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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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funny, that makes sense. I was like, "Wow, this was a lame end to the wedding." No first dance. No bouquet toss, and I know we saw the bouquet toss in a preview... Having Brenda catch it seems like a big thing to cut, so I bet you're right, and it will continue Monday.

soapboy, welcome to the thread. :)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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*waving to Funny, Ms. Quartermaine, and TracyQ*

I didn't think anything would be worth undoing five years of LuNacy marriage, but *this* was! Tracy is now *officially* Mrs. Spanky Spencer...Thank you, Mr. Robert Guza, Jr.! :wub:

*Loved* the TraLu toast...Best mother/daughter on soaps...EVER!!!!

Edited by GroovyTracyQ
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Today should be dubbed "In Praise of Tracy Spencer". Everything was fabulous and I loved what Lulu, Luke and Edward had to say to and about Tracy. And the Brook/Tracy scenes was phenomenal.

I don't think I've ever seen Tracy/JE smile as much in an episode as I did today. Simply beautiful!

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GH Recap - Tracy sceens


The minister is saying the blessing, Carly is texting (RUDE), Luke and Tracy are looking at each other and the minister says if anyone has a reason that they should do be wed speak now at that moment Alice stands up and Edward shoves her back down and tells her she is fired. Ethan asks if there is anyone else. The minister continues he asks Tracy if she will keep him, honour him ect. She pulls a face and Luke says Spanky, she says that she wanted to make sure he didn’t say obey. Luke rolls his eyes and Tracy say “yes all of that I will.” The minister says the same to Luke and when he says the bit about being faithful Tracy leans in and gives him a trademark look. Luke says I will. The minister asks for rings Luke gets his from Ethan, Tracy from Lulu. Just as the minister say by the power vested in me Tracy stops him and says she really needs to see the pre-nup again.

Luke asks what brought this on because she has seen the pre-nup. Tracy says she wants to see it again. Ethan says “I object” Lucky and Lulu agree and Tracy tells them they can’t object. Tracy reaches for his pocket and Luke says he won’t give it up. Racy says fine she is leaving. Tracy tries to walk out but Lulu stops her and tells her that she can’t walk out. Tracy says watch me and goes the other way which Maya blocks off. Lulu blocks her again and says it’s ridiculous and that she loves Luke and she is not going to let her screw it up at the last minuet. Luke says he doesn’t believe it. Lulu says that Luke has always paired for his adventures and his greatest one has been with her and how lucky they are to have found each other. Tracy says “Wow that’s a really lovely speech. You now what it tells me? That I’m right to be suspicious.” Tracy goes over to Luke and tries to grab the pre-nup out of his pocket. Brook grabs her by the arm and tells her to get her hand out of his pocket. Brook then says “You are acting absolutely ridiculous and I think I speak for everyone when I say I want you to get back up there and get this done because I would like to have a damn drink already.” Tracy asks who asked her and the audience clap Brook. Brook said nobody had to ask her because she is her granddaughter and she gets a say. Brook says “Step aside. God get out of your way Tracy. You love Luke. Your to afraid to let yourself be happy. I get that. But nothing in life comes with a grantee, it just doesn’t. Paper or no paper at the end of the day you are going to have to get up there and take a chance. So go. Take your chance. Hey take it.” Tracy goes back up and says proceed. This minister asks if she is sure Luke says she is and get on with it. He says they are husband and wife and he may now kiss the bride. Really long kiss then they turn around and smile.

Tracy tells the minister thank you and how it was a beautiful ceremony. The minster says it was one of the most memorable in any case. Luke said it suited them. Luke hands him some money and says that they would like to express their gratitude the minister says it is not necessary Tracy says it’s a donation and he thanks them. The minister says that he is licensed in case they had any doubt. Alexis comes in and says that she checked him out. Ethan says well done mate and Maya says that they took them on a bumpy ride. Brook takes Tracy aside and asks her if she is going to yell at her. Tracy says she hasn’t decided yet but Brook has to explain herself. Brook says that they are a little more similar that she thought and she was feeling empathetic towards Tracy. Brook said she wanted to save Tracy from herself hoping that one day someone would do that for her. Tracy said she underestimated her and good save and she walks back over to Luke. Lucky tells Luke he did good and not to blow it. Nick says congratulations and Luke tells him to enjoy the party. Tracy and Luke kiss. Edward comes over and says the deed is done and good job to both of them. Tracy said if she didn’t know him better she would think he meant that. Edward says she doesn’t no him as well as she thinks she does. Edward says he know it hasn’t been easy and some of it is his fault but he knows that the scoundrel makes him happy and that make him happy. Tracy says thank you and Edward walks off. Luke and Tracy look at each other and laugh.

