Members kelli_blue Posted June 7, 2006 Members Share Posted June 7, 2006 EXCELLENT post Q Steph, EXCELLENT! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Bree Posted June 7, 2006 Members Share Posted June 7, 2006 This is what really irritates me: We have our men and women, some of them barely out of their teens, dying in a country where many of its citizens don't want us there. We have people in this country choosing between medicine and food. Gas prices are soaring out of control with no relief in sight. Not to mention the continuing problems of homelessness, abuse, drugs, crime, etc. And what does Bush care about most? That gay people want to make their relationship legit. Forget about the REAL problems that are sending America to hell. If we let gay couples get married, it's the end of our country as we know it. Memo to Bush and his cronies: The sancitity of marriage was already destroyed. What do you call straight couples comitting adultery, beating on each other, not to mention celebrities who get married while drunk and annul it weeks later? I don't call that preserving marriage. Let gay couples get married. Stop discrmininating, and stop trying to pass laws based on your religious beliefs. This is why we have separation of church and state. Stop getting your panties in a twist about John and Jim or Jill and Judy wanting to pick out china patterns, and get back to addresssing the REAL issues. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Kwing42 Posted June 7, 2006 Members Share Posted June 7, 2006 Bree those comments and concerns have been around for what seems like forever. And unfourtunatly, I think that they will be for a long time to come. Did Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Nixon, etc (or the Congress of the US) do anything to prevent these issues from happening? Nope...once can not blame THIS presidencey for many of the issues you list...if that is the case, then every congress, every President has been a do nothing administration or session.... And Clinton was agaisnt "gay" marriage, its not just Bush, he just never called for an amendment. And we all know why he is, to shore up support..which EVERY President does on issues that they can gain ground on. And Thanks Max, its nice to know you can have an opinion and express it without being slammed. I never pin-pointed anyone out, but they sure jump on me. I got warned for that before, but I am sure since the mods love the majority, I will get warned again.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Dru Posted June 7, 2006 Members Share Posted June 7, 2006 OK, one more post because it's bearing down on Y&R time. Did you ever think that it might not totally be your opinion or your stance on the issues that elicits the responses to your posts, but more the manner in which you express yourself when backing your stance? You tend to lean toward the derogatory and superior in your approach, which is very offputting. I've seen so many debates Dem/Rep debates online that covered the SAME exact issues without what's going on in here. One board, (based in Lousiana) I was one of only two Dems But it was never like this ^^^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Q Steph Posted June 7, 2006 Members Share Posted June 7, 2006 Thank you. I pride myself on being well versed on matters of politics since the ideologies of those in office color laws that affect all. Those that wield significant influence to metamorphosis the current laws in image bearers that suit their thinking rely on my generation to be ignorant and unaware of the fact which permeates our everyday existences. I refuse to be lumped into that insulting statistic in the face of intimidating consequences if I am to dare voice an opinion contrary to the opinions of those who perverse the Bible for their own gain. I'm Christian too, but it's blatantly hypocritical to trumpet one passage in favor of condemnation. We're all sinners; Just because you go to church and like someone of the opposite gender does not mean you're going to heaven. We are often the only Bible people will ever read; we are judged by our actions and the superior tone in which Christianity takes, that of religious elitist's, is not a tribute to the Lord's teachings but a hindrance to welcoming those who have lost their way into the fold. We are not robots but infallibly human. We are expected to, pardon my expression, [!@#$%^&*] UP. It correlates with our free will. To further add to Bree's point, it's beyond preposterous to me why there is a renewed urgency to thwart gay couples from entering the institution of marriage. It's as if the union is on unshakeable, sturdy ground and no couple ever in man's existence has abused, discarded and forsaken the disillusioned matrimonial bonds. Straight laced, Bible thumping Christians I sit beside in church have been divorcing and cheating on their spouses for years. Let everyone in on the fun! After all, America is the land of opportunity and equal rights but with these constant and continual threats of amending our constitution in order to strengthen bigotry, one has to assume that the safeguards against eroding civil liberties are but a mere casualty in the name only doctrines this country is founded upon. I do not agree with the stances of the KKK and other hate group, but I allow them the forum to spew their hatred because expression of the mind is not a neatly, one fit all, unnaneable right. Granted, the contentious rhetoric does little to bring about solidarity but only serves to pollute the already compromised air (GORE HAS A NEW MOVIE OUT ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING), the malady is not in our choice of words. It is in the pervasive insistence that we must all share the same views with no counter to offer a new perspective. It is in the absolute refusal to meet at crossroads and journey onto a trailblazing path that creates new ideas, philosophies and compromise. It is in the insistence that we all look, talk and act alike as racism is promoted in a more and more Aryan culture that brings into remembrance Adolph Hitler and his unyielding iron fist. There needs to be at least a modicum of alternative as opposed to the beaten path. We do not all have to share a God, religion, likes and what not but we do share this great country. The legacy of those who have died to preserve the mantra of 'Liberty, Justice, for all' should not be tarnished on the altar of fear used as mind games to get people in line because I assure you -There will ways be at least one brave soul ready and