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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Oh lord that sounds awful Hooked. Didn't someone say on here that TG asked JE to do a play and then she told him no she didn't want to work that hard? She is probably happy doing little to nothing on the show and get paid for contract money.

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So ultimately it's Tracy still being treated as a chump? I'll pass. Thanks for the preview. That's $15 I didn't have to waste.

The missing point in the whole bit of GF going to Y&R is that they are already top-heavy with their own vets. GF might be highlighted in the beginning just because it is a ploy to get GH fans over there, just like every other casting choice of former - GHers. But they are still newbies to the show and the Y&R faithful have every right to be PO'd that their vets and the characters they've invested in are being pushed aside for what? A name who isn't part of the history but gets overexposed for a while? It's the same thing the other shows are doing.

And no Ms. Q, I don't agree that GF have the better deal here. She's popular only on General Hospital. She's previously been on AMC and Days with little fanfare even when they paired her with the show's heartthrob. It's the dynamic of LnL that has given her the pride of place she assumes. And just because there's an illusion of airtime doesn't mean its better. By definition she's not going to amount to much in one year because she's not Jill, Nicki or…. shoot, Jean Cooper's character (can't remember her name).

The "sunset" thing kills me. That DID happen for them in 1983. All of their hope is pinned on a comment TG made pre-LuNacy about LnL being the logical end story. But as we know TG is a company man and will sell the version the network wants sold. Now its LuNacy.

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Figured I needed a new Banner and Avatar for April

Going for a Blue theme this month :)

I have to say that the lack of Tracy so far this year has fourced me to ventre into another show :o

I have started to watch glee like crazy (I think I am turning into a gleek :o )

BUT I only like one character (Kurt) just like GH and Tracy

Ahhhh this has been a sad year so far for gh :(

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I don't know what Genie's deal is. Is she even guaranteed a multi year deal? And if she is, of course they can let her go at any 13 week interval without repercussions. So I think the "no Laura coming back" is kind of premature.

But, of course, by the time GF is done on Y&R, GH might not exist anymore, either. It's partly because soaps are dying, and it's partly because everything comes full circle. I was sitting talking to my parents one day about this, about how everything comes full circle and things like the post office, that used to literally not exist, one day would not exist anymore. They kind of laughed about it, when I said eventually we'd go back to things like the pony express-not literally a man on a pony, but that people wanting to mail a letter would no longer be able to just go down to the corner office and buy a stamp. Then of course, maybe a week after our conversation, the news came out that our local P.O. would be shutting down, and the main operations would be handled out of a town 75 miles away. I think we will still have one small office for mailing packages, but no local office will be handling our mail delivery. I still don't know how that's going to work, but it just goes to show that in the name of "progress", things go the way of the dinosaur.

Not only will there eventually be no soap operas, eventually, I believe there will be no TV at all. Maybe a few news stations...but the "entertainment" will be pay per view or streamed from the internet. "Web" based shows are the future, just like eventually finding everything on the web will kill most newspapers and magazines. Ebooks and Kindle are eventually going to put paper editions of novels in the grave. It's kind of sad, kind of scary, if you aren't prepared.

With the cancellation of AMC/OLTL, won't that just leave four soaps on the air? When just fifteen years ago, there were 13-14?

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Added to say that I think Jane would love to have a story of her own, but she believes that speaking up would get her fired faster than it would get her more work. She ain't no dummy, and she knows the main reason she's even there is because TG fights for her and Lacy. Or someone does, anyway. I don't think there's a true actor alive who wouldn't rather be ACTING, than window dressing.

I don't think Genie will be lead on Y&R, but who knows? It will probably be the last soap standing, and if TPTB like her and her character, YES, she's probably got a better deal than Jane.

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I think it is s smokescreen pr move. I still hear they r both gone. .

No lunacy. No Tracy either this week. Ethan will pop up with luke a few scenes I think on we'd.

Tracy trying to show Luke the light is Cgs for the 14th. I think that may be her next appearance

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TracyQ that was the whole reason gh killed Jake. So Jason can have another kid and make him be in life. He couldn't have another kid while Jake was alive because he threw him away for killing people. He is a sperm donor nothing more. If he has a kid with his mob moll then it'll be kidnapped and shot at. You know this show revolves around the vortex of suck. Also known as Jason carly and Sonny. The gh world has to prop them all the time. I wish someone would kill them and their spawn off already. Can Luke run them over as well?

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guess we are back up.

No luke today

so been reading a bunch of genie articles that popped up in the last hour. Interesting. She said she got a call 3-4 weeks ago from Maria bell right after her oprah appearance. she said she had put it out there what she wanted from GH and they never responded and she was contacted by Y&R saying they liked what she was describing she wanted to play and they thought they could created a character like that who would fit into the canvas.

She said GH never contacted her at all and she has been back in LA for two years wanting to work. What is interesting is that for all the people who said genie turned them down flat and didn't want to come back vying for Luke--that is exactly what she said she wanted to do--come back and play the dynamic between laura/tracy and luke. Being that tracy was now vulnerable for falling into love with Luke and Laura having lost luke become strong. But GH wasn't interested.

Anyway, I wish her well on Y&R and as a fan of JE, I would trade her blink and you miss her appearances on GH for a role on another soap. Even if it is for a year or whatever.

And I agree with Ms. Q and ILTQ--any actor truly wants to act and have good story. yes they might stay put because truthfully where are you gonna go at that stage of the game with soaps all dying out and not many roles for women in their 60s, but I don't believe for a minute that they wouldn't want to have more story. I remember Jane saying that Anna Lee went to her grave complaining about lack of story and airtime.

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I guess GF went too long without media attention and Oprah brought her back in the public eye so she can slam GH again for "not wanting her". Who really wants a Luke/Tracy/Laura triangle - except perhaps hardcore LnLers who believe their couple will prevail. Any writer worth their salt wasn't going to step into that muck because it would be a complete back-peddling of 6 years as Luke finally got beyond being stuck in LnL, not to mention if they kept the story in character Tracy wouldn't fight - she would just walk away broken heartedly because she would love Luke enough to let him go. GF also seems to forget TPTB have already said they had contacted her and were open to her coming back. I personally thing GF believed she should be treated like the returning hero rather than the over-the-hill has-been character Laura truly is.

I'm always suspicious of actors who talk so easily in the press - especially considering the network has a strict no talking policy of their own. Something is off when the actor has to be this aggressive in how they aren't wanted. Perhaps she should take the hint. But no, she'll burn more bridges and hurt GH as much as she can because she obviously has no class.

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