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B&B: September 2024 Discussion Thread


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B&B finally got me back streaming in July after a long spell. Honestly, the last thing I want to watch is an 'I'm dying' story. Now all of Taylee's scenes are going to be so depressing.

Stranger: Taylee keeps repeating that she's back in LA to be close to her family, except she never mentions Thomas/Douglas in Paris. This is absolutely on the writers because no mother would frame it that way omitting her other child.

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I've always had a hard time with these types of stories on Bold too. Bradley's never been able to do it in a successful, powerful way. Even Stephanie's death was... not what I dreamed of that character, but whatever. So yes, I am also not looking forward to long monologues in hospitals and crying for Emmy reels. 

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Oh, Lord. Brad is aiming back at Brooke/Ridge/Taylor. I know I'm not surprised, but UGH!!! Still on the good side, I am warming to RB as Taylor so there is that. 


Yeah, I liked Steffy putting the smackdown on Hope. But there goes Hope sniffing around Finn still. You better not fall for that, Finn!!!


It was nice to see RJ. I guess Brad already setting up for his triangle with Will. And since you all were picking on his clothes last week, good to see those clothes are back to being tight aka look at the bubble.

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A good start to the week.

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As soon as Taylee said she didn't see a cardiologist after she got the *diagnosis*, that cinched it for me. Not that I had any doubt that this is just a route to have Brooke step aside so Ridge can marry her. It'll end up being some airborne disease she picked up in some country. Cue: Omar with the rare cure.

Plus Taylor is finally being written as the intelligent, compassionate and sophisticated character that we got to know in the early years. RB is killing it. No way they're getting rid of her.

B&B has returned to 'repeat the dialogue' in multiple scenes in the same episode. Brooke first flashed back to scene with Taylor from Friday, repeated the content to Eric/Donna and then share it with Ridge. Taylor having an audio flashback of her conversation with Li from earlier in the episodes. I suppose there's comfort in *classic* B&B! lol

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Taylor is WHAT now???


Not dying. Not Taylor. I thought that was a nice Friday cliffhanger. And it does explain why she was hiding abroad. I loved that she confided in Li...which keeps Li in story. But I don't see how this won't turn into another spin on the Brooke/Ridge/Taylor merry-go-round.


So did Bill and Poppy officially break up? Cuz that (very lovely) scene with all the Logan sisters sure made it seem like that was the case. 


I'm always here for getting Finn shirtless.


That Tom Arnold appearance was a waste of airtime.



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After nearly 4 decades, I can say that Bradley Bell has finally grown completely bored with Brooke Logan's character. She used to be his life-jacket for ratings and shock moments, he always did the most risky storylines with her. I just binged Monday and Tuesday's episodes and this Brooke of 2024 is just as plain and uninteresting as Donna and Katie. Brooke lacks any of her original characteristics. The OG Brooke would never just believe Taylor wants to be her friend and act like a naive idiot. This woman that KKL is playing right now is not Brooke. Listening to these kitschy-monologues about friendship and relationships with children from the Whore of Beverly Hills that has destroyed families (including her children)... is absurd. You don't simply turn into a boring auntie after being a histrionic beast your whole life. 

And please God, can we please stop seeing Ridge and Brooke in kissing scenes - they give me the creeps. A couple with NEGATIVE chemistry. Ridge looks at her like he is FORCING himself to find her endearing. Brooke looks stupid and just smiles. Ronn Moss at least WORKED with KKL. This is unbearable and I fast-forward it. I can't believe how Bradley Bell is not seeing that he is losing both actor's screentime in putting them together in scenes. 

What can I say about Taylor - of course, it's evident from 100 km that she is not dying or being killed off. It's going to go the way I predicted it will, but Bradley may throw in some bizarre twists here and there, I'm not underestimating his talent in mediocre low-budget thriller movies. Someone will HAVE to die for Taylor to live, so... that's that.

I expect Ridge will fulfill Taylor's dying wish and marry her and reunite their family to then Suprise Surprise she survives and the glory hole Brooke is the one left out. If Bradley didn't kill Hollis, I would say that would have been the perfect moment for Brooke to realize she is OVER that tired playboy and snack on some fresh meat. I want to see Brooke be more daring and scandalous. I am tired of this boring blonde woman on my screen that just smiles or cries. This is not my Brooke. I miss seeing her scenes with Stephanie, the OG Taylor, even the OG Ridge. KKL must be so bored with the material they are giving her. Just a month ago she was naked in lingerie and everyone was acting like she is the face of some kind of revolution... Fast forward weeks and weeks of episodes - nothing came out of this and this did not build up to what I expected it to. She is co-CEO, but I have yet to see her do anything CEO like. The OG Brooke would have turned the company into a circus by now and made numerous people have meltdowns from her abuse of power. Her reign of terror in Forrester was iconic. I miss it. So what is this now... Boring auntie Brooke that smiles or cries... FOR YEARS. 

Edited by Maxim
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It's been doing laundty, washing dishes, running errands and getting lunch. During that time I was able to watch the show and it really was background noise. 

Liam on.....yuck!

Somehow Bill magically fell out of love with Poppy in less than a week and now he's professing his love to a women he verbally abused and scared.

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Brooke is SOOOOO being wasted. I've said this for a long time...Ridge is an albatross around the character's neck. She needs to completely move on from him, and the actors don't have the same chemistry as she did with RM to play any of this off. 

Brooke should be making HUGE power moves at Forrester, doing scandalous things, AND creating a rivalry with RJ's new girlfriend who reminds her way too much of her younger self.

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