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Big Brother 7: Official Discussion Thread (NO Spoilers)


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How annoying is Mike, I wish he would quit yelling CT baby its for you or something close to that. If he wins I will be royally pissed.

I will say Janelle is one of the hottest women I have ever seen, fake hair and all. :wub:

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I was really sad again for the second year in a row and I saw the way Janie was trying not to cry and she looked sad and had the same expression on her face like last year :( So now I don't care, b/c if Erika wins, I'll be pissed she does but glad Mike loses, and if Mike wins I'll be pissed he does but glad Erika loses. It's bittersweet either way, and I'm just disappointed at who is at the end, b/c IMO they were not All Stars to beging with. I still think Boogie will win, he's got Will, Dani and James and probably CG as well. Things could change though.

I also was once again sick about James's comment about Janie. He's supposed to be her friend IRL but he seems to despise her. Of course she wanted to look good for the jury, but she did feel bad when Marcie got voted out and she does regret a lot of the moves she did. IMO it wasn't her evicting Will that was her demise, it was her moves before and not getting rid of Boogie earlier when she had many chances. All the competitions she won-wich are what is hard in this game- so it would have been so easy to make smarter choices.

Yeah, CBS is cheap considering how much they gave Rupert. But I just want to see Janie's face light up when she wins, she knows how much we love her but this will be priceless.

She has beautiful legs, and God I love the way she spins :P I'll watch it again since I taped it :)

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Had Janelle won part 1 and Boogie part 2 (Probably considering Will's finger), Boogie could have still got all 5 questions right (And probably would have considering he was close to Erika like he was to Will) and who knows if Janelle would have.

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Everybody keeps talking about cheap CBS is, but I am sure it has more to do with the ratings that Survivor gets, and the ratings that BB gets. I don't think they have ever been close to BB. And I am sure that the producers have more to do with it too. I am sure Mark Burnett (isn't that the name of the guy with Survivor) probably makes more money.

I am sure just like game shows part of the prize money comes from advertising revenue, and I am sure some comes from the live feed subscribers. I think I read last year that they did not make as much money from that as they have in years past. I used to do it but quit last year. I got tired of all the interruptions and flames I got to see last year. I didn't try the trial this year.

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Janelle is going to watch the tapes, and she is going to have NO idea how many people wanted her out so badly, both before and after the game started.

Alison - wanted her out before the game started.

Jase - wanted her out before the game started.

Diane - wanted her out before the game started.

Chilltown - wanted her out before the game started.

James - wanted her out after the game started.

Erika - wanted her out after the game started.

Danielle - wanted her out after the game started.

Marcellas - wanted her out after the game started.

I think it's hilarious she got to the final three!

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Aww....Erin Brodie (Will's girlfriend and who was on "For Love Or Money") is upset with Will. Poor guy. On House Calls he goes, "If I get dumped.....I'm going gay." That had me LMAO!! Also, Gretchen and Jase do the "phone calls" that Will/Mike do and it was hilarious.

I can't get enough of this guy. I love his humour and his positive engery. I bet he's a great guy in real life who would be awesome to hang out with.

Here's Will's EW interview for other Will fans (I guess Tishy and Steve LOL).


There's a lot Willnelle fans out there who want them to do TAR. Will said he'd rather do it with Erin. But if Erin dumps him, we could possibly see Wilnelle do TAR because I do think Janey does have feelings for Will. That's why she couldn't tell Julie that she didn't have feelings for him.

What's up with the whole Will/Julie thing? Is Les Moonves really jealous of Will when he flirts with Julie on air?

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So I'm reading up on Will which lead me to some of Mike's bio. I had no idea that Boogie was that loaded with his restaurant investments. And it seems Will now has also invested in some of those restaurants. I thought Dolce was just a restaurant, but it's also an investment group. Will and Mike also have a lot of Hollywood connection. Will's actually going to be on Dr. 90210 for a couple of episodes! LOL

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