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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I agree. I don't have a problem with the story. I would have much rather it been an umbrella story that took more time. At least a week, preferably 2-3 of Jake and Joss in the hospital. And Joss should have been sick at least 3-4 weeks before Jake was hit. And THEN I would have liked to see this Luke is the driver stuff.

They could have gotten MONTHS of story out of this, but for some reason they're feeling the need to seriously compress it.

But you're right, the only glaring problem is Bobbie's absence. We seriously can't even get a referrence? It just makes no sense at all.

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Luke hasn't been the Anti-hero for ages, so it is nice to see them publicly acknowledge that it's the end for that particular myth.

It makes a nice additional story - what happens when the super hero ages rather than dies heroically in his prime? Would Superman have a beer gut? Would Wonder Woman be dying her hair and pretending her hip still worked? Would Batman have arthritis in his joints from one too many falls? Would the Hulk be addicted to narcotics?

Along with death, we also don't want to deal with age.

Since the story is about Luke, they were dealing with a tighter time frame (having wasted the Fall with Brendah's Men). I imagine this informed the speed of this tale - which ultimately was about Luke anyway, not Jake.

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I keep forgetting about Geary's vacation.

And while the story is about Luke NOW, I have a feeling it wasn't always going to be so. This was written as BEcky's exit story, and had she actually left there probably would have been more of her. And the Luke stuff would have been rushed. But now it's vice versa because Becky is staying, and TIIC are pissed about it.

Just my thoughts.

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I don't think this was Becky's exit - I think it was leading up to her having a final mental breakdown as and exit story and that's what has been changed.

But I do agree that this is about Luke now, and eventually will be about others as the tale continue to unwind. I'm sure we'll have parts of this going on for months, potentially years, yet.

And I seriously doubt TPTB are "pissed" about Becky staying, they are now just scrambling with what to do for a character who's a dead end at every turn.

Edited by remos
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Becky's last tape date was supposed to be March 18th. That means she probably would have exited sometime next week. This leads me to to believe this was Becky's exit. She was supposed to have a 123 mental breakdown and then leave ASAP.

I think TPTB are 100% pissed about BH staying. They've had no use for the character in years. They've done everything they could to trash the character, and they obviously wanted her gone. But the fan response was rabid, and they knew they would lose viewers just like they did with STuart Damon and Natalia Livingston. So they reversed their decision and it made them look like a-holes. And I firmly believe they will take that out in the writing of Liz.

Liz is far from a dead end character. Written properly, she has more use and connections than all of the people currently being utilized.

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Seems like the Huffington Post has given their two cents regarding Jake's death and the show its self. I must admit I do love the Carly hate the writer is spewing! First the New York Post now this, I really think this has to effect the higher ups! They all seem to be saying the it isn't the actors but the really bad writing and Guza gets ALL the blame for this.


As for the lack of Bobbie, SoapBoy94, yes it sucks and EVERYONE has been asking "where is she?" but I think it's safe to say, if they can't drag her out of the vet closet for this, then there really isn't much that could bring her back, except for new writers!

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I think the fans trashed the character of Liz far more than TPTB ever did. At most they ignored her, but the fans pushed hard and in an attempt to give the fans what they want - ALWAYS a mistake, because fan's as a whole want immediate gratification and don't appreciate the value of story begetting story. Every time TPTB tried to give Liz more edge the backlash was huge. And this is what you get - a character who's had every avenue ended. Robin is having the same experience now and KMc will either have to leave or Patrick will have to die, but Scrubs will make it impossible for Robin to have another story or relationship. It was the same thing with Laura a decade ago. And currently Sam is in danger with this whole baby discussion.

Sure those who wanted the fairy tale LnL-that-would-last-forever got a few years, but the reality is by putting a character in the role of mother and only focusing on the assumption of "SuperCouple", the character is basically ruined. Any attempt to go elsewhere is never allowed. And SURE fanfiction can do all sorts of things, but the reality of fanfiction is that it can be all consuming and doesn't really care about the other characters nor the future of stories in general.

Sometimes it's quite amusing to see fans get what they want - some even put together that maybe they didn't want it after all. But when it backfires those same fans ALWAYS blame TPTB rather than seeing that this is just the nature of the Daytime beast. At least Prime Time has a natural timeline of 7 years so the damage to characters is significantly muted.

And I don't believe for one second that a group of seasoned professionals who are doing a job would be "pissed" that someone else overturned a staffing decision at the last minute. I'm sure they are far too busy trying to restructure to incorporate the character back in than have a child-like hissy.

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The fans wanting BH to stay will totally backfire on them. And they'll have no one to blame but themselves. It took me a matter of six months to realize GH didn't give a crap about the Q's anymore. I stayed optimistic about that, even in spite of the evidence, until they put WK on recurring and were going to fire both Anna Lee and John Ingle back in 2004,and that's when it fully sank in that Guza was out to systematically destroy the Q's one by one. And, he's done it, and he did it in such a way that it's been slow and methodical. Sure, we have a few Q's by name, left. But they never interact, not as a family unit, not in any substantial, real way. To call what Q's that are left a "family" is stretching it, and to say that any of them have a story is a joke. I wouldn't be surprised if we NEVER see Leslie Charleson again. And the next (and probably last ) time we'll see JI is when they kill Edward off. That's why I can never understand why anyone who is a FF of any character other than SOnny, Jason, or Carly, would ever want their fave to stay or come back.

I will say I am happy we got Lacy, and had Jane never come back, we wouldn't have gotten them. But that's the only good thing I can say that Guza has done that I really liked, in the past seven plus years.

Had we never been given Lacy, and Jane was never used, I'd stand up and CHEER if they fired her. I'd feel bad for her on a personal level, it sucks to lose your job, but I'd also feel great for her, because she'd be FREE.

To the LnL/Laura fan lurkers: DUDES.You really should just count your blessings.

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Beautiful Ms. Q. They truly are a handsome couple.

New drops…..


Gh Spoilers

#GH Luke will try to set fire at Haunted Star as Lucky arrives

#GH Johnny makes an offer to Luke that could make redemption impossible

#GH Ethan helps Kristina battler her irrational feelings of jealousy over Lucian and her anxiety over college acceptance (My Ethina heart loves this one wub.gif)

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