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GH: August 2024 Discussion Thread

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Yeah, I am not mad about the change.  I pretty much hated the story from the beginning.  It just feels like a even more sudden shift than even Ava's.  Alexis/TJ were talking about it until the moment Kristina was wheeled into the hospital.  I figured they would establish Kristina didn't want the baby and then kill it off.

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We never really got to see Molly and TJ excited for their baby. It was always about Kristina. They have done such a poor job with this storyline. Forced conflict and zero attention that made it seem like anyone but Kristina wanted this baby and felt joy about it.

It’s almost like AI artwork- you think it’s real then you see the six fingers on one hand. There has been almost zero real human reaction on this show in weeks. The Natalia fallout, the Heather story, Pikeman and now this. Is a robot writing this show that doesn’t understand human emotion?

This is worse than anything I saw from Dan and Chris, except maybe Peter.

TPTB need to take a serious step back and ask themselves who is this show being made for? Because I would bet there is close to zero audience that wanted to watch a conflict filled surrogacy storyline go almost to full term and end like this, with the clear promise of more conflict about it is to come.

Edited by titan1978
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I've liked Kristen Vaganos from the beginning and I'm glad to see more people praising her.  She and Kate Mansi are by far the best Molly and Kristina.  They are especially good in their scenes together.  After months of the show being extremely boring, I'm glad the show is watchable again.  There's actually stuff happening! The episode continuation is better too. 

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Yes. THIS.


What was the point of the build-up on all these (and with Pikeman that just stumbled too much whether I know why or not #valisaFoF) which all had the potential to be both umbrella tales as well as tales with good fallout only to be hasty written to an abrupt conclusion? And worse no emotion involved that felt real whatsoever. 

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Agreed with everyone; the shift is so noticeable. It started first with John/Jagger and that storyline and now it’s moved on to Kristina’s. 

Plus, there’s been a lot more focus on Joss again

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Why exactly does this disgusting little trash bag get turned on by women who have accidents? Britt died because of it, and now Kristina. Is GH ever gonna realize that we’d much rather see Trina? Or anyone else, for that matter.

I’m guessing this is one of the reasons why Mulcahey’s gone. But now I’m curious as to why all of this was approved in the first place if it was gonna be changed just a few months later. Btw, I really, really hope Drew/Willow isn’t dropped and that the Trina/Ava friendship isn’t ended. 

Part of me does think it’s a good thing that we were spared a Kristina vs. Molly/TJ custody battle, but I really hope all three of them are given good storylines in the aftermath of the baby’s death and are not just sent to the back burner. Kate Mansi and Kristen Vaganos definitely proved that they could drive story today. And I still think that there’s a lot they could do with all of these characters. All it takes is the right writer. 

As for Sonny, I guess we know who’s gonna save him lol

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I would say it started from Ava going from cunning femme fatale to giving away her aces to people in the clumsiest way possible. Moreso because we have been watching Ava being ten steps ahead of so many people on and off screen for months. 


I have been happy to see that Drew/Willow does not appear to have been dropped. Yet. But the Ava/Trina friendship appeared to have ended right after Sonny kicked Ava out of his penthouse and Ava wanted to pump Trina for information when she stopped by for Ava. I said at that time that Ava has been and done many things, but she would NEVER put Trina in that position due to their on-screen friendship. And then Trina was all to Joss about how she saw Ava like how everyone saw her now. That whole episode rang false to me. Unless it's been touched on in the last week or so...I think it is DEAD. 


Ava was already being written into a corner, but was given her complexity again at the same time. But I did notice that she appeared to be getting more and more enemies. I was starting to wonder if there was about to be a murder mystery in fact lol. However, her friendship with Trina stayed untouched throughout all of March to that episode. I liked that because villainess Ava was being, but her friendship with Trina as well as her being Avery's mother gave her humanizing qualities throughout. So smh. 

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I was completely anti-Kristina with how she was acting in regards to the baby, I can’t imagine a lot of the audience supported her stealing her sisters kid either. But now it feels like I got invested in all of that for none of it to matter.

I did enjoy seeing all the flashbacks to everyone calling Sonny out on his sh.it.

I’m so confused why Ava has overly complicated matters for herself. Why did she need to move the very real bag that Kristina somehow tripped so hard she fell through an entire window. Honestly shouldn’t the Metro Court be investigated about having windows so thin that you can shatter the entire wall from a minor trip?

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I see this becoming a lawsuit against the owners of the Metro Court! 

I'm still shocked at the death of Baby Girl Tolly. At one point months ago I said I wished Kristina would miscarry. I thought they were not really writing for Kraze because all of Kristina's time was about the surrogacy. But, they didn't do that & I adjusted. Got used to the idea that the baby would exist, ya know. And, then, with Ric coming, I expected him to be supportive of Tolly versus Kristina in a custody battle. Now, I'm perplexed. However, I still find the show very watchable. 

Now, Morgan, is he going to tell Sonny not to jump?

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Thank you! Again, it just takes a bit of TLC and some extra time in the editing bay.


And anyone (and I do mean anyone) will believe it.

No, he isn't and no he doesn't.

Once Kristina began openly opposing Ava, I knew Ava would be involved in the loss of the baby, and that she'd be blamed for the death. Because, per usual, Ava is the town pariah, especially under Carly Korte's pen.

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