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DAYS: December 2024 Discussion Thread

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Doug is adorable. He has a cute butt too.

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Any possibility that Doug is actually Spencer Olsen?

Belle and Shawn are so boring. MM is such a bland actress.

It's a shame Stephen Schnetzer couldn't have stayed longer.

Someone needs to lend Jennifer a brush.



I was thinking the same thing.

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Finally, Hope made it to Salem!

It sucks that Kristian Alfonso couldn’t make it back to film the funeral episodes, but she was still a part of the actual tribute for Doug and that’s the important thing. I like that she was immediately suspicious of Doug the Third, especially since Julie seems like his biggest fan already lol maybe she should have been written with more subtlety, the way that Hope was. But I think PM is doing a good job so far. Btw, it’s too bad that Hope doesn’t have a relationship with either of her brothers lol 

Hope’s scenes at Doug’s grave were the best part of today. I really enjoyed her reunions with Jennifer, and with her kids. She has such nice relationships with all of them. And since Hope asked Jennifer to keep an eye out on Doug, I wonder if that means Jennifer is sticking around. She and Jack should remain on the canvas in some kind of capacity, 

Belle being counseled by Marlena was pretty good as well. There scenes seemed so natural together. This is how Marlena/Dee should be used; with her family, not with her dopey patients. And definitely not as Hattie. Philip and Shawn seemed ok too but they really should have spent more time talking about Belle and Shawn’s relationship than about Xander and Titan, even though I wouldn’t mind Shawn being apart of that storyline. It would add another good dynamic to it. 

The same way that Xander and Stephanie having some kind of association would be another good dynamic for that storyline as well. Idk if their scenes today were a test or something but I didn’t mind them. If anything, the messiness and the fallout of them doing anything would be great to see. 

Btw, I wonder if Doug knows Jeremy, since Robert is Jeremy’s uncle. 

Probably not, since I think Julie had met Spencer before. 

Maybe Doug will be Javi’s new bf

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Edited by AbcNbc247
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Another good episode other than the Jenn flashback; the show must have been running short but why didn't they have at least one Hope/Doug flashback at the grave instead. Shawn and Phillip have more chemistry than Shawn and Belle.  Stephanie and Philip..Hopefully Paula/Jean end that or Ron ends it before his material is over.  The cast credits were messed up.

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But, with Peacock, the show does not 'run short'. Peacock takes the episodes from them, whatever length they happen to be. That's why there's been so much variation in how long the show ran. I think the longest was 52 minutes. This was one of the first things one of the directors was so excited about. He said it dramatically increased their ability to be creative. 

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Now that Peyton's first scenes have aired, I can post this link to his interview (which was already posted on a spoiler thread)
There's nothing spoilerish now (unless anyone reading is a few days behind, then don't click to see the photos).

I'll just quote the relevant passage here:

  • Meyer was excited to see that his first episode was also a milestone for the 59-year-old show. “When I got the script, I saw that it was episode 15,000, and I was like, ‘Oh, my, this is insane. Huge celebration for the cast and the crew. This is kind of cool that this is my first episode,’ ” he recalls. “So I walked on set with the excitement, obviously, of a new show and meeting a whole bunch of new people.”

    But the mood at the studio caught him off-guard. While he was thrilled to be starting his Days run, the cast was not only saying goodbye to Doug Williams but also to his portrayer, Bill Hayes, who passed away in January after 54 years on the show. “When I got on set, it was really down,” Meyer relays. “The energy was really low and I had no idea what was going on. We ended up filming the scenes and after, one of the crew members came up to me and she was like, ‘Just so you know, this is a very emotional day today and the fact that you were able to do that scene and carry a positive attitude into the set was so amazing to watch because I don’t know if you know what’s going on, but it’s very heavy today so thank you for coming in so professionally.’ I think it kind of worked better that I wasn’t fully aware of everything that was going on.”

end quote from tvinsider.

My thoughts:  Not only did the show forget to tell the actor Peyton how the former character Robert's name should be pronounced -- it sounds like the show didn't tell him anything important at all!

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Or, he could've read that week's scripts and figured it out...

One tends to think this has been exaggerated for the press.

And maybe Doug 3rd is mispronouncing Robert as a "code switch" for when he is speaking to Americans?  Like how the French use a hard "h" when speaking English.  I'll wait for a scene with Chanel to see how he says her name, or the word “croissant” before I judge.

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Edited by j swift
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Today's scene with Shawn and Philip made me think that the whole fake letter angle was unnecessary.  Bo (and his son) and Philip would have as much right to the fortune as Xander as Victor's sons.  And since they were named in the will, they could contest their portion of the estate.

It is weird to think of Philip, Bo, and Xander as brothers.  But, I guess Stefano's sons are even more diverse. 

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