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Bigotry on Comment Section


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This is not the same internet that it was years ago, or a decade ago. There's a massive pandemic that involves trolling at almost every corner of the web and it's both sad and frustrating. Thankfully Errol, unlike other websites, you're doing something about it. Thanks for all that you do!

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This is awful to hear. There are some threads that I stay away from and there are a few trolls that I have on Ignore as well as a few that I have on Ignore that I know use more than one identity in their avi but I doubt that this is what @Errolhas been describing as occurring.

This being as election year, the thought that some persons might infiltrate and try to exploit this platform as a means to spew vitriol and hateful bile has unfortunately crossed my mind. Sad to know that anyone is using this forum for any purpose other than to have high-spirited and respectful discussions.

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Since 2016, the vitriol has skyrocketed, and with the impending election I do fear those cuckoos are coming back out in droves. Also does not help a lot treat the internet as their own soapbox, and shouldn't be allowed internet access. Keyboards are anonymous, and it shows in how people act.

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I don't think @Errol is talking about posts on the SON messageboard here at boards.soapoperanetwork.com .

I think he's talking about comments posted under the *articles* on the main SON *website* at www.soapoperanetwork.com .  (Similar to random comments posted under youtube videos or Facebook posts.)

Anyone can post comments under articles *without* being a member  of the separate-but-affiliated messageboard.


The issue in this case  is that the creepy article-commenter(s) is/are *calling themselves* fake names that falsely impersonate messageboard members, just to cause chaos and slander other members with disgusting comments.

So this is being done *outside* of the messageboard under the main site's articles, in the article comments area.

Edited by janea4old
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Note: The same exact thing happened February 29th with comments under articles on another soap website, it might have been an article on the soaps.sheknows site? Again not on a messageboard but in comments *under an article on an unrelated soap site*

Someone commented to slur a SON messageboard member, which had nothing to do with the article being commented upon. The article had nothing to do with SON. The creepy commenter(s) did it with a fake persona just to stir up trouble at SON. I guess the creep(s) thought SON members might be reading the comments on the unrelated site. And in fact, this was noticed and brought up on the SON messageboard, wondering why a member was attacking another member elsewhere; and I remember commenting that it was obvious to me what was going on. Once everyone realized what was actually happening, Errol or Toups deleted the discussion of that entire mess from the SON messageboard. I know the date of Feb. 29 because I have a couple of PM's thanking me for figuring it out. But I have no further details as to what names the troll used on the other site's article comment that day, or what the troll said.

My point being that this isn't a new trollish scheme.

Edited by janea4old
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You probably have already done it, but if you have not, maybe it would be good to alert @Toups and @Errol about these people who have MORE THAN ONE identity on the forum too. I don't think this is allowed here and it's quite disturbing IF it's happening. Let them know who these profiles are. 


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I don’t have any proof, just a suspicion but I think I am not the only one who feels this way. I can only report something that I have the necessary receipts for.

Oh okay, that’s what I initially thought but wasn’t sure. I can’t remember the last time I went on the main website’s comment section.

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Absolutely get it. I have my own suspicions about a similar new member that came out of nowhere, but too, don't have any proof yet. It was a member I recently multiple times (me and other members too) had an issue with they way they were writing, I had my suspicions that is a known forum troll. I still don't know for sure. 


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This is only my own opinion but I don't think it would be a bad thing to report specific circumstances where you had some basis for your suspicion, as opposed to saying nothing because it's not provable. It would of course be important to clearly label it as suspicion without proof & to provide your rationale. 

For example:

I think January Boy & Megalopolis & French Foreign Legion are all the same person because of writing style & here are examples. 

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It's also not something only happening here. I know there used to be a troll on the Datalounge ranting away about SON and its poster base because a friend told me so some time ago. Why they went there I have no idea - I haven't really been to DL in over a decade or whenever they went pay to post, so it never came to my attention while it was happening. But I just assumed it's all the same longtime troll or trolls who have cultivated maybe half a dozen sockpuppet accounts on here, most of which have never been banned despite it being very obvious by their visual avatars alone what they are.

If it's another active regular poster, I'm not aware of who it could be but IMO you should report it if it's a widespread suspicion.

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If anyone thinks they can help with this situation, please step forward. I'm getting sick of having to delete these messages.

(Examples Removed)

This is clearly someone who is very aware of the history of the SON Community, dating back several years as they make reference to long-forgotten posters and any issues that happened during a specific era.






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