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DAYS: March 2025 Discussion Thread

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I was inadvertently amused when Joy told Philip that she brought breakfast because he worked late.  Meanwhile, there was a full scene the other day dedicated to Alex, Xander, and Philip closing early.  And today, hardworking Philip went to go talk to his Mommy less than an hour after he arrived at the office.  The guy's not exactly breaking a sweat over there at Titan Industries.

Edited by j swift
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So, Maggie volunteers at Statesville? OK

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Her scenes with Sarah were good but I still don’t see why Maggie’s not doing what she can to help save the hospital. 

Xander knowing that Philip and Stephanie are keeping a secret from Alex could be interesting though, and adds another dynamic to the Kiriakis family storyline and I like that. The messier, the better lol and I also think that there was some more foreshadowing about Stephanie and Xander too.

As for Joy, idk. I wouldn’t mind her being on the canvas but if this is it for her, I wouldn’t mind that either. I wonder if there was any thought put into her character, other than that Body&Soul nonsense. It actually feels similar to what happened with Talia; a character  being introduced for a storyline that ultimately fails and not knowing what to do her with afterwards. Or maybe there was interference, especially with the way that the thing with Johnny and Chanel was just dropped, and Ron just quit caring. Who knows? Maybe it’s for the best though; she doesn’t need more writing that makes her look bad in order to make Alex look good. Plus, we don’t need more Nancy bashing either. As for the baby, she should just get an abortion. 

And, Theresa’s gone too? Just like that? If she was only gonna be in it for like 3 episodes, then what was the point of this? Were Ron and Jamey just trying to be funny again or something?

This just seems so unnecessary now, along with giving Kim cancer once again. There’s ton of potential story for Theresa (and none for Gwen) as we saw in the scenes that she had with Brady and Tate. Those scenes were the best part of today, and I wish that the show would continue to explore the relationship between her and Tate. We got to see Brady and Tate’s relationship on full display today and it was great. I really enjoyed their conversation about John and how John would be there for Tate, Sophia, etc. if he knew that Sophia was pregnant.

And, Tate looked hot too

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I actually really like the actress that plays Joy and think she does a good job.   I had been wanting the show to cast Joy for years.  It was just such an odd time to bring the character on.  Craig, Nancy, and Chloe are all in New York.  There is no reason for her to be in Salem at all.

Alexann Hopkins could be playing any random young female.   Outside of her disdain for her own mother we really haven't heard much about her relationship with her family or Chloe or Craig.  Chloe was on and off the show for decades in ridiculous stories and the show brings her sister and Phillip back now that Nadia's gone lol?  Honestly this whole Rachel Sr. plot would make a bit more sense if little Rachel was going after Chloe and not Ava.   At least Chloe/Brady have a long history and little Rachel has hated her for years.

Anyhow, considering Nadia always comes back no matter how badly the show treats her I am sure we will see Chloe again.   There really needs to be someone in town that grounds Joy and makes me care about her more.

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unproven random *speculation/theory* that they were going to have Chloe arrive with Joy, but Nadia wasn't available, so they reassigned some of the planned scenes to other characters... and they reassigned Chloe/Brady to Ava/Brady, which made zero sense to me.
If Chloe were in Salem, then the whole storyline of Joy being conceived in order to get bone marrow to save Chloe from leukemia -- could have created an interesting dynamic with them as adult women, and especially now (if) Joy is pregnant.  I think without Chloe, that Joy just doesn't have enough meaningful connection on the canvas. 

(On a side note, bringing in Joy for Body&Soul was also pointless, but that's because Body&Soul itself was entirely pointless.)

Edited by janea4old
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Great post.

I have no reason to invest in Joy. 

Like u said she has no ties in town and her story and pairing with awful RSW is beyond terrible.

This soap has a lot of characters who I have no reason to invest in due to storyline reasons or past behavior.

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That would have made a whole lot more sense, so Days probably didn't think of it lol.

Chloe on canvas would also help solidify Joy's connections with Phillip, Brady, and even Xander.  Instead of Joy just saying, oh so and so used to date my sister we could see Joy react to Chloe being around them.   It would definitely give Joy more depth because at this point she is just randomly inserted into different scenarios that just make me think the show has no idea what to do with her.  Ending the Nancy bashing would also make me much happier.

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I like her, too, it's unfortunate that her story (such as it is) was so ill-conceived. I imagine the character will be back at some point with Alex's spawn in tow, probably in conjunction with Chloe's biennial return. I think Alexann Hopkins will have gone on to greener pastures by then, though. 


Yes, this seemed pointless. And I hate that Kimberly is given another medical crisis -- even if it is off canvas --- to usher Theresa off.

I really liked yesterday's suggestion here that it's Drew, not Shane, we've seen the past two days. But, alas, I don't think that's the case. 

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I've got this clip I love of 2 of my DAYS dames, Julie & Chloe, which I cannot find at the moment but I can find the clip where Chloe & Brady are talking after "that other" clip, so here's just a little thing from DAYS 2017. 

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