willing to die for his beliefs in juxtaposition to falling for anything in the throes of stagnant, vertical positioning. While many Chief Officers have presided over the litanies of grievances citizens hold dear, Bush has exacerbated these frustrations. The cost of Medicare is rising and by the time I reach the age of retirement, I may not have the good fortune to enjoy year's worth of my labor. I will most likely be damned to the ruinations of a lost Social Security Fund and having to do without, but even then I will not resist my anger. I will still hold Bush accountable. I will hold him to blame for posturing towards his conservative base rather than being the unifier America needs in order to bridge its very evident differences. That is not mere hyperbole; it is our sad reality. A healthy, robust debate is needed where all points are addressed; whether it be online or off. The American citizens have submerged their heads in the sand for far too long a time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Roman Posted June 8, 2006 Members Share Posted June 8, 2006 Watching Countdown With Keith Olbermann tonight, a retired general says that it will take AT LEAST 10-12 years to reconstitute the military, at a cost of billions and billions of dollars. The fatigue that has set in with our fighting men and women is just one of the reasons why Haditha happened in the first palce. And, this is just one of the incidents that we have known about. I try sit back and give every new president, when he or she first gets into office, a little time to see what policies they will implement and where they are going, even if I disagree with him or her. But, after 9/11, the press gave this president, his administartion, and the Republican Party a free pass. And after everything this country has been through, to call anyone, especially members or retired members of our armed forces traitors just because they are sick of seeing a FP that is arrogant and shoot from the hip and a war overseas that has cost the lives of almost 3,000 soldiers just because the former dictator tried to kill the current president's daddy is at best, reckless. And at worse........criminal. So no. I will not give respect for a president who has ran the nations' deficit to close to $500 billion dollars. I will not give respect to a president who introduces a constitutional amendment, the same amendment he said he would not persue, to ban same-sex marriage in an election year where top Republicans are going to prison or ruining there careers by scandal. A poor health care policy. High gas prices, and unchecked oil companies getting tax cuts and subsidies. Outing secret agents because their husbands told you there were NO WMDs. Outsourcing our country to the highest bidder. Amnesty for illegal immigrants. Pandering to a base of people when you're supposed to be the president of ALL the U.S. Blaming Democrats for the country's woes, even though you campaigned on bringing people together. Using 9/11 as a political tactic. The list goes on. And yes, Cliton/Gore made their mistakes. But, I'm really sick and tired of hearing how BC was a lousy president because he lied under oath about getting a BJ from and intern. Ultra-right wingers act like he is the first president to ever cheat on his wife and lie about it. All I hear from Republicans is that Democrats will raise our taxes, balloon the budget, are soft on protecting the country, and will let the "Godless Gay Agenda" destroy the moral fabric of our society. Live and let live. Have they ever heard of that? If two gay americans want to enter into a union, why is it any business of this president? All they want is the financial security in case one of them dies, so their partner will not be left destitute becauase of the tradgedy. This is what happened after 9/11. Partners of gay amerucans who were killed got less financial compensation by the federal government and companies that their partners worked for than spouces of hetro couples. If this discrimination had not accured, they would not have started fighting for the right to marry. I'm sick of the direction this contry is going in. So, in Novenmeber, I will do my best to return power to the Democrats. They also have to get their head out of damn backsides and start coming up with a viable alternative to the presidential and Republican corruption, and hopefully, when they get the balls to do so, the will. And hopefully in 2008, Bush will get on his plane and fly back to Texas, never to be heard from again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DaysFanJean Posted June 8, 2006 Members Share Posted June 8, 2006 The only thing I have good to say about the Bush regime is the appointment of John Roberts and Samuel Alito. In my judgement these two are open minded and dedicated to the constitution and will interpret it to the best of their ability which is considerable. Outside of that, I knew he was bad news for American from the day he introduced his staff and cabinet. I told my husband that we are going to war. It was a cast of hawks. He probably did the best American demanded of him in the aftermath of 9-11, however we still do not have Bin Laden. He immediately took the liberty to take the battle to Saddam Hussein to finish his father's embarrassment. That was his goal and I'll believe that forever. Personally, I believe him to be the worst President this country has ever had or at least that I am aware of. There is a lot more I could say but it would just be blowing off since I'm not a student of government. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Danni Posted June 8, 2006 Members Share Posted June 8, 2006 There is a rumor that Bush is cheating on Laura with Condi. Now wouldn't that be a scandal if that's true... