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Dancing With The Stars: Discussion Thread

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I have to give Mario credit-he was very gracious and classy. I can't say the same for Karina. That girl couldn't even crack a fake smile or say congrats to Emmit and Cheryl. Mario should look at Karina because she is the reason why he lost.

I also like how classy Emmit was. His words to Mario were heartfelt and Cheryl does deserve an MVP. She is the best pro and has the best personality of all the pros. I was so happy for them and I just loved how happy Monique was for Emmit. She practically jumped into his arms. I also loved Jerry dancing with one of Emmit's daughters. How sweet.

Emmit's family looked so happy. I am so happy. Mario gets props from me. If only he had a different partner he would've won this thing.

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Not gonna happen. And not so gracious either. Check out the People link below. He dissed all the other "girls on the show". Apparently, nobody in the world is better than Karina. :rolleyes: And he really can't be complaining about the popularity element of the competition when he did just as much appealing for votes as anyone else. Generally speaking, I find it kind of annoying when people are happy to go along with things as long as it benefits them, then act like the system is the problem when the outcome is not favorable to them. It's like campaigning for an election, accepting all that goes along with it, and then crying foul when you lose. Everything's right and fair up until the point you lose and then it's wrong and unfair. :rolleyes:


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I believe this was Karina's first time with DWTS and she is the five time Latin dance champion. I think she has earned her credentials and won't mark her down since she earned it. She has Latin blood, which seems rather passionate and doesn't bother me one iota. Apparently a lot of people wanted her to be more benign and friendly and blame her for Mario not winning and if so, that is a true shame. Cheryl is a one time champ on DWTS and Emmitt is a three-time Super Bowl champ so they really had the clout and I think Mario may have felt a tremendous amount of pressure. I'm proud of him and hope that Karina, if she returns, will be better received.

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Wow applcin I didn't know that.

Ok now I am not keen on Mario but I really dislike Karina. Jean that isn't latin passion or fire. She is just not a nice person and couldn't help but throw a dig at Emmit in at the end with her "best man on the floor" comment. She is the reason I and many could not root for Mario and her two straight rule breaking weeks were the first incidents in what was a season long trend of Karina rolling her eyes at the judges at the sight of a little criticism. No other dancers do that except for Louis once in awhile. Karina is one I hope stays away for good. Let her go back to pros because her attittude and lack of class disgusted me. Mario at least was gracious, although what applcin posted is disheartening.

I don't see how Emmit had any clout when he did not know much about dancing at all whereas Mario did. mario was hyped as the fave from day one. Cheryl has clout because she won it before but Emmit has none. Mario felt pressure just like everyone else and did fine. Karina and her personality killed his chances along with the riskless freestyle they did.

Oh well--it's over and I am happy for Cheryl and Emmit.

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My reference to Cheryl and Emmitt having clout is in regard to their winning abilities. Both are determined to succeed and give their all to what they commit to. That is the way it is with true winners. I just think Mario felt that he had to be his best to be in the competition. I do like Karina. Dancers have tempermental attitudes, sort of Prima Dona types if they are champions, well some do at any rate. I don't expect the professional dancers to be my roommate or spouse or kid or friend, just to entertain me and do a good job for what they are hired to do. It would not hurt Karina to take a "How to Win Friends and Influence People" course LOL or even any marketing/selling image course because it would be immensely in her best interest to understand why getting folks turned onto her is to her benefit.

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I'm with you I don't watch DWTS because it just doesn't interest me. But I've always liked Emmitt Smith, even if he did play with the Dallas Cowboys.

Anyone on that show who is mad they lost needs to get over themselves. It's just an entertainment show. It's not an actual dancing championship. Just because Mario has dancing experience doesn't mean anything. Many football players have to move like ballerinas to make some of their touchdowns, so it doesn't surprise me that one could have those kinds of moves. :lol:

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I think Mario was the best dancer as far as technical moves. But I think Emmit had the whole package - he was very good technically (though a little less than Mario) but much better as an entertainer. He had me tapping my toes and clapping with all his performances the last few weeks. Remember the judges had Emmit and Mario virtually tied in the competition.

Also thumbs down to Mario complaining about how he was the best dancer and still lost. And no way is Karina a better dancer than Cheryl. It just points out the arrogance so many of the viewers saw from Mario the last few weeks. He felt entitled to that win and darn near almost lost his lunch when he lost. It was an utter shock to him that he didn't get that trophy. Whereas Emmit was so thankful and gracious about it all.

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I agree, Bree. Everybody knows the premise of the show going in. The pros, the celebs, the viewers. They all know it's part judges, part audience...that's part of its broad appeal. Sometimes the judges and audience agree, sometimes they don't. (And in the case of this finale, the judges tied the teams, they completely levelled the playing field and left it to the viewers. Although, even if the judges had scored Emmitt in 2nd place, it would have tied the two teams in ranking points but, because he had the popular vote, Emmitt still would have won.) If it was a strict dance competition, there would be no audience voting and both Mario and Joey would have been eliminated the nights they broke the rules and the judges came down very hard on them for doing so. The viewers saved them both. So were the judges right in slamming them for dances done incorrectly or was the audience right for liking seeing someone dancing well but not in the style called for? The way the show is set up, both count. The same thing that can make ya can break ya. It's just as fair/unfair whether it benefits you or hurts you. The setup must be working because this season was more popular than ever and the phone lines were still hot an hour after Tuesday's show ended.

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