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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I don't think it is Tracy's place to say anything to Monica and Edward. If they are told, then it should be by Jason.

The story will be epic if Luke is the hit-and-run driver. Tracy better be involved in this. I think she was sensing something else was going on with him yesterday during the montage. She kept watching him with that look on her face like she was wondering what was up. It is almost as if he knows that he hit him, and he is waiting nerve-wrackingly to see if Jake is going to survive.

Edited by Linnierose
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That's a great post, remos! I have to agree. The story wouldn't be as profound today. Mainly because the writing wouldn't be the same. Because while we do get the soapy stuff now, Guza doesn't understand family and emotional connections the way other writers do. But even if the whole storyline aired exactly the same as it did in 1994, it would be different. Because of stupid online spoilers, where everyone judges before airing. I'm guilty of it, and sadly most times I'm right.

However, I have to add one thing to your list of truly memorable moments from the storyline. Those two really stand out, but also this clip:


When Bobbie turns around like that? Heartbreaking, and something that always stood out to me...Also, I remember seeing it in both an ET special about GH and an E TV special as well. (Not sure if you have those up in Canada, but they're very mainstream here). SO, I think that clip is pretty identified with, as well.

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I think the difference is that Maxie's heart condition didn't happen in one day. She was sick and getting sicker etc....about to die of Kawasaki disease (which my best friend's son had when he was two and nobody had ever heard of it but me because of BJ/maxie story on GH). You saw the family going thru the heart break of it all. Joss had a fever, but we have barely seen Joss at all or Jake for that matter. Jake has had what--two scenes with the kid ever. We haven't seen lucky with those boys in forever.

Joss gets a fever, we hear that Jax brought her in to GH (we can't even see jax calling carly cause we must see brenda in every segment and we really needed to see Max pull out his back instead of Jax frantically rushing his daughter in or calling carly. And literally in one day we find out joss might have kidney cancer? Jake dies on Monday, and they beg for the kidneys on tuesday.

How do they even think that Jake would be compatible with joss? Maxie/BJ were cousins so blood related. Joss/Jake are not related.

I think the real drama here is going to be jason realizing that even non mob babies aren't safe so that he and sam will go on and decided to have a kid, but more so the drama is going to be that luke is the one who hit jake and then having tod eal with his alcoholism or whatever. Luke might be in jail, not sure for a couple days at least or arrested. But mainly luke/lucky/lulu are all going to have to deal with this and luke is going to be eaten with guilt I'm sure. He is going to lose control and have a heart breaking convo with sonny.

I'm looking forward to Tony actually getting to do something serious and deep and not the wacky hijinks. I'm sure jane/tony will have a few good scenes with all this together, but for the most part not too much.

This is probably just what TG/JJ were waiting to have a chance to act like this together.

SOD is now saying they heard Tyler was let go on Friday. and SOC said they heard the same. But given their track record about Guza this week, I'll wait and see

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SB, I agree with that Bobbie moment - that's part of the whole "not Barbara Jean" scene for me. That devastation was palpable.

As for this story, TOTALLY agree that beats were missed - they always are. I can't wait until Brenda is gone and part of me wishes that Sonny is the one to kill Jake. That would be poetic to my mind. Absorbed Sonny responsible for yet another Q death. But I still think while BJ/Maxie were the story, Jake and Joss aren't the story this time. It's the aftermath that's really going to matter. The aftermath with BJ was Tony/Bobbie truly went their separate ways as did Felicia/Frisco. Georgie was conceived and Maxie lived. The greatness of that story was the death/life of those little girls. This time around the story isn't about the children but about the interplay between Jason/Carly/Liz/Lucky with Sam/Luke thrown in. It's more heart-wrenching because it involves children, but it's not about the children themselves. That's what has to be remembered here. That's why we had "what was Carly doing", "what was Jason doing", "what was Luke doing", etc. Comparing the two stories misses the point of the focus. Liz was so intend on sticking it to Lucky/Siobhan/Nicolas/Brook that she didn't hear the door open and her son leave? Accidents happen but if I lived on that street with little boys I would have better locks. Sam and Luke have been dealing with pain in their head for a week now if not longer, and Sam was expressly told not to push it but what's the first thing she does - she pushes it. Robin's absolute obsession with Lisa has been going on for months, and Johnny has been playing with Lisa for weeks. That's not new and that came into play.

If viewers are looking for this to be a copy and expecting the kids to be the hook, then of course they are going to be disappointed and think Guza isn't making the proper connections and jump on the usual "Guza is a hack" train. But shift focus to the adults and the story has a whole different perspective.

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Saw that coming. Aiden's paternity looks like a non-starter, Helena isn't returning it appears, BL is being sent on tour, and TC has openly been admitting he's hedging his bets. If I was TPTB I'd also look at the character and decide it's time to fish or cut bait. Now the sad part of this is it looks like there's no real reason for BL to return and I've been enjoying the rare moments we've had between BL and Tracy. But reality is such that on a show as over populated at this one, the slag needs to go and Nicholas has been slag for some time.

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I would be crying tears of joy is that insider on DD was accurate - unfortunately I think MB is going to suck more life out of GH before he's gone.

However….. that would be the best ending for S&B…. here's crossing my fingers.

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