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X-Men 3: The Last Stand


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It actually wasn't bad. I know many X-fans will be mad as hell but nothing about it was final.

Here is a hint-stay after the credits and it will make everything better because it sets up another film.

I thought it was very emotional especially the stuff at Jean's house and the aftermath. The Logan/Jean stuff was so great.

I was very happy with Storm in this film too. Halle was good and I loved Kelsey Grammar as Beast.

The war scenes were great and the special effects superb.

It wasn't perfect but I know that anything can happen in X-Men based on the comics so people should just take this as a comic book film-not another Brian Singer film.

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The problem is that Brian Singer at least tried to keep it consistent as a comic book film. There are just certain things that I've heard in this film that I'm just like why? From what I've read, Fox should've waited for Singer to come back.

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Yeah I get that and I understand how many would fee that way but in many ways Singer held the movies back as far as the mutants and their powers and such. X1 and X2 did not feel like comic book movies. They felt like character-driven action films and focused a good deal on the emotions and complexities of the characters. That is fine but the last in the trilogy (or in a series of films) doesn't need to explain characters and such. We already know everything there is to know from the first two.

It depends alot on whether you can separate the director from your thoughts and just think of the film as a comic book movie. They wanted to give fans what they wanted and I think they did but they also did some things to make you angry. The ending of the film (trust me stay after the credits) really helped me see the film in a new light. Had they left it as is without the surprise after the credits I would be ranting. I don't want to spoil anyone so I won't do an indepth review until sometime tonight or this weekend.

I give it a 8-10. It does not sound as bad as it does beleive me and I loved Singer and am a die hard fan. Many people who knew about the spoilers and vowed they would hate it have now changed their tune and said it was good but not as great as they thought.

My main problem was the lack of use of some of the new characters and the misuse of Rogue, Mystique and Cyclops. I never cared for Cyclops and I know Marsden wasn;t available but his role in this is way too small. Other then the misuse of some characters and once I stopped thinking about Ratner vs. Singer and put msyelf in a comic book mindset (like I did for Spiderman 2 which I liken to this film somewhat only Spidey was a bit better) I really enjoyed it.

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I just came back from seeing it, and it's easily the WORST of the three. The only thing that was worth it was the scene at the end of the credits. Fox should've waited for Singer to take it on and finish it. The fact that it was a rush job was blatant

Good points: The action and the effects. I'm gonna give credit where credit's due. The action was great, especially the scenes at Jean's house.

Bad points: Everything else. This film, story-wise, could've been great. Instead it was just one big ole dud. There was absolutely no character development, which is key to the comics. Ratner failed miserably in this end. What particularly pissed me off was the way characters were portrayed. I can deal with certain creative licenses, but this just nothing but WTF moments. Spoilers here: Juggernaut is not even a mutant! Psylocke is a British goody two shoes stuck in an assassin's body not a member of the Brotherhood! Phoenix is much to independent to just stand around and do nothing. She would've been like screw both of you. Xavier was quite the [!@#$%^&*] from time to time as well. The story just did not keep up with the action, and that's a shame. It could've ended with a bang instead it ended with a whimper. No one clapped at the end of the film. The one liners that were great in X1 and X2 were missed in X3. I swear the only good part of the film was the last scene at the end of the credits.

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Discussion of the spoilers below










"Juggernaut is not even a mutant!"

Juggernaut *wasn't* a mutant. It was the Gem of Citterack (I spelled that wrong) that transformed Cain Marko into the Juggernaut.

a British goody two shoes stuck in an assassin's body not a member of the Brotherhood!"

That's also true according to the comics.

ETA: Sorry. My bad. Missunderstood the sentence. :)

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Danni, I ain't got nothin' but love for ya, but HOLY F*CKING HELL DO I HAVE TO DISAGREE WITH YOU ON THIS ONE!!!!!!! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW!

I just got back. And this movie is amazing, outstanding, phenomenal. I still am just in shock about how great this movie was, IMO.

Now, I grew up on the X-Men comics. I was pretty much obsessed as a kid. I followed all of the cartoons. All of the cards. Loved the short-lived t.v. show with Finola Hughes. :lol: Nintendo games. Memorized all of the mutants and their real names. etc. etc. My friends and I were total losers. The whole nine yards.

