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GH: August 2024 Discussion Thread

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I need Vanessa to stop trolling me and actually come back to the show.  My heart can't take these silly teasers.  

I know VM probably isn't cheap, but I would chip in 100 bucks and my lifelong devotion to get her back.  I can't imagine Eva La Rue is much cheaper.

Edited by carolineg
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I don't think she's obese. As of about a month ago, she was not pregnant & had put on a few pounds. 

I was just looking at the Episode Counts for July. If you look at the first 12 people: Sonny, Jason, Carly, Michael, Jagger, Kristina, Maxie, Nina, Ava, Anna, Joss, Natalia, Willow & Blaze/Ali. #1 All are white people. #2 This is the ensemble. #3 It matches up with the stories they are telling. 

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It’s one of those little things that the show being more detailed could fix. You have Kristina Wagner on contract, and Felicia had a relationship with Stone, and more importantly with Jagger. They have barely used her since the new writers took over, she’s not in danger of going over her guarantee. She is a perfect example of a character that could have been someone he confided in and allowed the show to explore his point of view. She doesn’t have to agree with what he is doing, but she could have been an actual friend. Instead we wasted time flirting with Carly.

You have Kin Shriner there too and no scenes that I can remember between Jagger and Scott either.

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Amanda Setton looks the same as she has for awhile.  She gained weight ages ago when she had one of her kids.  She doesn't look pregnant or obese to me just bigger than she did in her early career.

Jagger/Scotty never felt like a genuine relationship to me.  We don't know anything about it because it basically all happened off screen.  Using Felicia or Mac with Jagger would be a good idea although if you have to sit around with vets you shared a few dozen scenes with years ago to explain your motivations and grudges you probably are too irrelevant to be on the show to begin with.

Anyway, I have already said my thoughts on Jagger about a million times.  At this point there really isn't much the show can do to save the character.  He's got to go once this Jason story is over.

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Is this the same soap that had a pregnant woman fall up stairs and lose a baby that way?  Or was that Another World?  The Esme fall from Windermere was more realistic.  This was worse than Carly Babes falling down the old Quartermaine staircase and blaming AJ for it.  LOL at the reactions to the fall yesterday.  Everyone reacted reasonably, except for this actor playing Gio.  He either has to go (he's certainly not a young lead like Nicholas Chavez that they're setting him up to be) or they need to lean into his goofy inexperience and make him just do straight up comedy.  A sad sack orphaned virtuoso musician is not compelling.  If they keep him, just make him a stupider, clumsier version of Spinelli for Trina.

Adding more humor back into GH would certainly help slightly mask the slow, low-stakes plots and boring conversations between characters.  It's a shame Scott wasn't there on Friday's episode, he's always good for a chuckle.

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