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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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I highly doubt CBS would "fix" the game. This is always brought up when someones favorite gets evicted or put on the block, that CBS was fixing it. If they were, do you think they would have let last years game come down to the two that were left? PLEASE

James is pissed because he is not in as much control as he thuoght he was. That is pre-made alliance is now a mess. Big deal, you sleep with the fishes.....you know.

CG wants to win. He is a gentle man, that is why people do not like him. If they were smart they would kepe him for several more weeks. He is the ultimate floater that will go where he needs too.

Will, he needs to go. Sure he can't win competitions, but he is deadly when it comes to lies and backstabbing. And James should know better than to trust him.

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It's possible for the veto competition to be fixed, but I highly doubt it. James is just peeved about not having things go his way. Every competiton is vastly different and depending on a person's strengths and weaknesses, anyone can win or lose. I've heard a little bit about the competition, but haven't seen it yet, so perhaps it was something which George is really good at it. I'm glad he won! He shouldn't have been on the chopping block in the first place. He isn't a threat as far as the eye can see.

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That's great for CG!

Kaysar still looks hot even without hair.

I hope the S6 team convince James to nominate Will instead of Jase. I just see Will as a bigger threat in the longterm because he is so good at manipulating everyone else. After Will is out, Jase should be the next to go, imo.

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Yikes. He looks bad, but he'll look good in a few days when it grows in a bit.

I am actually glad that CG won. haha. I hate him, BUT he isn't a competitor. If James was stupid enough to try and gun for CG this week, it's like a higher power is telling him to gun for someone more powerful - Jase, Diane, Will, Boogie. CG isn't a threat. They're more of a threat at least. This way, one person who SHOULD be going WILL be going.

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CG has to live on the slop for two months? How fast will he be seriously malnutritioned? I think James should grow some balls and nominate Howie. I think the rest of the house will keep Will and get rid of Howie. Howie went after James once, like I said before Payback is a !@#$%^&*]. Or vote off Marjealous. So we may have to listen to him whine a bit but he will get over it.

I find it very funny that no girls were involved. Can you see a bald Janie or Erika. Seriously bad for ratings. I think Alison would have done it though.

Is Veto ceremony today or tomorrow?

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This stuff is soooo edited. Will said that he came on the show as a favor to Boogie and that he put pressure on the producers; Cuts to FLAMES. Theres stuff going on behind the scenes that they dont want us to know and it sucks how they keep putting those flames on when the HGs start to talk

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Hehe. It's K. :)

I agree. I do not like George. He's not an all-star. He's annoying. He's dumb. But I am glad he won the POV if it means James is forced to make a good decision! The two people put up should be some kind of combo between Diane/Jase/Boogie/Will. I'd go with Boogie and Jase.

I agree. I read somewhere Will asked James to put him up because the producers promised Will that this season would be amazing, and Will's disappointed.

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James better stop listening to how Kaysar wants to do stuff....George better not give Veto to save someone...Danielle called it; she said why put up someone that isn't a viable threat; and James goes and does exactly that; putting up someone that might have been out soon anyways...That wasn't a smart move.

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Um, that whole "put up the floaters and make them choose a side" thing by Kaysar and James was *SO* dumb. I was shaking my head the whole time in awe of how idiotic they sounded. What good does that do if they don't choose your side you idiots!

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From what I can tell on YouTube clips, Jase is hardcore with ChillTown. He and Boogie are really attached at the hip.

They want Janelle's head on a platter, especially Jase.


Wow. Jase really is going to make a GREAT father to that little girl he goes on and on and on about.

It seems like Kaysar wants Marcellas put up in George's place. And Janelle wants Erika put up. I think.


Things are going to come to a head. I can feel it. It's ChillTown Vs. Sea Six, BABY!

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