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GH: October 2024 Discussion Thread

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I've been supportive, too, which is why this came off so poorly to me. I've seen A LOT of those hospital paddle scenes over the years, but this one had me not considering the patient at all because I couldn't believe the doctor and hospital staff I was watching.

Let me know what you think.


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Yeah, I admit I am not the most reliable narrator on Nina's airtime.  I don't really care if Nina leaves tomorrow.  I just kept seeing her in scenes in a few different stories so I didn't think she was being written out or anything.  I just think the whole Willow/Drew/Nina story was completely re-written and now she's at loose ends.  

Since pretty much everyone knew Sam was going to die I obviously wasn't shocked.  

I was more surprised by Sasha/Michael sleeping together to be honest.

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OK The scene with Lucas was OTT but he did not want to give up on Sam

Also was I watching a different show during Ryan Carnes run? He was ok but he wasnt some great actor that cannot be replaced. Plus they asked him back and he said No Thanks. 

Edited by John
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Thank you, this why I said 5 times as well. She hasn’t really been a presence on the show for most of October.

I honestly didn’t think it was bad. He realistically was freaking out trying to save the life of his sister that was JUST doing fine. If he’d played it subtle, it wouldn’t have worked for me.

Edited by Antoyne
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Very. It's as noticeable now as how Sonny-Killed-Wagger has upped and vanished.


Very as well.


Yeah. I was actually shocked by it. I guess for me, it was because she was so central under PM. And even when these New/Old Writers started, Nina still was a bit of a focal point. But just like how people felt about Kristina/Molly/TJ and TJ getting the short end of the POV stick, I began to feel they were doing the same with Nina/Drew/Willow and Nina getting the short end of the POV stick once they (FINALLY) gave Drew a POV on it. Drew did not have one, but once they gave him one so the audience could decide where they fall on it all...and not a very good one, either sadly...Nina pretty much turned into a talk-to. And like I said earlier, too much story is going on with people Nina has cared about so it's now very noticeable how little she's been around or had agency in her own story. But again, it's been less about Drew/Nina and more about Willow/Drew. 


It feels like to me that the New/Old Writers are just finally getting rid of the last threads of PM's storylines. And that, of course, is only my opinion.

Okay, I could see that. 

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Yeah… Michael is trash.

And this is why he deserves to be cheated on. And today, I was reminded why I utterly despise Carly’s kids. They literally are the worst people ever. 

Not sure why they time jumped to the next morning instead of having today’s episode immediately take place after yesterday’s. That’s like a DOOL move. 

And why is Cody so anti-Drew all of a sudden?

As for Sam, they really seem to be twisting the knife with everybody involved in this storyline, not just with KM. Regardless of the BTS troubles, this death seems a lot more agonizing than other character deaths. 

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Like I just said online elsewhere and said in other threads, when an actor leaves a show, you get a STRONG idea about how the production felt about the actor by how their character exits.


This honestly sounds like it will be a chore to get through given what today means to me. Kinda dreading it now. 

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Its just the way things were written this past week; everything seemed to be falling into place for everybody, everyone was happy and now, BAM, the rug is pulled out from under them.  

It just seems like they’re  to try to hurt every other character in the process as well.

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That be completely in the Whedon Playbook for sure. But I digress...


Oh, yeah...dreading. Cuz this week and last week has already been picked apart. And goodness knows I've been playing catch-up and picking up on how sloppy it has all been. 



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Well, now that I have a target date after all...lol. But it seems like this week is going to be a chore. And it's not helped by the fact everything coming into this week just seems sloppy to me. Friday's episode I said that there were some nuggets of good to it, but the way FV and these New/Old Writers do the episodes do not at all allow for those good nuggets of storytelling to even breathe. So it was just a mess.


I can say the same for today. Except I didn't see ANY good nuggets to even mine. 


I know I've gone on record here and said how much I loathe seeing Whiny Anna. And I loved Anna got her power back under PM. So her running to Brennan (as always looking FOINE in his suit...without jacket at that. mmm) to BEG him to help her find Val. For Charlotte's sake. TO BEG??? HELL TO THE NO. Cuz the Anna I know would have at least asked. But from there, she would have found her own plan and got to moving with the quickness, kicking butt along the way. So thankfully, the end with her teaming up with Spinelli was in character. That writing between her and Brennan was so slanted it was not at all funny.


I think I see the Heather good-bye scenes differently than most. But it could have been written better. She after all has to come back to play out the 'is she really cured' part of that whole arc. Otherwise, the arc is pointless. But of course, I would have preferred that arc under PM who at least would play the nuances of that silly storyline. As is, I would rather she stayed gone, too. 


The fact that the only thing on this episode I actually felt invested in was Sasha telling Cody they are cousins I just find telling. Because I've been meh about the story line since that coda of Sasha calling Holly Mother. They might be doing Holly dirty, but the writers do a good job of giving her a beginning, middle, and end to her arcs when she comes into town as of late. So...credit where credit is due. It just seems like a waste with Sasha/Cody given the build-up. Though the possibility of Cody going back to his shady roots...since GH is lacking in a scoundrel as of late...is intriguing enough. Getting drunk and punching Drew is a great start. And if Mac can be the one to pull him back in the end...I would be down. 

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