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Y&R: February 2025 Discussion Thread

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With the return of the Newman ranch, which is much bigger than their previous set and the addition of Billy's house, which seems quite spacious,I wonder if there has been some changes in the way these things are done.

And the previous Newman set is now being used for Adam/Chelsea.

Are there now fewer sets in use overall to make room for these? 

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I'm awaiting a clear answer to that, too.

These larger sets -- the new Newman ranch, the previous Newman house, and Billy's new place -- are great, but it's a mistake if this means fewer sets overall. The last thing we need is even more characters running between Society and Crimson Lights.

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Question for longtime Y&R fans who might know: what were the sets like when the show premiered in '73?  Were there a lot of 'em?  How lavish-looking were they?  Because, I can imagine there was mostly the Brooks' living room/foyer, the Fosters' living room, Pierre's restaurant, and later Katherine's foyer and living room.

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There was also the hospital. Snapper spent lots of time there, mostly in a breakroom I think. Greg had a small law office in Stuart's building. Jill worked at the salon. There was the Chronicle Office and Sally's love shack. Brad and Pierre lived in rooms upstairs from the restaurant (perhaps one of them was the same room that Jack later rented above Gina's).

Edited by BoldRestless
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I think the Fosters had a kitchen as well.

The sets were fine for the times. I found Pierre's to be a bit basic, but the Brooks house was appropriate for an upper middle class family.

Of course Conboy's moody lighting added its own dimension.

Am I right in saying that the zig zag wallpaper  adorning the Brook's staircase area wasn't there initially?

Edited by Paul Raven
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Oh @Antoyne, you sure did not lie!!! I hollered at that ending. Well-played, Nate!!!


Yes, I'm talking about the Damian storyline. And yet another turn...and coming off the Tale of Newman Psychos, I'm here for it. There was even a near miss between Nate and RealDamian, too. I was like grrrr. I loved that the Amy/Audra conversation from last episode about work continued in this one. I was just sorry that Amy started to feel ill. And Amy and that ending...perfect little cliffhanger. 


Yay!!! Tracy's back! And Diane's got her. I admit that the whole talk between them about changing up the Abbott house felt quite meta. It goes without saying that Y&R has been hit and MOSTLY miss in the past when it comes to new sets and touching up old ones. So good to see them get ahead of it with this talk. With Ed Scott back, I would think what they have planned is going to dazzle, but I still am very cautious just like Jack. 


I wonder if that Nate/Nikki scene is setting up for something. 


I really can't figure out if Claire has gone back to Mary Sue or is HE playing layers.

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Friday cliffhanger indeed!!! And yes, I loved the camerawork for the last scene. Complete old school Y&R with the main person talking in the foreground with a character blurred in the background. Chills.


My highlight was the Daiman storyline again!!! The reveal of who Holden was to Amy and Nate. And Ms. Amy actress was bringing it. More edgy than she has been and that tone of steel at being deceived. I liked Nate leveled with Holden. Getting us to that cliffhanger. 


You know what? I loved seeing Chloe. She looked positively refreshed. I didn't even mind the Kevin mention. He can stay off-screen. But her scene with Sally was cute.


RME at the Billy/Giggly Heffa/Daniel scene. And Jack gave Billy money to start up his business? When did he and Jack get back on good terms after that Billy temper tantrum he threw? 


Pretty good week.

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The thing is with the Newman story like the previous Ashley story, JG proved he can do good soap when he tries. A complete lack of follow up on your previous week’s final leading stories is absolutely terrible soap. And honestly I’m already bored with the Newmans following the excitement of the story but it was always better when it was focused on Sharon anyway.

Edited by Antoyne
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