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Kwing42 Posted June 8, 2006 Members Share Posted June 8, 2006 It was not the mission of the first Gulf War to remove Saddam from power. It was to remove him from Kuwait. Do I wish we would have taken him then, sure...but that was not the mission, the mission to remove him was completed successfully. It will Bill Clinton who was shooting missles over at Iraq when GHWB was the target to be killed...he did what any President should have done in that case. I do not think BC was a bad President because of the intern thing. I do not think it was right and it was rather disgusting and embarrassing...I think he was a decent President..even though I never voted for him or like alot of what he did....but thats because my opinions did not match his, he like every other President is not in office to destroy the USA. They are put into office to do what THEY think will help the country and just because their views are not yours, does not make a person worthless, bad or wrong. And I do not think I am superior or that ONLY my opinion matters. That is the difference between me and many on here. My opinions are mine, I feel for what I want to get out of things that I am right, but what I want is not what everyone else wants..and that is why we live where we do, because we can disagree, vote a certain way and etc. I just said I find it childish that people act the way they do toward someone. I have respect for the office of President, if I were to meet ANY President whether I loved them or disagreed with them, I would be respectful, kind and most likely in awe of them. Every should have their opinion, I just question the methods is all. I do not post because I think I am right and everyone else should go to hell, that is the feeling I get from the masses on here however. The only thing I hear in here is all republicans are bad, we need them all out of office, etc. How can you debate when you are so one-sided? I guess I pride myself on the fact that I can judge by issue, not by party. To me, that is the American thing to do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Danni Posted June 8, 2006 Members Share Posted June 8, 2006 Wow, nice insults you've got going there, Kwing. I will be the first one to say that the Dems are [!@#$%^&*] up, however Bush dug his own grave and his own party is abandoning him. What does that say about Bush as a leader? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Kwing42 Posted June 8, 2006 Members Share Posted June 8, 2006 No insults...just tired of your mind games and disrespect. No one is abandoning him, but in every administration even those in the ruling party will not agree on everything..and do they have to? I myself find it refreshing when people break ranks and take the stance they believe in...that to me is awesome. Gore turned his back on Clinton during his run for the White House..did that mean Clinton was a bad leader? In fact many Dems running for office did not want him at their events....because of who he was. Thats politics. I feel bad for seem to be full of hate and rage and its really too bad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Q Steph Posted June 8, 2006 Members Share Posted June 8, 2006 Ann Coulter is one hate filled ________, _____________, _______________, ________________, _________________ !@#$%^&*] NEW YORK - The group of outspoken 9/11 widows who pushed for the commission to investigate the attacks are "self-obsessed" and act "as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them," conservative author Ann Coulter charges in her new book. Coulter appeared on NBC's "Today" show on Tuesday, marking the release of "Godless: The Church of Liberalism" and reiterated her stance, saying the women used their grief "to make a political point." In her book, Coulter said, "I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much." The women are Kristen Breitweiser, Lorie Van Auken, Mindy Kleinberg and Patty Casazza of New Jersey. Coulter refers to them as the "Witches of East Brunswick," the New Jersey town where two of them live. "Having my husband burn alive in a building brought me no joy," Van Auken told the Daily News in Wednesday's editions in response to Coulter. "She sounds like a very disturbed, unraveled person," Breitweiser said. He does seem to have that fever... But I read they're on the outs because he is drinking again and Barbara Bush Sr. is a meddler. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Danni Posted June 8, 2006 Members Share Posted June 8, 2006 Disrespect me, and you'll be treated in kind. You don't come in here with your little backhanded insults then expect everyone to just adore you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Kwing42 Posted June 8, 2006 Members Share Posted June 8, 2006 There were no backhanded comments...I spoke my opinion like you did. But you resorted to school yard name calling and childish antics. I am sorry you can't be above that. As for Coulter..she has issues....but lets stop with the fake sad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Danni Posted June 8, 2006 Members Share Posted June 8, 2006 Oh, trust me, you came in here with some major backhanded insults. Max spoke his opinion while be respectful about it. You're suddenly acting like anyone who disagrees with you is some idiot or some evil ultra-left winger. Here are some examples: But I know better than to respond to these hateful, wrong and incohent messages about the President. You get warned, screamed at and called all sorts of names by people who ONLY believe in hearsay and lies. But you keep going. Support your position, but here, you can not speak your mind or, dare I say the right side because you will get warned by mods that like to pick on you for your beliefs...its so nice and fair! I really think it is sad when people do not get their way they blame the "winners". And then start ripping them apart, spreading lies and etc. I love that people have passion in politics...I think it is sad when people use that passion for evil. If you can not find any good in the opposition, you have really lost touch with reality in my opinion. Like I said, to disagree, thats one thing...but all of the hateful, misguided comments here are horrid and I am glad that those in the majority here including the MODS think it is ok to just plain flat out lie and disrespect. I will not address Dru, obviously that would be like talking to a wall. Until you start looking outward, there is no point talking to you. Your opinions are fine, but until you have a just argument and just proof and just information....its all just blah blah blah. I will not be responding to these posts anymore because the moderators on this board have made it clear that mocking, berating, being juvinile and classless is permitted, and while I may have gone down that road a couple of times, I would never expect the people in 'so called' power to resort to such classless and immature tactics. I can keep going if you like... In regards to the rumors, considering that Miss Condi herself called Bush her husband... Yeah, there's really nothing personal going on. Calling the president, who is already married, her husband is oh so VERY professional and everything. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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