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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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Damn, a lot has happened in the last few days!

I'm kind of glad Howie is gone because now it'll be interesting to see what Janelle does. I expect her to try to get closer to CT, and they'll keep her around simply because they will have control over her.

And, Boogie winning HOH just goes to show what I was thinking all along... Will and Boogie ARE capable of winning competitions, but just throw them to stay under the radar.

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Wow I am surprised by some of the happenings. I have not checked in since yesterday. I am very surprised that Howie is gone.

I feel for Janelle in some ways, but in some ways I don't. It is sad that I was such a big fan of hers, and I do still like her but for reasons of her own and reasons of the whole BB thing, I just lost respect for her this season.

I still don't like James anymore than I really did last year, but I don't see him as all the blame like so many do. I keep reading that James betrayed his alliance when I just don't see that he did. I think all of them were dumb for not seeing what CT was doing, but that week that James turned on Janelle - he really tried to talk to Janelle about changing things around. But Janelle would not listen at all. I know that some say she had already made up her mind, but she still did what Will wanted her too. Janelle never would listen to James. Janelle tried to run things - even that week telling Howie that this was one POV they didn't want to win or something like that. Janelle played Will's game for him. Danielle and gang did too, but Janelle was the biggest one too because she was HOH more. So I see Janelle as a betrayer of her alliance too. She too me is just as much to blame for Kaysar and Howie being gone from the game as anyone is.

But the one I blame more than anyone for S6's downfall is BB itself. They set S6 up from the start. All the other players had to know how popular the S6 players were, and that alone put a big target on them. Then they put more from S6 in the mix than they did any other season. And then 4 of them are voted in which I fully expected to happen. That made them a target even more. They were the most obvious choice for all to go against. And I don't blame Danielle and Allison for seeing that right from the start. I mean who would have really thought that Chilltown with it's number of 2 could dominate a whole house when S6 had 4 right from the start. Little did they know that the alliance of 2 was much stronger than the alliance of 4.

The thing that has made Will and Boogie so successful is that they communicate with each other and are on the same page. From the start the S6 game never communicated that well, and never could really agree on a game plan. And whether some can see it or not - Janelle let Will and Boogie influence her a whole lot more than she did the members of her alliance. I am sorry it was just way too obvious that she did.

I was sure hoping things would have been different than they turn out. I have ended liking Will's game plan, and I think he deserves to win because he has played the same game throughout. But I would still love to see him lose. Like Mike said yesterday his ego needs to be knocked down at least a peg or two.

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Janelle's truly upset because she thinks everyone in the house hates her. Her three friends were evicted, one right after the other.

I think Will's snowing Janelle, and it sucks he's doing that.

I'm honestly getting ill reading the live feed updates. This is an UGLY season. It started off with such promise ... everyone was getting along, laughing, having fun, and now it's just ugly.

I don't give a damn "who started what" who was nasty first ... etc. It's a game but these are real people with feelings and to laugh at them ... it's just WRONG.

Boogie may not be sold but I do think Will wants to keep Janelle in the house.

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Janelle is broken. Its hearbreaking watching her like this. She's done with the game and wants to go home. She told Will if Boogie puts her up, she's not even going to play for veto. The plan is to put her nad James up and she says she will throw it and leave James in the house to come after them. Will was trying to be supportive of her but Im sure its just in case she does stay.

Erika and Danielle were trashing her real good in the HoH room last night. Way to kick someone while they are down. I guess we'll have to see it on Sunday, but it sounds like Dani was really cheering over the fact that Janelle lost the HoH comp and then had the nerve to ask why she didnt want to talk to her. Gawd, I hate them.

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It's sickening watching those two hags. I wish All-Stars never happened. I want to remember the days I actually loved and rooted on Danielle. Hell, I even rooted on Erika in BB4 (Although now I like Jun better). Sigh. I can't believe I ever wanted All-Stars. Everyone is ugly and it's just very hard to watch.

I'm not just saying this as a Janelle fan (although I shouldn't have to defend myself; I can like who I damn well want to like), I feel like Janelle -- I'm just DONE with All-Stars. I really don't want to see any of these losers left win, except for Will. Not even Danielle anymore.

All the people I wanted to see win have been evicted (except for Jase ... lol, and Alison, kinda) with the exception of Janelle, and IMO, she's out this Thursday. I cannot WAIT to see everyone turn on each other. It'll be beautiful.

Thank god we have less than a month to go. I'll be sick if it's a Boogie/Erika final two.

Will, Boogie and Danielle all should of gone the first three weeks, IMO. I cannot believe the house (well, S6) kept them in. What idiots.

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I think WIll might want Janelle there with him for F2 because he thinks he can win. I don't see that happening. I actually see her winning. Obviously she has Howie's vote. Danielle and James have said that they respect Janelle's gameplay and the fact that she has won so many competitions. Boogie and Erika would probably vote for Will. So I think it would be close.

Janelle is very upset and depressed and talking volutary exit. Will last night was trying to get her to stay, which she did.

Man, lot of stuff happened last night!

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Hopefully Will can convince Boogie to put up James this week and that he gets evicted. If that happens then Janelle needs to allign herself with Dani. I think they are 2 of the most powerful players left and can get to the end together. I think both would call a truce on each other. Janelle needs to lay it out there that she has absolutely no one now and is playing for 2nd place bc she pissed off so many people. If James goes, Dani will realize that CT cant be trusted and hopefully Janelle will realize that too. If they win HoH, then CT needs to go up with the intent to get rid of Boogie bc he's stronger in competitions. Janelle can tell Will that just like with Howie, she had to get rid of his partner bc they were the only true alliance left in the house. Next they need to get rid of Erika, Will and George in that order. I hope Janelle stays and gets HoH just so she can make that deal with Dani

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I'm sorry, because I really like Janelle, but she did this to herself. You may not can't stand James, but how many times did he tell her to put up CT? And she didn't. Now, it is coming back to bite her right in that pretty ass of hers. Of course she got blind-sided. That's what happens when you concentrate on the ladies in the house and the floaters. And, with that speech that she made when she put up Dani and Erica, if they don't make it to the final two and she does, they will not remember all the HoHs and PoVs she won, they will remember that, and may not vote for her.

And, I was in Dani's corner as well, but she has turned right back into the Dracula's Bride she was the first time she was on. If she keeps this arrogant [!@#$%^&*] up, she will soon be following Howie out the door.

That's what Howie gets. If he would have spent more time playing the game instead of acting like a moron, he might still be in there.

And, every year tis show is on, it gets like this. I don't know why people say at the beggining that a BB is boring because there is no gameplaying or backsliding, and then when it happens, and their favorites get voted out, they hate that there is gameplaying and backsliding. These people are not there to like each other. They are there to play the game, and win a cool 500,000 grand. If they have to lie, cheat. and backslide, that's what they will do. I don't like it either, but that's why it's called reality tv.

I guess we'll see Howie's reaction tomorrow night.

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