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Y&R: January 2025 Discussion Thread

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@Taoboi won’t spoil nothing for you but I can tell you this week has actually started off a decent note for the first Monday & Tuesday of 2025.

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Highlights so far were the Cole & Victoria scenes on Monday, and then believe it or not Summer & Phyllis scenes for Tuesday.

Other than the reckless total character destruction/regression JG forced upon us back in 2023, I must say I always I enjoy when AL Summer can easily dominate a over win over MS Phyllis just by her facial expressions lol. 

One rant I have to go one and maybe someone like @ranger1rg can dissect more but what is all this sudden talk about Christian lol? Christian staying at Sharon because he loves her, Christian might have a hard time blah blah blah.

Has this show even Christian at all a child actor recently because I certainly don’t remember it. The backstory for Christian is sooo unnecessary I would’ve preferred Ava to live just to avoid this pointless “Billy & Sally go to Paris and it makes Phyllis jealous!”’ crap.

(BTW as a sidebar and hate to say anything but JT isn’t looking too well… that could easily be blamed on the styling dept as well. It’s obvious he’s lost a lot of weight but the baggy sweaters make it look awkward). 

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That’s actually been one of my favorite things about this story is veteran actors leading it, even if it is messy.

As for Ray Wise lol I remember him more from as a kid Swamp Thing (don’t ask questions!) and of course Twin Peaks and I’m glad you mentioned Savannah here too as I remember liking that show…after that the WB’s primary soaps became Dawson’s Creek & Charmed for myself while what happened to the rest is for another time and place lol.

CZ is amazing as always but I still honestly would’ve bought her as Eve in the flesh lol as opposed to the Jordan character, which still does nothing new here. 

Honestly the real crime was never bringing back Peck after his AMC run ended while   allowing AH to transcend into a bitchy icy Victoria that we all knew she could do but was denied to is irritating as all hell lo. 

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Exactly!!! Nothing, but vets running around and they are not phoning it in at all. lol.


I could wax poetic about Savannah for days as a young Southern boy who sat with his mama and sister watching nighttime soaps. lol. But the WB shows back in the day...


Thank you!!! I've always say that if there is one thing AH can sell and has always sold well, it has been Victoria as an ice queen. I still remember when she came on and found out about Brad/Sharon and she nailed Victoria perfectly.

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Christian definitely appeared on Y&R through the years, although rarely. In 2019, the role was recast with Alex Wilson. I remember seeing him when the show built a big house for Nick, which we haven't seen for a long time.

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Michelle Stafford and Eric Braeden both posted about evacuating their homes. Braeden posted a video in his backyard and the fire was so close that it was scary even looking at the video. I hope he was able to get to safety.

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Good start.


I really loved Victor vs Ian. There aren't many people who won't back down to Victor...it was one of the reasons Jordan stood out when she started. And that and she was played by CZ who will put on a show. Ray Wise was subtler, but I LOVED how he played his malice as delicious subtext. His words/inflection might have sounded like someone cowarding before Victor, but his eyes and body language was nothing of the sort. EB picked up on that and his body language was so annoyed. Loved it. Of course, there was angry Nick in the background. mmmmm Angry Nick. lol.


Not Sharon being back in the sewers where they got rid of Cameron. smh. I can't believe this is coming to a head and she is being able to act a heroine.


I thought the Cole/Victoria scene was so cute. 

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Eric Braeden on CNN --  Sorry for his loss, appreciate his spirit.

LOL at him taking the opportunity to disparage "the orange idiot" on CNN.

Braeden just lost his home, and yet instead of whining, he's having a serious discussion about fascism on CNN.


Oh and look Acyn has already sent out  quotes on bluesky and twitter


Eric Braedon: The orange idiot went on television.. and claimed all kinds of things about Newsom and California and the water distribution. All nonsense.. What some of these characters are now disseminating on one particular network and on some podcasts is outrageous and very damaging to our nation. This is a great nation, trust me, I come from a nation that believed in fascist ideology for a while. And we certainly will not want to go into that again. But we are close to it because people want to simplify complex  problems. The essence of fascism is to simplify complex problems and feed people who don't have time to read some bullshit.


@dragonflies thanks so much for posting that video.

Edited by janea4old
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