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Episode #27 - Tuesday, January 17th:

Episode #27 - Tuesday, January 17th: - Abe confronts Bo about his wedding ring. Bo tells Abe that he lost his ring. - Celeste drugs Tek's wine. - Mimi is horrified when she accidentally eavesdrops on Bonnie and Kate and learns that Claire is Shawn's! - Max and Abby grow closer than ever. - Abe tells Bo that the ring was found in Tony's hospital bed covers the night he died. - Celeste takes Tek back to her room where he passes out from the drugs she gave him. - Bonnie tells Kate that sh



Episode #26 - Monday, January 16th:

Episode #26 - Monday, January 16th: - Abe goes to the jewelry store at Salem Place to investigate the wedding ring. - Austin is sad when he reads Nicole’s goodbye letter. He asks Sami if she had anything to do with this, and she refuses. - Celeste and Tek bond over dinner as he buys her act - hook, line, and sinker. - Abe provides the jeweler with the list of the suspects. - Roman is plagued by memories of Tony begging for his life in his hospital bed. - Mimi decides to throw Shawn a s



Episode #25 - Friday, January 13th:

Episode #25 - Friday, January 13th: - Sami tells Nicole that wants her to leave town or she is going straight to her father, Roman, and Abe with the evidence that she has on her! - Carrie sees Victor at Titan and thanks him for the lead he gave her and Sami on Nicole. She explains everything that happened with Jan. Victor excuses himself and calls Kate. He tells her to meet him at Lucas' apartment building in a few minutes. - Belle and Phillip re-cap their entire relationship for Laura. -



Episode # 24 - Thursday, January 12:

Episode # 24 - Thursday, January 12: - Sami explains to Nicole that what she just threw at Nicole's feet is proof that Nicole tried to kill Colin AND Victor! - Laura explains to Kate, Belle, and Phillip that she began to make permanent plans to return to Salem when she heard of Jack's "death." These plans included her new practice at the hospital. Unfortunately, she couldn't make it back in time for Jack's funeral or for the holidays! She explains that she is eager to let the Hortons and De




CASTING UPDATES! I've gotten a few questions on whether the same portrayers are playing returning characters, as well, as a few other roles. So, I figured, why not! For the hell of it, why not mock up a press release! So, here it is! COMINGS: - Peyton List (Ex-Lucy, ATWT) has been tapped to play the role of "Paige" - a young girl who is shrouded in mystery and will play heavily into the lives of some of Salem's heaviest hitters (John, Marlena, Stefano, Bo...to name a few.) The role is lon



Episode #23 - Wednesday, January 11th:

Episode #23 - Wednesday, January 11th: - Jack reels from his orders that Stefano gave him - KILL SHAWN BRADY SR.! - Cassie manages to convince Rex and Roman that she is not hiding anything. - Hope is jittery when she goes to the hospital and recalls yelling at Tony while standing over his bed. - Caroline remains vigil at Shawn Sr's side while Victor watches from afar. - Nicole gets an invitation to a romantic rendez-vous with Austin on the roof. - Kate tells Victor that he knows that he



Episode #22 - Tuesday, January 10th:

Episode #22 - Tuesday, January 10th: - Jack and Jennifer return from Smith island and come face to face with Frankie at the Devereaux House! - Mimi remains disturbed by her dream about Rex. - Victor and Kate argue about how Kate is "protecting" Phillip. - Bo and Billie grow closer than they have been in years. Hope spies a hug between them and grows jealous. - Stefano is devastated to hear of Tony's murder! He breaks down and trashes the Dimera living room - vowing revenge on whoever murd



Episode #21 - Monday, January 9th:

Episode #21 - Monday, January 9th: - Sami and Carrie manage to talk themselves out of being arrested when the police officers find out they are Roman Brady’s daughters, and Carrie and the officer realize they went to school with one another! - Victor is shocked when the bug he planted in John’s office picks up a shocking conversation between Bonnie and Kate that reveals Claire is Shawn’s baby! - Bo and Hope grow further apart as she keeps hidden the shocking secret Tony told her on his



Episode #20 - Friday, January 6th:

