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Y&R: July 2024 Discussion Thread

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Well...not COMPLETEY bored. lol.


I know I'm biased, but I did like the Josh Morrow episode. That said...are they finally about to give Sharon a new storyline? And I'm not sure I like it. But I'm at least intrigued that she was spacing out. And I feel we were overdue some Cassie mentions so hmmm. 


I was about to say that whole Chancellor-Winters un-merger was going to be the same story with the IPO all over again until the reveal that Lily and Devon were doing a con on Billy. Which was clever. Soooo of course, Devon's ego has gotten in the way, and now Billy has figured it out. Ugh. 


I've enjoyed seeing Victor's continued weaving of his web. Especially since it gave us a Michael/Diane scene. And now Audra is circling Kyle AND Nate again. Go, Girl!!! And it's roping in Summer and she's being written to AL's strengths. YES, PLEASE. Because the brief taste of Summer vs Audra I saw...now that the actresses have been around a little longer than they were when they last had scenes...oh, YES. I still don't like this whole Kyle vs Diane story, but the last few scenes have been great. So much layering. And all because Victor wants to stick it to Jack. Again. 


Outside of that...yay!!! To the Traci/Alan kiss!!!! I knew it!!! About time Traci also got some loving. 


Oh...and I stay living for Audra/Sally scenes. Nice to see an organic friendship start. And speaking of Sally, also yes to see her doing fashion again. Warms my B&B heart.


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Anything to get him out of that suit with the right camera angles cuz we know how much I loooove those.


But seriously...outside of the flashbacks of his affair to Faith...of all kids...it was done well. It's just soooo funny how much I disliked him up until 2007. And watching those flashbacks...well...at least I can say he could act...still don't care for young buck Nick lol. If anything I loved seeing young Sharon who I grew to like. 


I know I've mentioned that I didn't think the show would hold my interest post-Ashley going to rehab, but it kinda is. Or it depends on the characters. I think what's really getting me is watching Victor weave that web as only Victor can, anything with Diane, Sally/Audra friendship, Traci/Alan, Summer written correctly, and the un-merger. Basically little things. 

I'm a sucker for a good bubble.


But seriously, I usually don't like the Y&R bottle episodes, but they did good with his. And also...unlike most of the Y&R bottle episodes...it didn't turn into some silly fantasy halfway through. Hate that. 

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Nick's bubble butt is about the only thing working on Y&R these days.

I complain -- a lot -- about all 4 soaps, but Y&R is the only one that makes me angry. Maybe it's because I expect more and never get it with Josh Griffith. Almost every storyline has potential, but it's NEVER fulfilled, it's never satisfying.

The business stories are wretched.

They're all about merging companies and changing leadership titles. When has it ever made a difference or any impact? Business meetings are held in restaurants, and now in the damn park. Oh, yeah, I forgot about Lily's 6'x8' office.

We're supposed to see Victor as the great mastermind while he does things that would have families put away the guy for dementia? How would any of this make money?

The relationship stories are wretched.

Griffith gets couples together only for them to do nothing and go nowhere. Have Adam and Sally had a storyline? No, and now he's going back to Chelsea, which no one asked for. Their terrible OCD story is not going to give them anything. And sorry, I don't care about offscreen Connor.

The Lily/Daniel/Heather storyline was a dud that ended with a thud. Tucker and Ashley, another dud. Christine and Daniel? Jesus. Just kill me now and light me on fire. Hearing them talk about his concert tour is pathetic. He's not the male version of Taylor Swift and she's no Travis Kelce.

And no, I'm not watching this show for a love story between Traci and Alan. I'm just not.

The Claire character came in with potential. Now she's like s storybook version of Laura Ingalls Wilder. She's cringe. We got a couple days of "Johnnie and Katie might not like her," and then they disappeared. No reason to care, because that won't go anywhere either.

We get scenes teasing us with Nick and Sharon, wondering if it's going to happen again. That's all it is -- a worthless tease.

The sets are still a monumental disappointment. Not because they don't look good, because they do, but because there aren't enough. That's why it's so bad when you can't help but notice a business meeting is held in the park. But what do we get? The concrete benches are replaced with new green benches and gorgeous roses that were never there before.


I'll spare you the other dozen complaints I have, but the bottom line is that it all makes me angry. Obviously, this post won't get many -- or any -- responses because most people have given up on caring about this mess.

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