Ethan toasts Luke and Tracy he says “To Luke and Tracy, here’s to a lifetime of making each other the happiest miserable people in the world.” Tracy and Luke look at each other and kiss.

Lucky says he would like to make a confession. He says that he is stunned that he is standing there, that Luke and Tracy figured out everyway to get it wrong and he thought that they would never get it right but there is a reason they did and it’s called love. He says he has never seen a more unlikely couple who fight some hard in their own way to stay together. He said that they made it and toasts “here is to as much happiness you can stand until you both make each other crazy again.” Everyone claps and they kiss again. Lulu gets up and says “do you remember when you first came into our family do you remember what I called you?” Tracy says yes – Step-monster. Lulu continues “yes they were three syllables that expressed my feelings exactly. As I slowly got to know you I realised how deep you are. How special and remarkable you are and how lucky I am that you stomped into my life. And I am very happy you married my dad and I’m honoured to call you my stepmother.” Tracy walks over and hugs her (so cute). Luke says “that this is a remarkable woman my wife. My wife wow that sounds better that I thought it would. My wife. My real legal wife.” Luke starts to talk about how she ploughed her way into the centre of his life and how before her his life was dull and he had lost interest in it but now he is interested and happy again. Luke says “before we begin round 2 I just want to say I love you and I’m afraid I always will.” They kiss. Tracy says “I think I am supposed to say something here. But I am kind of at a loss for words. So let me just say simply that I’ve never been happier in my life and thank you all for witnessing this truly rare moment. Can we eat cake now?” Luke says yes please really loud and they all run over to the cake.

Edward tells Ethan that they should get to know each other better. Luke comes over and tells Ethan to get him some booze. Luke then tells Edward not to groom him into an heir just because he alienated all the rest of them.

Tracy comes up to Edward and asks if he’d like to dance. Edward says of course daughter. Luke asks Alice to dance. Alice asks if he knows what he is doing, he says he is a happy man. Alice says okay and they dance.

Mac walks in and says sorry for crashing. Luke says crash away. Mac says congratulations to Luke about marrying Alice Luke says no he married Tracy but come in there is booze and plenty of beautiful women to dance with and Alice dips him and they keep dancing.

Edward talks to Lila. He said she would have loved the wedding and that always had a soft spot for that scoundrel Spencer. He says that their difficult daughter now seems happy at last and how he misses her. Jason and Michael walk in and they say merry Christmas.

Tracy walks over to Luke and says something has been nagging at her about that pre-nup. Luke asks whatever could that be. She says he signed it ‘Rutherford B. Hays.’ He says why would he do something as uncreative as Rutherford B. Hays he signed it Wyllie Coyote. They both laugh and walk away.


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Just finished watching on YouTube, thank goodness because there was no way I could wait till I got home tonight. :lol: Today was very sweet and very enjoyable, I only hope that Luke really didn't pull a fast one on Tracy by signing the pre-nup with a fake name.

Also, glad that the episode isn't finished, a continuation on Monday will be something to look forward to. :wub:

Welcome newbies!!!!

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I have to return here again after a long time without posting here just to say how amazing today's episode was. It had so many wonderful moments. I loved all the Tracy/Luke stuff of course, but the scenes with BL, the speeches of Luke's children, the scene with Edward and Tracy and at the end Edward talking to Lila and Jason saying "Merry Christmas Grandfather" made this show a one to remember. Also, the Carly/Brenda scene and Sonny/Brenda where good too and I really like Molly. The only really big thing that bothered me was that Monica was not there and even worth Bobbie. With these two woman there it would be more than perfect. But that's today's GH. Anyway, this was amazing and with this cliffhanger and we know Brenda catches the bouquet it will continue next week. I'm sooooooo happy. Merry Christmas to all of us!!! :)

Edited by SeanM
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