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A progressive take on a modern classic. Picking up right before MAB was let go, here is my version of this iconic show....

Entries in this blog

Keemo helps Victor Fight Jack! #184

Genoa City Memorial Hospital.     Hillary walks into Nate’s room and sees Olivia with her head laying upon Nate’s chest. It’s hard to take in the sight of Nate hemmed up in a body cast knowing she played a significant role in making that happen. The guilt is so much a tear forms in her eye.     Olivia: Nathan, I need you to wake up from this coma. Son please I love you. I can’t lose you like this.     Olivia sits up and wipes the tears coming from her eyes and also she takes a tissue to



Victor strikes back at Jack! #183

Jabot Cosmetics      Hillary walks into Jack’s office. She sees him drinking a glass of champagne.     Jack hears the door close and looks in her direction.     Jack: Hillary just in time.     Hillary: In time for what sir?     Jack: To have a glass of champagne with me and celebrate in my owning Newman. My family doesn’t support me.     Hillary: I’m sorry Mr. Abbott. I came back in here to apologize for running out. This morning sickness is getting worse.     Jack: Morning



Jack is Winning the War against Victor! #182

Crimson Lights, Patio.   A mystery person continues to eavesdrop on Michael and Phyllis’ conversation. Phyllis: Dru is the one responsible for Sophia’s accident. Sophia was trying to avoid hitting me and hit the telephone pole instead, killing her. That’s all Dru’s fault! Michael: By Dru pushing you down that hill yes it is her fault. Phyllis: Check mate Bitch! Dru is going around town telling people and also telling the police I tried to push her off that cliff at the photo shoot. N



Phyllis comes to a Stunning Conclusion #181

Two cars enter the two entrance ways that lead to the Chancellor Estate. A jaguar and a chevy cruz meet and park. Out the Jaguar is Jill who wraps her scarf around her neck as fresh snow is falling from the sky. Nina hops out the Cruz she was driving but almost slips on some ice as the drive way has not been kept up.     Jill: Nina are you ok?     Nina: I am thanks Jill.     She says as they meet up. They look at the Chancellors Estate and see construction workers rebuilding the house.



Nikki has a Good Time with her Driver! #180

A taxi cab pulls unto the Newman’s land. As the taxi drives through the freshly fallen snow, Victor who sits in the back looks out the window. He can see his horse stable is empty and tall grass and plants stick up from the snow. He shakes his head. He sees Nick and Sharon’s old house and sees the windows are boarded up. Victor can’t believe his eyes. Then the taxi pulls up to the Newman Ranch.  He sees his house is also boarded up.      Victor: I’m going to walk around a bit mmmk?       T



Hungry Hearts of GC! #179

Police rush and assemble at the local convenient store on Dearborn St. in Chicago. A crowd begins to develop around Karynn and the man she just slapped. He rubs his face.     Police: Hands up, step away from one another!     Esther gets out of the Cadillac and hollers over to Karynn.        Esther: I saved you Miss Sheppard, I called the police! I was so afraid of what this man was going to do you!       Karynn: Oh Essie you really shouldn’t have.     An officer walks over to Kary



Karynn and Esther do Chicago! #178

Midtown GC, Hungry Hearts Scotty walks in the bathroom and sees Phillip Chancellor in a stall  leaned back onto a toilet and  holding his nose. Scotty then looks at Rufus and Corsica. Scotty: What is going on here? Scotty looks down at the last line of Coke on the sink and then back at Phillip. Rufus: Get outta here kid! We got this one go find your own man. Scotty is stunned and looks at Phillip again. Scotty decides to leave the restroom and grab a drink at the bar. Phillip s



Nikki gets a Surprise Visitor! #177

GCAC     Karynn and Esther descend the stairs from the hotel suites and down into the bar and restaurant. They grab a seat at the bar.     Esther: Karynn I don’t think I should drink so early in the day.     Karynn: Non  sense Essie. A little drink will never hurt no body.     The bar tender walks over to the duo.     Karynn: We will both have a sex on the beach and make it extra strong, I got work to do.     The bar tender gives Karynn a look and then goes to make the drink