Episode #20 - Friday, January 6th: - Carrie and Sami arrive back in Salem and break into Jan's house. - Cassie screams as Stefano/Alex grabs her from behind. - Rex manages to get back out of the loft before Shawn and Mimi can see who walked in on them! - Victor decides to play dirty in his war against Basic Black so he has a bug planted in John's office. - Marlena prays that God will help John find a way to find her. - Jan's neighbors call the cops who catch Sami and Carrie snooping in J



Episode #19 - Thursday, January 5:

Episode #19 - Thursday, January 5: - Jan tells Sami and Carrie that in her parents' estate on the outside of Salem in a floorboard in her room lies files proving that Nicole attempted to kill both Colin Murphy and Victor, a video tape proving that she tried to kill each of them, a video tape of her past as a porn star, and an audio casette in which Nicole detailed Victor's attempted murder. - Hope visits Celeste and asks her about her time at Maison Blanche. Celeste explains that Hope arrive



Episode #18, Wednesday, January 4th

Episode #18, Wednesday, January 4th: - Carrie and Sami come face to face with Jan Spears (Heather Lindell) at the hospital in Chicago! They explain that they want the goods on Nicole and was told by Victor that she had them! - Kate and Billie manage to cover up what Bo has heard. Bo and Billie continue to comfort each other over the loss of Chelsea. Billie keeps the truth about Chelsea a secret! - Alex/Stefano learns that Hope was sneaking around the mansion looking for proof of the secret



Episode #17 - January 3rd, 2006

Episode #17 - January 3rd, 2006: - It's a new day in Salem! - Cassie makes a phone call to Rex (Eric Winter returns to the canvas) and tells him that he needs to come back to Salem because Shawn and Mimi are engaged! - Carrie and Sami travel to Chicago to nail Nicole. Sami revels in the fact that she ruined Austin and Carrie's day long date. Meanwhile, Carrie remains regretful over the situation as a hurt and confused Austin ponders why Carrie was being so secretive about breaking up their da



Episode #16 - January 2, 2006

Episode #16 - January 2, 2006: - Lexie and Abe are called to the hospital where Lexie is told that Tony has died. The nurse tells her that an autopsy has already been done, and that Tony was murdered by being taken off of his respirator! - Austin and Carrie continue to kiss after the clock strikes twelve. - Lucas once again tries to confess his love to Sami, but she tells him that everything with her grandfather and Austin/Carrie, she really needs a friend in him right now. And he agrees.



Episode #15 - Friday, December 30th:

Episode #15 - Friday, December 30th: - Shawn and Mimi spend the night in Alice's and dance the night away. They share a romantice evening. - Hope and Billie individually are tormented by Tony's secrets. They vow revenge on him. - Abby and Max leave the party and head to the Penthouse Grille. - Jennifer is pleasantly surprised when she sees the beautiful dinner that Frankie has planned at the Devereaux house. - At the party, Carrie tells Austin that she wants to pursue a relationship with he



Episode #14 - Thursday, December 29th:

Episode #14 - Thursday, December 29th: - It is New Year's Eve in Salem, and Victor decides to throw a party at the Penthouse Grille to try and get everyone's mind off of the grief and devastation. - Phillip tells Belle that he wants to try and work out their problems. He loves her and Claire more than anything and understands that she still loves Shawn, given their long history. - Sami and Carrie brainstorm how to get Nicole out of Austin's life. - Belle talks to Lexie and learns that a ther



Episode #13 - Wednesday December 28th:

Episode #13 - Wednesday December 28th: - Kate senses that something is bothering Billie besides Chelsea's death. - Abby and Max grow closer than ever as they continue to recall Josh and Chelsea. - Kate pushes Billie to open up to her. - Stefano/Alex tells Jack that he is cured and free to re-unite with Jennifer and his children. However, Stefano informs Jack that he must act as his new pawn in Salem! - Bo and Hope meet with Mickey who tells them that Glen and Barb did indeed have it in writ



Episode #12 - Tuesday, December 27, 2005:

Episode #12 - Tuesday, December 27, 2005: - Patrick and Chelsea’s funerals are held as the Lockhart’s, the Brady’s, and the Reed’s/Robert’s mourn their losses. - Everyone recalls their favorite memories of Patrick and Chelsea. - Hope tries to comfort Bo, but is hurt when Bo and Billie are the only two who can comfort each other over the death of their daughter. - Cassie decides to lay off Mimi in the wake of her brother’s death, but she vows when the dust settles, she’ll make Mimi pay for



