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GH: August 2024 Discussion Thread

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I genuinely liked Lawson on OLTL and felt the character got a raw deal for many reasons. Kelly did nothing for me on OLTL, although I've been pleasantly surprised by what I've seen of him on GH this year (I haven't watched a lot of his earlier stuff where he was, I guess, meant to be a quasi-bad boy).

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The only consolation there was the signpost in the finale that Jessica and Brody would likely get back together, as he visited her at Llanfair. I assume they're together today. And I think the Fords were both Frank and Ron. They didn't give it up with Ford and acknowledge the fan hatred of him til the final two weeks.

Rylan's entry story as Lulu on GH was very clearly Ron redoing the Teen Jessica disaster at OLTL - Lulu comes out of a trauma thinking she is single, young and 'wild', divested of her husband and hanging out with new guys. They really were trying hard in that period to make non-actor Milo happen because they liked his abs. It was mindboggling to watch, especially since Teen Jessica was insanely unpopular at OLTL and they had to know it. This cheap gimmick to try to reset what he sees as a 'boring' character is something Ron has returned to more than once.

Mark Lawson never worked for me on GH. He stuck out like a sore thumb, and I loved Brody. But I think Kelly has done wonderful work with a difficult character on GH.

Edited by Vee
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It wouldn't shock me if they auditioned one but I don't know of it. (And poor Nic Robuck/James just seems happy living life out with his husband these days.) It's enough though that Connie/Kate's long-lost son with lisping Scully Jr., the tiresome Trey, was literally Ford xeroxed onto this show - cocky young reality show producer with a damaged past. Fortunately he only lasted about six months when they got bored and switched gears.

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Very. I loved Brody on OLTL. So much talent...they stayed around past his original arc with Bitchy Bangs. 


He was wasted. Ironically what is about to happen is similar if not the same to what is about to happen to someone else. To give you an idea. 





Hotties but *shivers* 

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I have half-memories of that character (Trey). I do remember Joe Jr, unfortunately not for very good reasons. Ron burnt through so much story compared to his successors. 

That could be, especially if they thought GH was going to be canceled soon. 

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Jagger and Kristina were in a battle for who’s the most crazy today, my word.

The Sonny/Alexis/Kristina scene were so interesting to watch lol, Sonny and Alexis were looking at Kristina and each other like “damn she’s lost it”. Good work from all three actors. Y’all already know how I feel every time she calls baby Irene Adela, I hope Molly, Jordan or even Stella hear her do it again and give her a good ole slapping. Kristina trying to convince Jason to off Ava was also kind of wild to hear, glad he talked her off that ledge at least

Jagger Jagger Jagger. Its kind of fun watching a character go under the bus like this. Him talking sweet to Ava while it looks like he’s setting up her death, then barging in at Alexis place to lure Sonny in and present his plan for him was all fun stuff to watch. I kind of hope he’s not actually planning to off Ava and Sonny’s just using his unhinged behavior to make it look that way so he takes a nasty fall. Maura West continues to shine btw I loved her hotel scenes with the alleged FBI agent and panicking she might be on a death list.

I liked all the Laura and Lucky stuff. She and Kevin are a bit old to be going to foreign countries and saving Lucky but I’m willing to ride with it all. It was nice seeing Laura, Tracy, Kevin, Brennan, Anna, and Robert all interacting in various scenes. Lucky and Isaiah continue to have a fun dynamic too. I guess this rescue mission will be how one of the next returns comes into play.

As far as the show being better than it was under PM, it absolutely is. I miss the script quality but the character work and history play has remained pretty decent and the show does hold my attention and satisfy my soapy craving better.

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What the show's doing to Jagger is pretty disgusting. There was no reason to bring him back in the first place, but once they did, they didn't have to turn him into the bad guy. I guess with the actor failing all his chemistry tests, and Sonny back to bring the hero, the producers thought why not, but I wish they hadn't.  

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