Avery is Exposed for her Coke Habit and Affair with Cane!! #176

The Jail.     Michael and Victor continue to face off.     Michael: Victor honestly there isn’t too much more you can to do me. I’ve lost everything thanks to you.      Victor: As you should have my boy. That is the price you pay when you go against Victor Newman.        Sister Patterson who is watching the intense conversation feels she needs to chime on behalf of her new ally.                     “Amend Brother Newman. Let him know no one goes up against the almighty. Especially



Victor Newman and Sister Patterson strike an "Unholy" Alliance?! #175

. Noah pulls up to the debris that once was Verdon Lou, Sheila’s Cabin. He gets out his black mustang and closes the door. He looks at all the charred debris. He screams out...     “MOM!” He says. He walks over to the debris and kicks a little of it around.     “MOM” he hollers out again.     He begins to have tears fall down his face as he thinks of his mother Sharon.     Noah: Mom you can’t be gone. Not like this… Please not like this!     Noah then falls to his knees as his br



Sharon Newman is DEAD! #174

The City Jail, Interrogation room.     Les and Roxanne face each other sitting at a table.     Roxanne: I can’t believe Spencer would let me go to jail like this.     Leslie: Rox, you did assault Hillary, your half-sister I might add.     Rox: I didn’t ask for the whore to be any kin to me. I don’t like her, she is all kinds of wrong for Nate.     Leslie: But that doesn’t give you a right to put your hands on her. That’s not the way the law works.     Rox: The law worked for yo



Lily learns Cane sold their TWINS for Cocaine! #173

Gina’s Italian Bistro     Victoria walks in and is greeted by Gina herself.         Gina: Welcome Victoria, it’s lovely to see you.     Victoria: You too Gina.     Gina: How is your mother holding up? I was very worried about her the last time you were here with her.     Victoria: I’m going to see her in the morning. She says she’s fine but I’m keeping an eye on her.     Gina: Good. I know she is taking Katherine’s death pretty hard.     Victoria: She is.     Gina: Well



Dru Returns to Genoa City and Takes REVENGE! #172

GC Memorial Hospital. Everyone looks at Mary to some and Vandalynn to others. Mary looks at the room of people. During her scan she spots Scotty. She then spots Daniel and then also Noah. Mary faints at seeing all three men she slept with in one room. Daniel looks at Mary with intense interest. He then has a flash back of sex with a blonde bombshell in the alley. She grabs his privacy again and massages it to arouse him. Daniel: I mean really, right here. Van: Why not? Let’s have fun…. Ad



Head Banger #171

GC Memorial Hospital Roxanne looks at her new family, ex stripper and hooker turned disbarred lawyer Leslie and her pimp and Roxanne’s father Spencer, the disgraced Genoa City district attorney standing with her newest arch enemy Hillary. Roxanne brushes the hair from her face and walks over to them. Leslie extends her arms out for a hug. Roxanne gives one to make things look good in front of Hillary.   Roxanne: I saw on the news about Nate what happened Leslie were you there? Hillary: Lesli



Drucilla Winters vs Sheila Carter and Dru WINS!! #170

GC Memorial Neil is in emergency surgery. He has nurses and doctors to his right and left trying to save his life. The doctor on his left cuts open Neil’s body. The incision goes from right below his nipple down to just above his waist line. The surgeon has to locate the bullet. The surgeon uses his surgical tool to move raw and bloody body parts around. They can see Neil’s lungs getting bigger and smaller with each breath he takes off his ventilator. The surgeon continues to move body organs ar



Malcolm Shoots Neil, Kidnaps Moses then mows down Nate! #169

Dru calls out Sharon’s name amongst the charred debris of the cabin. A paramedic rushes over to her and begins to check her out. They lay her down on a stretcher. Dru: There are more people that was here. You got to find Sharon. And Shelia Carter. She’s alive and she did all of this! She crazy. Crazy Carter! Cray for short. Cop: Ma’am we will do all we can to find any survivors or bodies. Paramedics rush over to Avery’s body which is unconscious on the ground. The medic takes a



Crack Kills! (Aftermath!) #168

GC Memorial Phillip suddenly sits up and hollers out Cane’s name. Nina, Jill and Chance who were all sleeping wake up in disarray. Chance: Dad what about Chance, did he do this to you? Phillip looks around at his family feeling dazed and confused. Phillip: What happened? He feels pain in his hand and looks at it. He sees it is bandaged up. He remembers Cane shooting him. Phillip: It was Cane. It was CANE! Where is he,… we have to stop him! Phillip says try



