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GH: July 2024 Discussion Thread

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Me, I was pleased with the climax of Pikeman. Stakes were definitely present. The acting was excellent, Anna, Jason, Valentin, ... There was considerable edge of your seat moments. We got closure on why it was thought by Cates that Anna was Pikeman Head. (Because Valentin set her up as a red herring.) Seeing Jason, so excited & so close to the end of his quest, was rewarding. Anna's reflection on what she'd done to Robin in the past & would not now do to Robin, Emma & Noah. I mean, I am glad that we have done this thing & I believe it afforded a good midpoint to July sweeps. 

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Edited by Contessa Donatella
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Yes, we do react quickly here. I am just upset to see Anna cry about Valentin. As always, he is as menacing as a noodle. And we got another breakup for him. I do appreciate Anna putting the pieces together that he was using her to cover his tracks. At least they addressed that.

There is a deep bench when it comes to talented women on this show. Like an embarrassment of actual talent that should be utilized daily. Right now I don’t think any of the other soaps have this many women on contract that are actual powerhouses. I’m not saying the talent isn’t there too, it’s just GH is stacked with women 40+ that are still doing vibrant work under the circumstances. Maybe I’m wrong, I am sure others will point it out. That does make me happy as a viewer, because back in the good old days those characters would be shuffled off.

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Natch. I was a huge fan of CarJack! Carly Tenney Snyder was a force to be reckoned with, as the saying goes. 

But, Ava! To me, Ava is the role Maura was born to play. In Oakdale, I could see Maura there lurking in the shadows. But, with Ava, it is seamless. I cannot see Maura pulling the puppet strings. I am completely & wholly in thrall that Ava Jerome is a real person!!! As far as I am concerned, good writing or poor, this is drama at its finest. 

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If this is the end of Pikeman, where was the reveal about Roger Howarth’s character? Didn’t someone from the show (Korte maybe) say that was going to be part of this story too? I feel like in the early days of Jason’s return we kept hearing about this great umbrella story that was so much better than what the last HW’s wrote- that it tied Jason to Pikeman and Austin’s death as well. Another dropped thread for the last year.

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Austin's murder may wind up being a little like Nikolas's attempt to kill Hayden.  It was dropped for years, Nikolas never had to answer for what he did, and Shawn was put away in prison.  Many years later, Shawn was released from prison and people close to Nikolas, like Spencer, knew what he had done.  Elizabeth, Hayden's sister, turning states evidence against Nikolas, admittedly on an unrelated issue, also felt like a degree of vindication.

Obviously, this analogy is imperfect.  We all knew who put out the hit on Hayden, whereas we don't know who killed Austin.  My point is that I could see this story being dropped for some time before suddenly coming up again in a prominent and significant way a few years down the line.  

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I completely forgot about Austin and his murder.  I honestly don't really care if I get any closure to it lol.  I assume it will be tied to Pikeman as well though.  

Ava would have been a good choice, but I think she would be far more concerned about it with the Avery custody issue if she did it.

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Frankly, I don't believe there'll ever be closure to Austin's murder, and that's probably because Frank Valentini is still smarting over the fact that he was pressured to cut Roger Howarth loose.

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