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DAYS: December 2024 Discussion Thread

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Is there a bat signal in Salem every time someone needs Belle's legal expertise?  How does she instantly appear at the police station?  And why would she agree to represent Hattie?

I agree with the prediction that Ava's stalker is totally Rachel (love that devilish kid, and I hope they don't age her too soon).

Interesting that Gabi would go on a date at Small Bistro, given (a) that's where she was shot by Dimitri, and (b) there's a good chance that she would've run into Ava on her date.  I also find their cocktail menu intriguing in that there are so many Latin American drinks.

Is there any hope that JJ won't become a cop again?  I'd like him to go back to being a little less straight laced, and a little more morally ambivalent.

Edited by j swift
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I'm halfway through the episode, and I have half a mind to turn it off. The Leo stuff is worse and worse all the time. It's a complete waste to make any attempt to redeem that character when you write scenes like this.

Yep. Its bad enough to waste DH as Hattie in these scenes, but also making Rafe a putz? Leo turns every scene into some drag show escapade.


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But, Hattie didn't do anything.  And, Rafe's a dick for trying to get a person arrested without any probable cause. 

While Jada has enough wisdom to know that the Salem PD is not the local gestapo, and you can't jail your enemies without evidence in order to charge them with a crime.  And she definitely wouldn't screw up an investigation by have the complainant interrogate the criminal prior to their arrest.

Edited by j swift
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I just finished up the battle for Titan and I’m so mad to say that JPL’s Phillip has grown on me. I actually giggled at some of his antics. He isn’t AS campy as when he first came back so that helps. The kiss with Stephanie had zero chemistry though. And JKJ and SH def had chemistry as Phil/Steph in their heyday.

I enjoyed the trial in general. It’s crazy how Xander’s pretty serious crimes, a lot against his family, are whitewashed.

The whole crew of B&S now thinking Alex and Joy are sleeping together is mildly amusing.

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This was another episode that just proved why Missy needs to be Jennifer going forward. Loved the idea of using the time capsule to remember Abby.

Didn't care about the Greene‘s reunion at all. Even with a different face, they don’t recognize their sisters voice?


Yeah my best friend in elementary school, his aunt was in our same grade. Knew the whole family.

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Hey, Stephanie finally had a scene with her mother today

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I liked the conversation that she and Kayla had about Philip. It was good to see Stephanie have someone to confide in about her messy love life. They have a natural chemistry that Days doesn’t seem to use all that much. Stephanie can be so much more than just an Alex prop.

Speaking of Alex, I also liked his scenes with Philip. The two of them being at odds over Stephanie and over Titan is a good idea and I’m looking forward to seeing how it all plays out. Philip telling Alex that he kissed Stephanie and Philip asking Stephanie out add more layers to this storyline and I like that. Plus, Alex should be more involved with his family than this B&S garbage, and whatever the hell’s happening with Johnny and Chanel. But between the two of them, I am Team Philip though. And having all this spill over into what’s going with Philip and Xander could be really good as well. 

Btw, Paulina’s a lousy Mayor lol

And yeah, bringing Fake Rafe back is stupid, pointless and unnecessary. And a completely ridiculous way to (probably) cause problems for Rafe and Jada. I wonder which bonehead thought this was a good idea. April 24th can’t get here soon enough. 

Today was a bit of an improvement.

No Leo

With the way that both Galen and Elia play it, it’s a wonder how Rafe and Jada don’t fight constantly

I was glad to see that start happening too 

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