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Dancing With The Stars: Discussion Thread

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My personal favorites are Cheryl and Emmitt. Cheryl's been my favorite pro dancer since last season and I think she's done a great job with Emmitt. However, I do believe Mario will win. Emmitt doesn't have quite the flexibility that Mario has. Neither does Joey. Their arms do seem stiff on occasion. And I just haven't felt Joey at all this season. I mean, I think he's done fine but he's just never moved me. I think Monique has done very well but I don't see her having enough fan support to take the top spot. I think Joey or Monique is going to leave next, depending on whose performance is the least impressive of the two next week. I do think Joey has an edge with the viewers in terms of familiarity and likeability but if he is not particularly impressive next week, he could go. Then again, Emmitt's next dance could really suck and he could go, lol. I don't think Mario would end up even in the bottom two regardless of how he performs. He's done too well, and the viewers seem to agree, for folks to allow him to fall if he had one bad or mediocre performance, which I doubt would even happen anyway. Plus, I think he's appealing to fans who not only think he's a great dancer but think he's hot, or they've seen him on B & B (or whatever soap he's been on). He probably has a good variety of fans built up out there. I do think the final will be down to two men, but I don't know if the 2nd man will be Emmitt or Joey.

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I think Monique and Louis are gonna be out tomorrow...4th place again, just like Louis and Lisa last season. The judges scored them low and I don't think they'll have the fanbase to surpass the others. Before the show I was thinking it could go either way between Monique and Joey but I think he made a stronger showing and connection with the judges and the audience.

Emmitt and Cheryl all the way (I hope)!

Did anyone else get the e-mail about the tour and the couples? Willa & Max, Cheryl & Drew, Kym and Joey M., Louis & Lisa, Harry & Karina, and Joey L. & Edyta.

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Yeah I know about the tour. I like everyone on the list but Harry because he is not as good as the others.

Now on to today-why are they always so hard on Monique?

Carrie Anne always is hard on Louis and whoever his partner is it seems. She always seemed cold to Lisa last year too and she always does the same to Monique. Louis keeps mentioning the difficult level of their routines and instead of giving them props for it the judges try to encourage them to go the simple route when criticize others for lacking spontaneity? Carrie Ann and Len were major pains today to everyone but moreso Monique and Louis, who I felt danced well on the first dance and AMAZING on the second.

If it weren't for his partner and arrogance, I would love Mario. I hope he goes but I doubt it. My only hope is that some found his waltz as boring as I did but his second dance was fantastic so that probably erased his first dance. While his second dance was good, Len was right in that you always know what he is going to do. He dances all the latin dances the same with the same moves and all. He needs to change things up a bit and his ballroom is alright but tonight's ballroom dance for him I found sleep-inducing. I hate the waltz and always find it boring but his was more boring then usual.

Joey is coming on strong. I am loving him more and more and the fact that he is so nice helps. I was thinking he could go too but he stands to have a bigger fanbase then Monique. He did very well tonight.

Emmit and Cheryl are my faves and I think they are a lock for at least 2nd. If Jerry Rice can come in second for being stiff as a board last year, Emmit can at least get that far. He is performing very well and once again got screwed out of a perfect 30 because Carrie had to be downer like Bruno was last week.

Sadly, I think Monique will go. I wish it were Mario but I think her fanbase just isn't big enough. Her only hope is the fact she is the only girl left but her unfair low score hurt her.

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I found the judges giving away points to Monique. She was so clumsy and the last dance where they actually GAVE her two tens were just that, give aways. She nearly fell on her butt in one dip. It was pitiful. If she goes, she earned it. I think her failing is trying too hard.

I wanted to dance with Emmitt for certain :) He is so smooth and light on his feet. Great job on both his dances tonight and he makes such an excellent frame for Cheryl.

Of course, Mario will win.

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Wow Jean-how was Monique clumsy?

First off, if she ALMOST fell no one cares because she didn't and, secondly, she gets treated horribly by the judges so them giving away points is a ridiculous point. She is given the most difficult routines of anyone and, like Len said, it's a miracle she even keeps up but she performs them well. She has never flopped altogether except for her first dance. If she is clumsy with the dancing she does, it's totally understandable given the skill level. However, I didn't see any of that clumsiness tonight.

That second dance deserved another ten, especially given her skill level. Just like Emmit and Cheryl's dance last week and second dnace this week it ranked up there. Her first dance was alright but that second dance was amazing.

I agree with King that I want Mario to go but, sadly, it will be MO.

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October 31, 2006

Dancing With The Stars Final Four Performances

For the final four Dancing with the Stars performance show, the remaining couples danced both a ballroom dance and a Latin dance. For their first dance, Joey Lawrence & Edyta Sliwinska danced the Tango. Len Goodman said “I’ve got to say to you now Joey, fantastic.” Bruno Tonioli said “You managed to do a totally convincing Tango.” Carrie Ann Inaba said “You’re usually the best at ballroom, and tonight you definitely proved your worth.” Joey & Edyta received a score of 28 out of 30 points.

