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GH: September 2024 Discussion Thread

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It's a VERY old soap trope if I'm not mistaken. 


What scares me is that I knew instantly from memory why Sonny got off. It was right at the end of RC's GH run and before I stopped being a regular viewer again. 


Yeah only a few episodes behind and I'm not looking forward to getting to the scene. It seems like it echoes what happened to AJ (and over Ava again, too) just a little too much. 

Well, hopefully someone is working behind the scenes to handle Frank. I am sure the BTS struggle is FAR from over.


I do respect that these New/Old Writer clearly have something to prove because the last three weeks have been entertaining. That said...that has been any new writing regime. So let's see where they will be in 3 months time just like PM. 



And like it was said above...I agree with the comment about him not being allowed to do cliffhangers...which btw...he did those too at the start of his March run. it was noticeable to me then. And moreso now that they are back. Why? Because FV isn't trying to micromanage his yes men in the same way he did PM who is not a yes man. 


That backstage interference.

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Because PM set his stuff up...even with the interference...nicely from what I can tell. I was happy to see we got to the middle of his arcs. And what a massive difference it made. But woulda coulda shoulda. 



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Re: Robert, it is sad. When I started watching GH in 1990, 1991, he was the star of the show. I guess with old stars coming back (Luke) and new stars being created (Sonny and Jason), he got lost in the shuffle, and, with all of them staying, there was no need to revisit the days when the whole show revolved around the Robert character.

Since his return in 2006, he's always felt more like a guest star than an integrated part of the cast. I wish they'd give him more to do, but I guess fans who remember when he was the star should just be happy he's on from time to time. The actor was always opinionated behind the scenes, which probably does him no favors.

It is getting to the point now that they should probably just give his character a happy ending and have him and Holly ride off into the sunset. Embrace the happy memories. 

Edited by Jdee43
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LOL. I wouldn't at all be shocked to be honest. I would even dare to say that RC was better at doing that than Frank. 



Yeah, I was shocked to see him the other day and he looked on the decline. I was sorry to see that.


I would not mind he and Holly going off to have a happy ending on the other hand. 

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I don't really think Robert got lost in the shuffle.  TR left and Robert was "killed" off.  The show actively brought him back in 2006.  The writing hasn't been great for him, but the man's 78 years old.  I don't expect to lead stories the way he did 35 years ago.

I am pretty sure Tristian calls the shots on how often he appears.  Idk, I don't think anything shady is going on behind the scenes with him and GH.  

I wouldn't mind if they do just write him off and give him a happy ending with Holly.

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The worst part is Sonny was supposed to be in prison at the time he saved someone from the bomb, but that was ignored so he wouldn’t pay for his crimes.

And just like that Michael shows he’s really Sonny’s son. Didn’t even hesitate to jump into action. Same with Carly.

This is the garbage that stopped me from watching for almost a decade. When Sonny gets off again, I’m out again.

Did enjoy Liz and Ric from yesterday.

Thank god Tracy is not stupid. She was onto Sonny immediately.

Edited by Antoyne
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The problem with this story, for me, is that it was inevitable everyone would turn around and support Sonny. This has always been the case with Sonny, including when Mulcahey was on the show the last time around. Yes, more characters were allowed to criticize Sonny back in the day, but the end result was the same.

I also think the choices made with Ava, while compelling on paper (the way @Vee theorized the story, anyway) were a mistake, because it meant a lot of idiot plotting happening very quickly, and her fans were riled up at what was likely a slow-moving exit plot for her. If that was the plan, then I wish they had just yanked off the bandage and killed Ava quickly, had her get too smart too fast and end up being offed by some bigger villain, which could have further sent Sonny into a spiral.

I tend to agree with those who struggle to compare his run to what is going on now because he was so clearly sandbagged. But the Sonny story was always a false start. I am more curious about just what the hell went on with Jason's return and what Mulcahey's plans for that would have been. With Sam out, Jake gone, Liz presumably back in Lucky's orbit and Carly/Jason still not going anywhere, Jason coming back feels pointless. A part of me wonders if they may actually end up bringing back an undead Britt for him.

Edited by DRW50
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Robert being the DA was a weird idea.

With Robin and Emma out of town, what is left for him to do? I think he looks like a man of his age, which is not a bad thing. We are just used to bottox, fillers and wigs on soap stars who try to look the way they did twenty or thirty years ago. 

I doubt that Steve Burton will be able to pull off the Jason look much longer and MB looks weird with the black hair and all. 

Some years ago Robert and Tracy might have been a fun idea.

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-- Patrick Mulcahey wasn't allowed to write cliffhangers? But now Frank V permits them beause he's no longer micro-managing? I'd love to know where this information comes from.

-- The show is more watchable lately, but I do agree we're going back to cliches and already-done stories. Still, I say that there's no proof Mulcahey was working out, or that his stories were working out. The fact is that it takes a TEAM to make it work, and I don't see signs of teamwork during those PM months.

Was it all Mulcahey's fault? Of course not. But neither was he blameless. I saw too many 180 turns in plot and character although I did appreciate better dialogue and character development. I was bored, though. It all read like backstage fighting among writers and execs.

Was PM fired because he wanted everything his way? Or because he refused to compromise? Or did he quit for the same reasons? I don't know, but the fact remains that it was not working. The guy is an excellent scriptwriter, but he's no headwriter. I don't think he's good at working with others.

I'm not saying that means Elizabeth Korte and Chris Van Etten deserve to be HWs -- just that they're able to work together, which is half the battle.

-- I was hoping GH forgot about putting Brick with Jordan. No one has been clamoring for more Stephen A Smith. And why is she interested in him at all?

-- If Tristan Rogers is there to usher back Emma Samms, OK. Otherwise, he's too frail to make sense.

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The difference between now and then is (based on Mulcahey's own interviews) he just didn't have a ton of time for Sonny period, unlike Guza.

I liked the story, even if there were a few rough edges in the plotting (Ava randomly mistaking Sonny's meds for sleeping pills). I think the plan was for her and Valentin to link up via their mutual interest and continue the scheme. I could've gone either way with keeping Ava or finally cutting her loose. I think she still has gas in the tank though, not unlike the Alex Olanov example I always cite from OLTL.

I think Mulcahey wrote some pretty good scenes for Jason and Carly, particularly the one where he explains his tattoo to her. But he was working at a disadvantage, namely the fact that Steve and Laura have no sexual heat unlike him and Sarah. I think this was a dream of Korte that was never going to work, and I think they have no clue what to do with Jason now. I think they had banked on putting him and Carly over and realized quickly it wasn't happening. Hence Brennan the dayplayer becoming ascendant.

No one said that.

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