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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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The S6 just toasted to the final four. It's premature, but it's good to know where James stands!

But now James is talking to Will and Diane and cutting deals with them about floaters. Grrrrr. I think breaking up Nak and Di and getting rid of Nakomis was GREAT. But this week if they get rid of CG like James wants to INSTEAD of breaking up Chill Town, then I will agree THAT is a bad move.

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I think nominations are.......friday night?

As of right now, I THINK, James and Janelle want to nominate Chicken George and Jase, and if Jase wins and uses the POV, then Will goes up.

This isn't bad. CG should stay though, IMO, about two more weeks.

Jase is gunning for them anyway so they might as well go after him!

I'd feel better with Will and Jase with Boogie being the replacement, but that's just me.

James realizes what everyone else in America knows - Chilltown can't win [!@#$%^&*].

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Food Competition happens this morning, and nominations happen later tonight. Probably around 5-ish BBT.

I'm on vacation in Texas at the moment (yesterday was ONE HUNDRED AND FREAKING FIVE DEGREES), so I'll be posting sporadically until Tuesday. We're taking a little side-trip to Oklahoma today through Sunday so I won't be around until then.

Anyway ... James better not nominate anyone of BB6 ... all I gotta say. LOL. I cannot believe the Sovs have won three weeks in a row! Damn!

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If their goal for this week is to take CG out, I'm gonna be pissed. Not because I like CG, but because this will be two boring weeks in a role. Why isn't anyone make a big play? No wonder this shows ratings are in the dump.

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ITA. I'm hoping James doesn't disappoint.....he usually has the guts to do whatever needs to be done.

The Chicken George nomination would suck....why bother evicting him now? <_< Everyone knows he's not a real competitor - just let him hang on for a few more weeks at least. :rolleyes:

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When I was watching the live feeds last night I thought he told Danielle that he had a deal with Boogie and Will before he went into the house and he was not going to put them up. James didn't start throwing out Will's name until he talked to Janelle later.

For some reason I think he was telling Danielle the truth because James has seemed a little irritated with Janelle lately that she always takes information that he gives her and tells someone else.

Danielle asked him who would you not put up he said:

Not Sov because it is to early.

Not Will and Boogie because he made a deal with them pre-game.

Not Diane or Danielle because he trusts both of them.

Then he said that leaves CG, Jase, Marcellas, and Erika.

He then said if he put up CG and Jase and one of them got off, he would have a hard time putting someone up. He said he would hate to put Erika up in someone's place but they don't have any sort of deals.

He also mentioned that he would feel bad if he put up Jase because he told Jase that he owed him one for saving Janelle week 1.

It should be interesting to see what goes down tonight. I'm happy James won his first HOH. :D

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On Housecalls today, Nakomis said that before her eviction night, James was hoping that he would get the next HOH, and she overheard him mention a few possible nominees if this happened. George is one of these possible nominees, with Marcellas being the other.

These two are no prime threat to him right now. I don't want to nominate anyone from the season 6 group because it is WAY too early on in the game for him to jeporadize his safety. I'm hoping to see Danielle and Diane and or Jase go up.

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