For their second dance, Joey Lawrence & Edyta Sliwinska danced the Paso Doble. Bruno Tonioli said “You’re having a good time, you look hot and sexy together, keep going.” Carrie Ann Inaba said “I think you’re finding the perfect balance now, between your performance, having fun, and getting the technique down.” Len Goodman said “I didn’t like your arms, I thought the start was a little bit messy, I know Bruno liked the end, I though you went wrong a little bit at the end.” Joey & Edyta received a score of 26 out of 30 points.

For their first dance, Mario Lopez & Karina Smirnoff danced the Waltz. Bruno Tonioli said “The true fairy tale Waltz, a new romantic leading man is born tonight.” Carrie Ann Inaba said “I think you moved us all tonight.” Len Goodman said “It was so poignant and beautiful, it was a great job, well done Mario.” Mario & Karina received a score of 28 out of 30 points.

For their second dance, Mario Lopez & Karina Smirnoff danced the Sambo. Carrie Ann Inaba said “That rocked, that was the best.” Len Goodman said “Each individual step is lovely and it’s great, but somehow when you join them altogether it lacks a spontaneity about it.” Bruno Tonioli said “Supersonic, super-charged, super Mario is at it again.” Mario & Karina received a score of 29 out of 30 points.

For their first dance, Monique Coleman & Louis Van Amstel danced the Tango. Carrie Ann Inaba said “You are definitely the most gutsy dancer we have in this competition, but I think tonight you overreached yourself.” Len Goodman said “It had a lot of passion to it, and it was an extremely difficult routine.” Bruno Tonioli said “If you were slightly doing something more easier, it would have been better.” Monique & Louis received a score of 24 out of 30 points.

For their second dance, Monique Coleman & Louis Van Amstel danced the Cha-Cha-Cha. Len Goodman said “It had flair, it had speed, it had great rhythm, I loved that New Yorker section over there, it was fantastic.” Bruno Tonioli said “That was cha-cha-charming, Monique.” Carrie Ann Inaba said “I’ve got to say way to come back and show it to us.” Monique & Louis received a score of 29 out of 30 points.

For their first dance, Emmitt Smith & Cheryl Burke danced the Fox Trot. Len Goodman said “You have got a charm about you, there’s a naturalness that I love, and it’s a masculine type of dance that you do, but for me there was only about four bars of that whole routine in the ballroom hold, and you can’t confuse Latin with ballroom.” Bruno Tonioli said “It was a very creative interpretation of the Fox Trot.” Carrie Ann Inaba said “Watch your arms, you need a little more spring…a little…you’ve got to pop your moves just a hair more, you’re a little too slick.” Emmitt & Cheryl received a score of 25 out of 30 points.

For their second dance, Emmitt Smith & Cheryl Burke danced the Rumba. Bruno Tonioli said “Oh Emmitt man, you know how to play a woman, nobody can teach you anything.” Carrie Ann Inaba said “The men want to dance like you, the women want to dance with you, you guys did a great job, the chemistry was there.” Len Goodman said “The whole routine had class written over it, I just think it was fantastic.” Emmitt & Cheryl received a score of 29 out of 30 points.

Who will be going home next on Dancing with the Stars? The judges vote put Monique Coleman & Louis Van Amstel in last place, and our prediction is that the viewer vote will not save them. We predict that Monique Coleman will be the next to go home.

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I am hearing that Monique is saying that she wished the judges had given her 10s when she really earned them. It wasn't a very good performance and some are saying the judges did that as a voting ploy, but will we know and if so, it could backfire.

Also, in my snooping, I'm hearing that the ladies seem to be criticized the most because the ladies have the most intricate steps to execute. I can see that. In comparison, the professional ladies are near perfection and the amateurs inexperience shows the most. Also that men seem to have the advantage because they lead.

Monique has danced her little heart out. She did extremely well to get this far and her fan base may bring her up. My personal thoughts: they practice barefoot or with flats but the performance is in very high heels (another disadvantage for the ladies) and I doubt that Monique is accustomed to wearing high heels in her real life. It has to be very difficult to execute those steps, that fast in heels that your legs and ankles aren't meant to make.

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Well, I was outraged at how low Emmit was marked on his first dance. I loved it!

I also thought Mario's first dance was one of his worst yet. How it got 28 points I will never know. Boring, not my idea of a fairy tale waltz.

I also thought this was one of Monique's worst nights. I did not enjoy the first dance - she made a lot of mistakes.

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I agree that I was outraged on how low Emmitt & Cheryl were rated on their 1st dance. I loved it.

I think Mario & Karina, Emmitt & Cheryl and Joey & Edyta should be the final 3. Monique & Louie are good, but not as good as the other 3 couples and should go home this week. I'm rooting for Mario & Karina to win.

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