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DAYS: October 2024 Discussion Thread

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Idk.  Days home sets are so weird.  I am neither a Mayor of a town nor a millionaire or even remotely wealthy, but my house has a kitchen, living room, and dining room.  All separate spaces. It seems like all the newer sets have to have a visible kitchen for whatever reason.  I know a lot of apartments are designed like this, but it actually makes all the sets look so cramped.   

Unless it's a logistical impossibility like John/Marlena's ginormous penthouse with an endless hallway with all the rooms, I am okay with a living room just being the main place to film.  Then again Sloan's bed being her entire apartment even though she had an upstairs was not ideal either lol.  Something like Alex's new/old apartment works okay for me (even though it's next door to Stephanie's and has a completely different layout).

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It doesn't seem like Roman will ever force Ava to pay rent so she has a good gig.  I really didn't mind the set.  I just didn't understand why the bed had to take up the entire space and you could literally see it at all times if you were in her apartment or even at her door lol.

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Another Body&Soul episode. Another Jamey episode

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These episodes are getting worse. So much fluff and pointless, out of character crap. Seriously, how many cuck dreams is Johnny gonna have? And of course, one of the families in Body&Soul would be named Manning

On the one hand, it’s good that the worst writer on the team is isolated to the worst storyline on the show, but on the other hand, it makes these episodes even more awful than they already are. 

And that ending? Are you [!@#$%^&*] serious????? Johnny doesn’t know the difference between his wife, a dark haired black girl and his cousin, a fair haired white girl???

That’s as bad as Liam mistaking the friggin doll for Hope on B&B

I’m so glad that this is the thing that (probably) got Ron fired. Too bad it didn’t get his bitchboy fired too. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Ugh...another Body & Soul day and the "hilarious" rip off of Friends.  Fantastic!

I actually do like Dr. Burns deadpan delivery about everything.  He's kind of funny tbh.  

In Johnny's mild defense, from the angle we saw you could really only see Alex not who was, um, underneath him.  This should be the world's easiest situation to clear up though.  Chanel was with Kayla and Stephanie and Alex would just admit what they were doing.  I could see if Johnny left the room without confirmation and ran off to sleep with someone else irrationally, but there isn't even anyone on the canvas he's interested in/not related to.  This story is an instance where it might have been smart to keep Wendy/Tripp involved to make it a messy quad.

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The logistical contortions that they went through in today's script to get Alex to be shirtless as much as possible were absurd.

I mean, were Alex and Stephanie supposed to be nude in the exam room?  In the middle of the hospital?  With cast, crew, and the whole medical staff present?  And without locking the door?

One assumes that we aren't supposed to believe that Johnny has a thought disorder which does not allow him to differentiate his dreams from reality.  But it defies all other explanations.

My biggest issue with B&S scripts is that they take over an entire episode.  It feels like filler, which seems unnecessary in a soap with so many stories going on at the same time.  It just stops time, and distracts from everything else.  For example, Gabi is at the hospital, why can't she be shown on the same day as a B&S episode and keep her momentum going?

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I can’t believe how much time Days spends on Body and Soul. I pray this is why RC will be gone before next Summer. Days stupid filming schedule making us have to suffer through this for months. I wonder how many fans they’ll lose by the end of this.

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There’s so much other stuff on Peacock that you can watch in the meantime

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I guess 

But it’s such a weak, lazy and contrived way to cause trouble for Johnny and Chanel. And to reunite Alex/Stephanie. It seriously felt like a B&B move

I agree that the structure of it has been really weird, but I don’t mind it. Easier to FF when you know you’re not gonna miss anything

Yeah, I admit it. He was a bit of a saving grace for today

Another reason to reactivate

The rumor is that this is what got Ron fired, so hopefully, the new team will end it fast.

Edited by AbcNbc247
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I swear, one mention of Sami could give the Johnny/Chanel conflict the gravitas that it needs. 

So far, Johnny just seems either sexist or silly for not allowing his actress-wife to play love scenes.  But, if he talked to Chanel about how often Sami cheated in relationships.  Or, if Chanel would talk to Johnny about how Sami's obsession with vengeance and control ruined her relationships.  Then, we could see how Johnny is informed by the history of his parents.  He would benefit from some vulnerability. 

I'm actually surprised that Jamey, who I recall being a big fan of Sami, doesn't bring in those bits of dialogue.  It's not as if his episodes are starved for repetition, and couldn't use a little more interesting padding. 

BTW, many years later, I still have no idea how Chanel being raised by Paulina affected her view of the world.  There is such little characterological exploration, and it is a pity. 

Edited by j swift
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I checked with "Days" today and got confirmation that both Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie) and Madelyn Kientz (Sophia) are now on contract, which was expected from their placement in the credits the last few weeks. Kientz went on contract as of the October 2 episode, while Seaforth Hayes went on contract with the October 4 episode. This is the first time Seaforth Hayes has been on contract since January 1993.

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