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Y&R: November 2024 Discussion Board


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As silly as today's "twist" felt, it also felt very Bill Bell coded (or at least Bradley).

They had written Sharon into a corner, and the only way out was through a big baddie.  Bell always had some gothic creature who was to blame for all the troubles for the aging ingénues of Genoa City.  So, at least it seemed like the same soap that I was watching in the 80s when Lauren was buried alive by her stalker, or Michael burrowed his way into Cricket's apartment, and David wound up in a trash compactor. 

But, given the current the status of the writing, we all know that this 'shocking' reveal will inevitably have a disappointing resolution. 

Edited by j swift
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The staging of the car accident etc was well done but I was questioning that Sharon and Phyllis would both be driving older model SUVs. These gals would surely be tooling around in the latest models.

Jess Walton sold her scenes, even if we question her motives for selling chancellor to Victor.

Enjoyed Audra throwing shade at the blushing bride with a fact check on marriage and divorce in GC.

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First off watching this Thursday 11/14 episode, my gosh it is so gorgeous! For a moment I felt like I was rewatching the 2003 art gala event all over again during the reception scenes. 

Not to mention in addition to JW, we also had MTS, ED, and especially SW all looking so regal. 

After last week’s hot mess of a green screen funeral for Heather, the car fire scenes in the woods with Phyllis actually looked decent for a change.

Another solid episode again.

I too loved Audra’s major shade

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As for the ending, wow. Obviously this is pretty campy for Jordan and Ian Ward to be back, but you know let Colleen and Wise have their fun.

I do wonder if Y&R had considered bringing Haiduk back as Patty considering she was Ian Ward’s last partner in crime (and maybe harboring an alive Heather) but I assume Haiduk is too busy on Days to pull double duty.

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How on earth would Jordan or Ian even know who Heather was?  And what motive would they have to drive Sharon over the edge emotionally?  Assuming their goal is to hurt the Newmans, someone should tell them Sharon is a long-time ex-Newman, and neither Victor or Nikki are particularly fond of Sharon.   

This head writer continually brings on evil outside forces to make problems for the beloved characters -- time after time.  Doesn't he know the best drama comes from characters creating their own problems? Y&R really does not need a constant parade of mustache-twirling villains.  What the show needs is some believable human drama and some romance.   

Edited by Mona Kane Croft
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@Mona Kane Croft@Paul Raven My immediate guess as to Ian's motivation: Heather is Paul's daughter; Sharon is Mariah's mother. Plenty of history there to justify it in Ian's twisted head.

I hope Mariah gets involved in this story. CG has been in the background for far too long.

And, boy, these last few episodes continue the return of glamour and sophistication to Y&R. When you think about the 80s until the mid-aughts, Y&R was the gold standard. No show could even touch the production, sets, clothes, styling, etc. Even the slight lighting changes to Society actually make it look like a place where the elite would hang out.

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