VERDON LOU/Malcolm : It's OVER!! Climax! #167

Malcolm shoots his own brother point blank in the chest! Everyone is horrified as Lily, Leslie, Lauren, and Olivia all cry out in agony. Hillary is also crying but it’s more like tears of silence trying not to draw attention to herself, keeping her head on the ground. As Neil stumbles, he continues to keep his gaze right into Malcolm’s eyes. Malcolm grabs Moses and runs out the ball room with him. Neil feels an incredible impact has been bestowed upon him. He is reeling as his legs beg



Malcolm takes his Family Hostage! #166

Malcolm, feeling hopeless and wanting revenge takes his own family hostage. Cane tries to fix the gas leak in Sheila’s cabin in Verdon Lou as Sheila tends to her mystery patient as her hostages, Dru and Sharon try to plea with Sheila’s daughter Mary once again for their freedom. Drama continues at the Colonnade Room Malcolm has taken Lily’s home coming party hostage. Everyone including, Olivia, Nate, Neil, Leslie, Lily, Moses, Devon, and Abby are on the ground as Malcolm has commanded.



M is for Malcolm and his Madness!! #165

The Colonnade Room. Lily now being played by Megan Goode reaches the bottom of the staircase as Lauren looks down from the balcony. She smiles. Sister Patterson walks over to Lily with her microphone still in hand. Sister Patterson: May I present to you, another soldier of the Lord My comrade on the battlefield, Sister Lily Winters. Neil is floored as he walks over to his daughter and hugs her. Lily: Dad it’s so good to see you. Neil: You look stunning. Lily: I think so



Secrets Revealed! #164

The Colonnade Room The Song “At Your Best” by the late Aaliyah beings to play over the surround sound. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntyTk-gXM6E ^^ Allow to play for the best effect for the next 3 scenes... Leslie grabs Neil and leads her in a slow dance. Leslie: I’m so glad we are past Sister Paterson’s antic. It’s annoying and not even funny. Neil: Yea there is something definitely wrong with that woman. But let’s not waste our time talking about her. Leslie: So this is ni



Stand-Off in Verdon Lou! #163

The Colonnade room, off by the indoor water fountain. Abby and Hillary are talking. Hillary is still eyeballing Devon. Abby notices this and tugs at her. Abby: You’re really looking at my Devon. Hillary: Oh I’m sorry. He’s very handsome just like my Nate. Abby: So no more Roxanne? Hillary: My goodness no. She got kicked to the curb. Out with the old and in with the new. Abby: I tried so hard for so long to get Devon to see Roxanne was no good for him. But she had this hold



All Roads Lead to Verdon Lou #162

GC Nights Roxanne walks in and sees Daisy having a drink and chatting with Ty, the bar tender. She walks over to the duo. Daisy notices Roxanne approaching her and smiles. She gets up and gives her a hug. Daisy: Hey there! I’m glad you could make it. You sounded very upset on the phone is everything ok? Roxanne: Let me get a long island. She says looking at Tyler. She then returns her attention to Daisy. Roxanne: I just found out, that that bitch Hillary is my half-sister and Devon



Karynn Kracks (C)! #161

GC Memorial Hospital Dr. Nate Hastings is running a set of vitals on Karynn who’s sleeping. As the blood pressure cup tightens its grip around Karynn’s arm she wakes up, in a confused state. Karynn: I need a smoke where are my smokes? Nate: There will be none of that here. It’s what landed you here in the first place. Karynn: I don’t understand. Nate picks up the morning paper and hands it to Karynn. Karynn: Let me put my glasses on. I’m not good with math without my glasses. Nate



Sheila has what Cane needs? #160

On a back country road, county township road 31 James sitting in his daughter’s Mary’s Honda Civic fires his gun in Mary’s direction. It misses Mary and instead the target of the bullet is the driver side window and it shatters. Mary screams. Mary: You really are cray cray! In fact you maybe be crazier than Sheila herself. She would never try to hurt her kids. James: What the hell is a cray? Mary: Crazy!! James: No it’s your very much alive mother that is cray cray cray. And you are



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