I did not like the FIRST film too much. Didn't dislike it, but didn't love it. The second was much better, IMO. But this one was, BY FAR, IMO, the BEST of the three. This one literally WOW-ed me on a consistent basis. I was floored and shocked throughout the movie scene after scene. I like that this one had less humor. Although Wolverine is a very humorous character, it wasn't expresses as much in this one, and I really liked that.

Phoenix, despite the final scene and the scene after the credits, I DEFINITELY got a sense of closure!

I was so worried about this movie because the Phoenix was easily my favorite past-storyline (before I started reading) of the X-Men. And I was worried how they handled it.

My ONNNNNE complaint was that it was a little short compared to action-y, epic movies these days. If they extended it by a 40 minutes or so and made it up to par length with other movies these days, I think they could have added other fun nuances for X-Men fans to get, but I can understand why they went right for the jugular and were sweet and to the point.

I would have liked to see more of Angel though!

Oh, and if I were going to nitpick....hehehe...Psylocke is my fav. female X-Men in the comics, and I wasn't sure she was in it until the credits. I suspected the one villain was her, but I wasn't sure. I am kind of mad that is wasn't more clearly expressed that it was her.

I gave up on the movies reflecting the comic about ten minutes into the first one.

I want to elaborate so much, but I think I will give it a few more days so no one accidentally stumbles upon spoilers!

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Oh, and props to Brett Ratner! Everyone doubted him, but I think he did an awesome job. He had some outstanding shots!

I really enjoyed this movie!

If you throw out the idea of comparing the comic to the movie, then it's an AWESOME movie, IMO. It's hard to try and wrap up the saga that is X-Men, but they did an awesome job with it.

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I saw it on the weekend and I loved it.

The last two scene's have left it right open for a 4th movie.

Luckily the ushers told us that there was another scene at the end of the credits. I think that the person in the ticket office should have let people know that.

I love Hugh Jackman and he play a lot of good roles.

I was lucky to see him play the beast in beauty and the beast here in Aust before he went to the US.

I like Halle Berry as Storm she did a great job.

I didn't recongise Kelsey Grammer but I knew that there was something familuar about his character.

All in all I think that this was the best of the three.

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I so agree KR. I loved it (liked X2 better) but loved all the action in this film. They really should have told people about the extra scene. Had I not read about it I would have never knew. People need to throw the comics out the window and need to let go of Singer to enjoy this. They need to see this as the last in a trilogy. No exposition is needed-its been done in the first two. This makes up totally for the lack of action in the first two films, which were mostly about explaining the characters and such.

The Phoenix was not what I expected but thanks to Famke she sold it. That Jean/Xavier scene at Jean's house was one of the most emotional scenes ever. It was definitely the most emotional since the mass murder of the jedis in the Revenge of the Sith.

Oh X3 took in 44 million in its first day so its well on its way to 100 million. It already beat Batman Begins and Spiderman 3 for best release day and is killing Da Vinci Code and Over the Hedge. If this doesn't tell Fox to make an X4 I don't know what will. Plus, that ending makes an X4 seem really possible sooner rather then later.

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I agree about Jackman and Barre, S&C. They were the stars of the movie, IMO. And Famke!

Oh, the girl who played Kitty was *SO* cute! I loved her! I am so glad that the girl who plays Shannon on LOST didn't get the role like originally intended. I don' tthink that would have worked.

The Phoenix wasn't what I expected either. I expected more....flames? Haha. I don't know.

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Now that I've calmed down about it (cause I was PISSED), but my main issue is shitty editing, cramming to much in not enough time, too many mutants that we can't get emotionally invested in, NO character development, character assassination (Rogue and Magneto come to mind), complete disregard for the comic (how the hell do you have Phoenix without the psi-fire?), Halle coming forward (if it was Angela, I'd buy it in an instant...Halle, just shut up and spread your arms out for lightning), corny ass one-liners. Fox should have waited for Singer.

Fox has confirmed X4. I'm glad Halle's out as Storm because she was painful to watch. Rogue needs to be recast. She's not an emo brat. Gambit better be in this one, and he better end up with Rogue. Ratner and those hack writers better not be on board this time around.

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