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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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Ugh! WTF is it with the people in the house (mostly BB6ers)? Do they not see that CHILLTOWN is a threat to them? Thankfully we have Janelle who knows that.

I can possibly understand why he would put Marcellas, since it's been rumored that he has probably formed a alliance with Danielle, but Marcellas is with the BB6ers versus Will and Mike Boogie who aren't.

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How is James supposed to play if he's making deals to not nominate 90% of the house? LOL! Why did he even try to win HOH? I bet he didn't want to, but had no choice once the other S6 people were eliminated. And he couldn't risk Danielle putting one of them up, either.

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Another Alliance revealed,

I knew about James and Dani, but the other two. Now I know WHY, James won't nominated CT.

In a private conversation between James Rhine, the current Head of Household, and Will Kirby, the winner of Big Brother 2, it was revealed that James, Will, Danielle Reyes and Mike 'Boogie' Matlin had formulated a pre-game alliance before stepping into the 'Big Brother' house.

During their conversation in the HOH room away from the prying eyes of the Jedi Council (Howie, Janelle and Kaysar), James and Will spoke about their pre-season telephone conversation and if Will was actually seriously playing the game or not.


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Awe....I hate this. I want James to stay true to the BB6 alliance, however I love that he is alligned with Danielle...just if Booger wasn't there. AWE I HATE THIS game, yet I love it.

Does anyone know where to get screencaps and such???

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I agree that it would've been better for James if he didn't get HOH this week. Yet, when the other BB6'ers were out of the game, he had to win. If he had thrown the competition and lost to Danielle, I don't think he wouldn't have faced any direct threat, but his BB6 alliance would've been in danger, and he can't afford to sacrifice that since he has safety in numbers.

It's interesting how practically everyone is aligned with the majority of other guests in the house. I look forward to when the time comes for people to have to choose between alliances. That's when the show will get very intense.

Let's see who is supposedly aligned with who:

Danielle- James, Mike, Will

Diane- Mike, Will, Jase

Erika- Marcellas, BB6'ers


Howie- BB6'ers, Jase

James- BB6'ers, Danielle, Will, Mike, Erika, Jase

Janelle- BB6'ers, Marcellas, Erika, Jase

Jase- BB6'ers, Diane

Kaysar- BB6'ers, Erika

Marcellas- Janelle, Erika

Mike- Will, Danielle, Diane, James

Will - Jase, Danielle, Mike

I'm not sure how accurate that is?!?!? I can surely say, James has formed the greatest alliances, and therefore is the safest for the time being.

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I love the Will/Boogie/Danielle/James alliance. The three best players ever. It's obvious Will has the most respect for Danielle.

If I was James I would nominate Howie and say "Paybacks a !@#$%^&*]. This is for your dumbass move from last year." He knows that he is last of the S6ers, so take them down beforehand. Put him up against Kaysar. He will win respect and votes from the jury.

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Noms are George and Will. James is saying it's because they are both saying that they don't want to be there. I think George will be the one gone though *fingers crossed* Will is just more entertaining. I do not want to watch a final four of Erika, Diane, Howie and George. How boring could you be? If it wasn't for Will, this show would have been cancelled.

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I love Will, but it's not enough to keep him around simply for entertainment purposes. The ultimate goal for all of these houseguests is to win the money. If James does nominate Will, sad to say, he should be gone. I do like the idea of James nominating people from the "Sea Sick" alliance, since everyone including him knows that those guys are only using James as long as they need him. If without them, James could last until the end of the game, he would have a lot of respect and great potential of getting the votes to win the game. Sadly, I strongly feel he needs the BB6'ers for security for a while, so such a move wouldn't be in his best interest.

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The best move stratigically would be for Will to be gone. CG is not a competitor at all. Will is not all that good at challenges, but he is a manipulator, that is how he won before and he should be taken out quickly. He is entertaining, but he should be the one to go.

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