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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Fox news might not, but I wouldn't put it past ABC. This whole thing is meant to manipulate fans into believing it's possible for ewcbo to return fulltime. I don't think even Guza would be so stupid as to write himself into a hole where Lulu finds out that Nic and Luke knew about the mental yoyo, but Lucky and Lulu didn't. Nic knowing and not telling - that's could be believable. Luke not telling or even hinting, nope. And if Lulu found out that her family knew and didn't tell her, she'd hit the roof. Lucky is too honest for his own good, and he would spill in a New York minute. Luke knowing and spending his time hiding from Tracy et al while looking for a cure? Don't think so - he's got other fish to fry.

And there's still the strong possibility that it's all in Lulu's head, which is still what I think is happening.

As for the Medifast thing - I hear you. Media manipulation. Ewcbo reeks of it. She and SBu can go off and do their food supplement infomercials somewhere else: dominate some other network for an hour at a crack.

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Again, so much BS flying around the dish...but here is some stuff I got....grain of salt...

CAn you clarify a few more things if you can:

1) Do you know if it is true Tony starts taping the third week in september again?


2) Do Luke, Lucky and Nik already know Laura has been in and out? Or does she ask Lulu to keep it from them for now?

No they dont know. SHe asks LuLu not to say. Then they'll know in Oct.

3) Do you know if Laura shares scenes with anyone but lulu this go round?

Just LuLu.


This would put Tony back onscreen mid-October I guess.

Laine--what I meant about the clip is...not so much it was chopped to be misleading...but perhaps the line before it was lulu sayin something about the doctors and why didn't they tell us, and then go on to say lucky/nik/dad....and Laura could have answered "I asked them not to tell you because I didn't want you to be disappointed:

Anyway, the scenes air today so I guess we will know.

Some other stuff

Tony Geary is back taping the third week of September , do the math .

He does NOT see Laura because Lulu promise to keep the secret and she goes back to being a vegetable .


Edited by hookedongh
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Well, that means that Tracy being involved with Lucky's side will be more than a few seconds before Luke swoops down to take over (being the actual legal guardian in all of this). AND it means Tracy would be going to the Skate wedding to represent Luke, if she goes at all (have we confirmation on this one?) AND we now have a date, or at least a week, for a LuNacy reunion.

All in all, you are doing an amazing job, Hooked. Keep doing what you are doing!

Ya know, all I really want to hear is one line: "Tony has requesed to work with Jane, not Genie", and I'm good!

And all that speculation about TG/GF in October is just GF saying she expects that would happen. Nothing has been said for sure, and it's too early for her to know. Wouldn't it be hilarious if they get nothing, or perhaps a throw away scene or two. I'm feeling pretty secure as a LuNacy fan. And I doubt TG will retire, too. He's too young, and he loves what he does and who he does it with. I also think TG and JE will have some long, private conversations about their mutual retirement - both would want to go out on this high.

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Sorry did it seem like in my last post that I'm not for JE on-screen? Totally not the case...I'm just very specific in what I want to see for the remaining Q's thats all. The mob thing just does not work for me. It's tired...played out. Guza is just recycling it over and over!! :huh: One mobster leaves town to be replaced by a bigger badder mobster! I see the point of pushing for a mob connection for TQ as a means for airtime but I'd rather push for Guza to hit the bricks...literally. I want to hit him with bricks!!


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tracyluver, if you happen to be lurking, I just want to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

On the topic of birthdays, I am realizing that I need to add AMF, LisaQ, and Truke to the ever growing list. Do you want to share?

And more on birthdays, upcoming ones include...

missjane: September 7

tracynluke: September 10

*waves to halee and AMF and remos*

Oh, if anyone wants to see my ideas on bringing the Q's back (and hasn't yet), you can find them here. You'll have to scroll to my posts.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Well Happy belated Birthday alanmonicaforever!!! Oh and welcome to the Lovefest, I think I forgot to say that. :)

I have one quick question about Laura and her waking up but nobody wanting to tell Lulu. Are we 100% positive that all that happens isn't a figment of Lulu's imagination?? I mean who is to say that Laura cofronting Scotty (if that really happens) isn't all in her head. Genie has said that she isn't working with anybody else except for Julie so it is possible that this is all a dream playing out in Lulu 's head. Especially given the fact that Luke is still out of the country and will be for at least another few weeks.

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Completely. Add that to the fact that certain forces (often on SD and SOC) want to interpret GF's words as absolutes (when I've actually read/heard the interviews and she's hesitant about committing to anything outside of Lulu), and we get all sorts of room for guesses and misinformation.

Bottoms line is the scenes are playing now, so the speculation should end shortly for this round, and SD's insiders are contradicting each other. We won't know until it's up on our screens.


Seems the people who watched it live can't even figure out who Laura was talking about as 'they knew but I asked them not to tell you'. Guess we'll have to wait to see the taped version - but you'd think they would get that one clear. Seem more and more this will just be in Lulu's head.

BTW, on that SOC poll re: LuNacy or LnL, they are pretty well neck-n-neck, with LuNacy pulling ahead every now and again. It's quite interesting to watch, especially on a board that's so biased.

Edited by remos
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Howdy!!! I'm back for a few days before I leave again lol. Classes started today so I prob won't be around much e-mail me if I don't pop up every few days lol. Haven't watched GH but obviously haven't missed anything either. I wish Tracy and Monica would pop back up soon and have ghost Alan there too. Stupid writers!!! GRRR I want the OLD GH BACK!!!!!!

Welcome to the Board AMF and LisaQ!!!!!

Back to class for me I'll see ya'll around.

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No way - and I mean absolutely no way - did Luke not mean every word he said to Tracy about his love for her. The Zaccharas? We know he lied about them. Tracy knew. Luke could tell that Tracy knew. As he told Lucky, he would do anything to "get my wife back" including lying through his teeth. (He also acknowledged that worried him since Tracy knew him so well. Right on that one.)

Don't forget Luke's talk with Nikolas and how he said that "what I have with Tracy is once in a lifetime, too." His telling the ewcbo's son that was huge, and proof positive that he meant it. (Methinks that is, in part, why that conversation was scripted. Oh, and did you notice how "Luke" kept nodding his head as he was saying that about Tracy? I just love acting choices.

It would be ridiculous to rewrite it so that Luke knew that ewcbo was coming out of anything. However, if he did, and still left with Tracy...Works for me!

*good thoughts*

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^^^ Ain't that the truth. If he didn't know ewcbo was awake, he expressed his love and devotion to Tracy in full honestly and isn't about to take it back. If he DID know ewcbo was awake, that makes his persuit and feeling for Tracy even more powerful.

BTW, the Luke/Laura or Luke/Tracy poll over on SOC is still 50/50. I've been watching it all afternoon and it's quite something. Others are now starting to comment on how interesting it is that those who've voted are split down the middle. Ewcbo does NOT have this in the bag. AND Funny and I are the only LuNatics from here who's voted. Step up to the plate, ladies!

Oh... and is anyone having luck posting on Fanfic.net? I can't get in... which means Lainey can't get her puddin'.

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I agree with you both remos and QT. Luke has been going out of his way to get Tracy back. And he doesn't do that just to do that.

I don't get all up in arms with the LnL vs LuNacy stuff because I don't like to waste my breath because we all know who is the better couple and who is better suited for Luke.

So... with that there is no stress here.

Edited by funny1
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