Episode #11 - December 26, 2005:

Episode #11 - December 26, 2005: - Alex spends the night at the Green Mountain Lodge explaining to Jack that he has a cure for his illness, but it will come at a price. - The families of Salem attempt to celebrate Christmas day together despite the devastation and the mourning they are feeling. - It is a day of mixed emotions as grief and Christmas celebration are abound in Salem. - Caroline, Carrie, Sami, Shawn, Zach, J.T., Max, Frankie, Roman, Bo, and Hope spend the holiday together at




Here a few things you can expect from the Blog in the future! General: I had to have something quick and sudden that could wipe out the dead weight and fat of the cast and put the show in the position I wanted it to be in when I "took over" - if you will. So, the tragedy at the pub was very, very sudden and rushed, but things will start to slow down a bit, yet keep some of the drama and keep the storylines moving. I am going to undo some paternity butchery that I think should have been undone



Episode #10 - Friday, December 23rd:

Episode #10 - Friday, December 23rd: - Alice suggests the Brady's and the Horton's go to St. Luke's and talk to Fr. Jansen about combining Midnight Mass with a Memorial Service for those whose lives were lost in the tragedy at the Pub. - Billie, Bo, Kate, Hope, Abby, and Max are dealt devastating news when Lexie reveals that Chelsea has, too, passed away from her injuries that she recieved in the second blast! - Bo and Billie are devastated beyond words. Billie tells Bo that she won't be abl



Episode #9, Thursday, December 22nd:

Episode #9, Thursday, December 22nd: - Marlena awakens. She is horrified to realize that she wasn't dreaming, and she really is being held prisoner by Stefano! - Billie and Max await news on Chelsea. Bo, Hope, and Kate eagerly await the news, as well. - Billie remains devastated over Chelsea and the secret Tony has told her. She struggles with when to tell Bo. - The Lockharts continue to reel from the news that Patrick has died. - Belle provides comfort to Mimi as they put the current stat



Episode #8: Wednesday, December 21:

Episode #8: Wednesday, December 21: - Belle continues to deny her love for Shawn, but Phillip pushes and pushes until Belle finally admits that she is still in love with Shawn! - Celeste predicts that many more lives will be lost. Celeste tells Bo that someone close to him is going to die! - With Patrick, Nicole, Abe, Chelsea, Glen, Barb, and Doug still inside, the Pub undergoes a second explosion as the Brady's and the Horton's look on with horror. - Patrick and Chelsea are recovered fro



Episode #7 - Tuesday, December 20th:

Tuesday, December 20th: - Lexie, Frankie, and Jack see what has happened on the news! Lexie and Frankie rush to the scene! Jack stays and prays that Abby, Jack Jr., and Jennifer were not at the Pub. - Abe is stunned when he begins to realize that his eyesight is coming back! - Tony whispers something to Billie before losing consciousness again. - The E.M.T.'s perform C.P.R. on Sami as Caroline, Lucas, Carrie, and Austin watch in tears. The E.M.T.'s apologize and tell them that Sami has passe



Episode #6: Monday, December 19, 2005

Monday, December 19th - Everyone lays unconscious and lifeless in a fiery haze that is the now-unrecognizable Brady Pub! - Bo comes to and struggles to find Hope! Once he does, they begin searching for their loved ones. - Bo and Hope manage to rescue Maggie, Mickey, Alice, and Caroline. - Austin comes to and sees that Carrie, Nicole, and Sami are all unconscious and lifeless and is horrified when he realizes he only has time to save one woman. Seconds later, Austin emerges from the flames



Episode #5 - Friday December 16th:

Episode #5 - Friday December 16th: - Lucas tells Sami and Austin that his surprise for them is waiting outside - they turn and are shocked to see Carrie walk through the door! Austin and Carrie lock eyes. Sami tries to get her bearings, but she later faints. - Carrie expresses her disappointment in Lucas for using her as a means to hurt Austin and Sami. - Abe and Jennifer manage to calm Celeste down, but she has the Pub in a state of panic. - Lexie and Frankie search every room in the Lodge,



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