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GH: December 2024 Discussion Thread

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Not really, no, and that's because of all the babies and the obsession with the mob 3.

It does. It can be done, but you have to be merciless and plan over time, almost like a Douglas Marland did when he had his canvas modular in a way - IIRC, he knew he could rotate Snyders in and out over years just by mentioning names, seeding them and when someone like Jon Hensley (Holden) might leave his brothers could step into the fray, or Meg and her sisters.

In terms of the youth or twentysomethings I know I'd add young Wards of various ages, that I'd add a teen or young adult Alec, that I'd add Asians but you can only do so much without cutting everyone that's already there. So some of those, or other people, would have to come at other times.

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I could have sworn we got a leaked casting call for him at one point in the year when they first went heavy with Blaze/Kristina/Natalia. I still expect him to pop up as Josslyn’s next love interest with a Sidwell is the father reveal.

I agree that the Joss/Trina/Gio/Kai set needs some interlopers badly and messier storylines. They’ve spent most of the year focused on their parents and mentors drama instead of creating their own. They’re all so saccharine like a bunch of Power Rangers too and its boring to watch.

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Considering how long Frank has been at the helm and how much input he seems to have in writing, I am shocked he had no plans on how to age these children.  Maybe shocked is too strong of a term.  It just comes off lazy.  With all these babies someone should have made a logical succession plan and at least grouped up an order of what children would be aged and when to have some progression.  It's absolutely bizarre Joss is years older than Jake when she got his kidney as a child (or at least what we thought was his kidney).

I know all shows are guilty of awful SORASing.  I just can't think of another show that has so many children lingering in the baby/kid/pre-teen stage doing nothing.  Except Violet.  She got a lot of airtime.

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@TaoboiOMG LIZ WITH BOTH RIC AND LUCKY ON 12/17!!! I have missed my LiRic interactions. Give me the triangle or quad if you need to throw in Ava as well. Of course Liz called Ric who would do absolutely anything for her and I know it eats up Lucky.

The less about Sonny in church the better for me, Mr. I just shot a man point blank a few months ago.

Wait a new room in the Q mansion without all the blue and grey. Just when I think GH couldn’t have more sets, something else pops up.

Amanda Setton giving me some bitchy realness, I’ve missed this.

Edited by Antoyne
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They were definitely teeing up casting Natalia's son Eloi under the PM regime. I am sure it is still coming to try to shore up ELR's role on the show, but I'd just as soon never hear of him again. I have no need for any more of Natalia, her children or her inevitable husband Baldo a.k.a. Sidwell a.k.a. "Arr, Me Jewels!"

The youth set is indeed simpering. You look at the young people on the Hulu soaps even 10 years ago and it's a stark difference.

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So did these same writers just decide that Martin no longer can hide being Kentucky Fried with his accent. I have no idea what MEK is doing anymore with this accent coming in and out. And I will never understand how he has two siblings one of which I assume he grew up with, but he’s the only one with the dumbest fakest accent possible. Did they explain Cyrus grew up somewhere and they sent Martin somewhere in the Bible Belt?

They really had Anna say we didn’t think you were wreck less enough to kill a cop to the man that killed a federal agent and she gave up on investigating it. I really hate this show when this man is involved.

Edited by Antoyne
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He truly is doing so well with this turn for the character. I have fond memories of Billy Miller as Jason/Drew but if they’re essentially different characters at this point, I’m truly enjoying what he’s bringing to the table.

Also Curtis getting one over on this  backstabber was pretty satisfying.

I genuinely hope the show can resist their natural urges of killing people off and let Drew stay on. But I’m sure the second Sonny hears about the affair he’ll be excited to get away with his second murder of the year that no one will pursue for more than 2 weeks.

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The problem is Drew remains dramatically unpopular with the audience, partly due to all this past bad story with Carly and partly because of this year. I think part of that is down to trained audience impatience with these kind of more morally complex characters as well as just plain years of bad writing prior, and I get it but I personally would keep him.

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I’m not. He hasn’t had stable writing for longer than like three years at a time until Chris and Dan, and he exerts too much control over them. They seemingly write for three months in advance at a time, and FV will blow things up whenever he feels like things are not working.

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They kind of were when they were there to help prop RH’s Franco. And I agree, they should all three be in the mix to some degree. The only time I tolerated Charlotte was when she was being used as a bully to build the Aiden is gay angle, pitting Liz, Lulu  and Stafford’s Nina against each other.



There used to be two rooms used consistently- the library and a sitting room, and they both had their own style back in the day. I was happy to see a return, but I can’t quite decide which one is which now.

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Very valid point. 

I guess I struggle with giving a character something as major as child without any reasoning besides FV thinking the audience loves baby stories.  I know it has been like this for years, so I guess I am just shocked FV has a job still.  It seems like even his budgeting skills are not great these days.

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