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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Tracy is saved by virtue of the fact she's now the Matriarch of the Spencer clan - the only other family who gets attention. It might never be enough for us, but it's enough to keep her around.

Add that to the fact that Tracy is not now nor never has been a "good girl". (read "dull")

What fans seem to overlook is the fact that everything TPTB tried with Elizabeth was panned. They wanted her as the happily married wife and mother, well that just not a creative place to make story. I will never understand why fans are so short-sighted to want the "Happily Ever After" for their character because that comes at the END of the fairy tale, and soap operas do not move forward from THE END. She had a good run - better than most - but there is nothing they can do with her now. Good Girls have never lasted long on GH. Adventure Girls and Bad Girls do. That's just the way it is. LIke it or don't like it, that doesn't change a thing.

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They pretty much put Liz into a corner with giving her all those kids at such a young age in soaps. All her kids are under what 5? That's too much for a soap character at her age. In real life no problem in/on soaps puts her into "character has no where to go" mode.

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But Liz was not really ever supposed to be the good girl. That's just something the writer's did to her in later years. She always shone more as the snarky, bitchy bad girl.

There is a lot more left for the character. In fact, more than most. Right now Lucky is in a relationship with Siobhan. Nik is in one with Brook. Jason is in with with Sam. These are all the men of Liz's life. It's time for her to be jealous. This paternity thing. If that's revealed, it could either give us the much awaited REAL L&L2 reunion we want, or it could send her spiraling. Lucky chooses to be with SIobhan anyway, and Liz goes ona downward spiral. Jason and Sam decide to have a baby together. Obviously Liz is going to throw a bitchfit and wonder why Jason wouldn't be involved with Jake but is willing to have a baby with Sam.

She could play so, SO, well as an interloper to Nik/Brook, Lucky/Siobhan and to Jasam. She's at her best when she's snarky and bitchy. And of course she could spiral downwards. Alcoholism, depression, you name it. And the fact that she is a mother of 3 could play right into it. There's plenty to do with Liz. Guza is just far to LAZY to write it.

OKay, sorry that's my rant of the day.

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So what are you saying? Was BH especially awful to fellow cast members? Was she bitchy or mean-spirited? What do you know?

To all those who are worrying about JE. Don't. Here's why:

1. Guza Loves LuNacy

2. TIIC Loves to keep TG happy (note TG's contract), and TG loves JE

3. Her contract clearly doesn't call for a lot of days, which means she's a lot cheaper than some of the other folks.

4. She is one of the best actresses on daytime (the best?)

Matt and Epiphany are both contract characters, right? If I were them, I'd worry....

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I absolutely agree. Liz as bitch IS the only way to go. HOWEVER none of that negates the fact that fans wanted her to be sweetness and light, with Lucky forever raising their three kids together. That's perfect in real life - deadly on soap operas. I watched the boards when the SaLiz battles were going on and NO ONE was prepared for Liz to have attitude. Well, sometimes you get what you ask for.

The irony for me always is the comment "TPTB don't listen to the fans". Well actually they do - and characters suffer for it in the long run. Scrubs is the perfect example. Fans demanded a wedding/baby/R&A with them together, and fans got it all. Complete dead end. They had to bring in outside help to jumpstart that couple again and there's still no real guarantee. Scrubs will go down again… that's the nature of the beast. Epic love stories are in the build-up, not the wedding. And as LuNacy fans I think we all have to be aware that the ONLY thing that will keep LuNacy together is their age. Sure they are a wonderful pairing, but if they were both 10-20 years younger, even LuNacy would have it's natural end as one or both move on to different pairings or leave the show as "storyline dictates".

I have only one thing to say - wish I had been there. tongue.gif TL might have been, I think.

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I don't think this was about BH in the least - this was about Elizabeth Webber.

As for the Jane Elliot list, I agree completely. And she - along with TG - remain the last Beloved Vets on the show (all due respect to JI, but he's not an original). It's politically unwise to get rid of the sweethearts, but the show will weather it. However it's politically suicide to get rid of the last female vet/Quartermaine at this point. Being a Spencer doesn't hurt her either.

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I don't think it had a damn thing to do with the character at all. Any writer worth his/her salt could come up with a way to take any character on a soap and give them an interesting story. Even Epiphany could have an interesting story if they were at all vested.

From what I hear it had everything to do with the actress/fanbase crazy lunatic actions and upcoming storyline and past roadblocks and erasing history and very little to do with the character.

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