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GH: February 2025 Discussion Thread

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Respectfully, Josh Swickard does not say he won't do intimacy scenes. He said he won't do gratuitous scenes, and there's a big difference.

I have no problem with him having the discussion with the show, but if he's willing to go shirtless in a bedroom scene, he is NOT the problem. I don't see him saying no to a genuine and sincere "love scene" between two married and consenting adults.

The problem here is Amanda Setton. If they're going to allow her to enforce her "modesty practice from her religious beliefs," they need to stop writing these scenes entirely.

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Jesus will not send you to Hell, because you were shirtless and performed a love scene on a daytime soap opera.  If you're worried that being half-naked on TV will wreck your marriage OR your covenant with God, then you've got other, bigger issues to work on.  Stop using God as an excuse to be a holier-than-thou moron.  He hasn't the time for that, and neither does anyone else with even half a brain.

Edited by Khan
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I didn't. Your mileage may vary on that, and I understand if you disagree.

I wanted Frank, GH, and yes, even Josh to know that scene didn't work, that it wasn't even close to looking like a married couple in the bedroom.

I did not blame Setton. I did not say she's calling the shots on her wardrobe. I merely pointed out the ridiculousness of Brook Lynn wrapped in layers of clothes while Chase was shirtless and in red satin boxers.

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I feel like we have the same Swickard/Setton convo a lot on the GH thread.  Yes, they have certain beliefs.  Good for them.  No, I do not think it's appropriate if you are an actor on a soap and this may not be the right business for them.

At the end of the day that's not their fault.  GH is at fault for kowtowing to their "wishes" at the detriment of the coupling and show.  There is no reason to make them this sexy, hot, newlywed couple when it's going to be an issue during key intimacy scenes. 

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I don't get the clownery on soap twitter where people will defend any mediocre story or mid couple or choice on this show just to keep supporting a weak product. I'm sorry but Setton dressing like she's in Iran has become a major running joke for this show.

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Agree. They are not new articles.  Posted only because some here may not have seen them.  My apologies to those who already did.
I reposted only because it seemed that *sometimes* more of the blame is directed at Amanda.  (In my personal opinion some of this is on Josh&Lauren.)

And yes I acknowledge that this has already been discussed/rehashed numerous times on the GH threads in past year or two.

Edited by janea4old
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Shouldn't it have been Lulu who offed Cyrus? Cyrus did the most to ruin her life. And wouldn't Lulu be a  better fit for the writing that Joss is getting, being recruited into the WSB?

Cyrus has been wasted the 4 years he was on. They should have brought Kober on as a different kind of character; from evil drug dealer to mercy killer was never believable.

Among the many ways that this show sucks, one of them is how they write off supervillians. The trend continues. At least it wasn't as bad though as how they wrote off Faison, by having Jason say at the beginning of an episode that Faison died last night in the hospital, off screen. That was an all time travesty.

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From the Fairman/ Asher A. / Finn Carr interview ...

Finn lives in Northern California and goes to high school.
Asher lives in Chicago and goes to high school.

Finn Carr has many years of acting experience.

Asher Antonyzyn is fairly new to acting and Steve Burton has been coaching him.  Asher said that Burton advised him something about how to show emotion and that Burton told him that he(Burton) has never cried a tear as Jason.  I got the impression that Asher thinks he should follow Burton's advice ...

Fairman asked them lots of questions about their storylines (No spoilers, just recent storylines) and their scene partners, etc.

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Lord. It's also untrue - Steve has cried plenty as Jason, both in the early years and in the last year since coming back he's been considerably more emotionally engaged.

As for the old Chase marriage topic, the problem is absolutely Amanda Setton. Plenty of fundies like Swickard are on soaps, but he gets undressed onscreen. What they've done with her, aging up a vibrant, vital young woman not just with an adult son but with this wardrobe situation, is a debacle and needs to end. (And to be clear I'd dump him too - Chase is boring.)

Edited by Vee
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