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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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when did Diane and Nakomis get so close? Its weird bc Diane stabbed her in the back 2 years ago. Last night I read that they were hating on Janelle Nerd Herd style, talking about her fake boobs and hair. Nakomis should be one to talk since her hair color changes every week. Right now its some bad yellow, orange mixture.

Nakomis and Kaysar were talking outside and had a really good conversation. She doesnt seem to hold any grudge against him and he let her know it was just business and how teh game goes. She asked him that if she leaves to make sure George doesnt stay bc he will Cowboy himself to the end.

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I know I am in the minority here, but Howie, Janelle and Kaysar are so getting on my nerves. I read on the feeds that James was all over them about how they reacted to Kaysar winning the HOH. James was right, there are nine of them and only 4 of the S6ers. James is playing the best game, his ear is to the ground and he is appearing to disassociate himself with them. Then he tells them everything.

IMO, they need to get rid of Howie if they want to suceed. Maybe take on Danielle or Erika and cut a deal. The way it's going, they are going to have to. They will be gone sooner rather than later.

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yeah they seem really close now though. Close to the point that Diane wont even campaign to save herself bc she would never do that to Nakomis. That shocked me bc Diane is one to play the game and do what it takes to further herself in it. She really seems to be friends with Nak now and they arent just allies

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I agree with you and James on how Janelle and Howie re-acted. James was pissed and screamed something right after he won. But it looked like he was screaming at BB. It looks like his mouth was like "Turn that down!" or something. Anyone know what that was about? But on the other side of the coin, I mean of course Howie and Janelle are happy Kaysar won. It's no secret that they'd be happy.

I think the Sov's are in trouble, but I don't think they are in as much trouble as they have been in the past in BB6. They are in as much trouble as they were when they first walked in, IMO.

I do think Howie, James, and Janelle are VERY capable of winning HOH Thursday. So, it would be great if Janelle won two of the first three HOH's! :lol: I have written Will, Danielle, and George off for winning competitions. I hope I am right. Jase, I am worried about, but I think he will fly under the radar, competition-wise, for two or three weeks, according to what he's sad in the D.R. I am worried that Nak/Di (whichever one stays) will win HOH Thursday. That seems to happen at LEAST once every season. I don't think Marcellas or Erika would nominate the Sov's, in the end.

Speaking of the Sov's and last season, I briefly watched my BB6 edits last night for no reason. It's weird. I detested Ivette most of the season. And I wanted Maggie to win badly. But looking back on it, I hate Maggie JUST as much. And I wanted Ivette to win. :lol: Oh, hindsight.

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I like Nik from season 5, but my favs are the BB6 crew. I'm glad Erika won veto, but I'd rather Diane go than Nik. Personally, I want Jase out more than them all because he's gonna fly under the radar, if he isn't already!

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I loved the SOVS last season but I'm kind of rooting against them right now. I loathe Howie this season where I Loved him last season.

Still love Janie but I think she's kind of playing a sloppy game so far.

Marcellas is hella annoying me with his whining. Same goes for Diane. Boogie is pissing me off with his constant singing causing the feeds to go to fire.

Right now I'd be happy with a Erika, Will, Danielle, Nakomis or Janelle win.

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I would rather Diane go than Nik. I think Nik deserves to be there more. I would like to see her go after Howie and Kaysar. It's making me angry about Marcelles and Erika, don't they realize that they are at best fifth in that alliance? They should be playing to both sides. Yes Mike and WIll are a strong alliance, but they are only two strong. Any time you can put them up and vote one of them off.

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I think I read something about Janelle and James thinking of a way to save Nak. Id rather her leave as I prefer Diane. It really could go either way.

IA Janelle is starting to scare me. She seems to trust Jase. Howie of all people tried to reason with her, but she thinks Jase is on their side. Boy is she mistaken.

I hope they show this on the air bc I missed it but apparently Jase blew up big time at Diane last night. Nak talked about how the Jase from her season has finally emerged.

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