline is going to spiral so out of control. All of Alan's secrets are going to come pouring out. All of Will's secrets will shock everyone. It's time for the fall out of three months of Alan's lies and manipulations. It's really going to hit the fan! Carrie's memory will return. She'll remember her baby is alive. In November, this story will reach the point of no return. This chapter is going to taint everyone's lives forever. Someone is leaving the show in a very concrete way."

Frankie/Greta/Melissa: "Frankie and Greta will have to deal with the consequences of so foolishly and so hastily entering this marriage - they must stay married for nine months. Frankie and Melissa can't stay away from each other. Their love is a great love like Salem has not seen in many years. Meanwhile, Greta is going to fall for Frankie - HARD - and she will not know why, but she cannot shake Eric Brady from her mind."

Titan vs. Alamain: "The battle will continue rage between Victor and his former lovers. Victor and Kate were hitting it off in the summer until he realized she had a secret. He is going to try and uncover that secret to win the war. Will he uncover that she had twin baby girls with Stefano Dimera thirty-plus years ago? Also, someone in the storyline will go too far, and they will live to regret it. And I'm looking to give the character of Vivian some depth. And the moment we've all been awaiting for two decades - Caroline confronting her feelings for Victor Kiriakis."

Abby/Max and Lance/Maggie/Mickey: "Fans' mouths will be on the floor when they see who is left standing in this storyline. That's all I can say for now. My lips are sealed."

Jeremy Horton: "A huge wild card. He is going to tear this town - and this family - up!"

Shawn, Georgia, and Cassie: "They are not forgotten, and they will be back in November, as promised."


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