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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I would love to have your positivity Remos, but from what I have ascertained the promised storyline arc was the lulu duty this summer. However, I sure hope I am wrong. Unless that is what puts her back into la la land! :)

From BB's fan club event

Brandon said Jane is great to work with (someone mentioned the scenes of Tracy catching JoLu in bed)

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(Remos, I bet you can hear me laughing in Toronto).

I have decided to believe this... just because it is



I don't believe Laura finds out about Tracy. I think she must appear in dream sequence as Lulu goes mad. Or maybe Lulu goes to Shady Brooke, and only she can "hear" her mother. Something like that.

August isn't a sweeps period. It's odd they'd bring her back now. Very odd.

There must be some truth to the Tony/Genie frost because if there wasn't, they'd slide her appearance a bit to when he returns.



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Loud and clear, Lainey, loud and clear....

I'm not going to do the political correct thing with this, I'm still laughing about it and it wouldn't surprise me that there isn't truth in them there grains.

I think it's very telling that she's back in August for a few episodes and he's not back until September some time. That will be to catch the university kids just before they head to their campuses, and parents who are watching a last hurrah before Fall starts.

I'm thinking if (big if) ewcbo awakens, they will have the LuNacy revelation.

If she doesn't awaken (more what I'm suspecting) it is merely Lulu propping and won't go outside of those two.

Time will tell either way.

Ms.Q, download your vid but I can't get any picture. When will it be on Youtube? And I still haven't read your latest chapter. I just dropped in to respond to this. Packing Ruah for a trip to Niagara region tomorrow.

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Hey guys..was out late last night, am just saying hello for a sec...leaving most of day today. Be back this afternoon. Going ot meet my inlaws half way to drop off my little one for the week. My husband is leaving for a week and I have ot get to the airport to collect my little one.

Nex--Tracy Tuesday FYI

Have a good day everyone.

QT where have you been?

Will catch up on the thread later today.

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I'm also on the road today. I'm off to church in half an hour, then taking Ruah the two hours to Lake Erie for camp. The little girl who was crying on Wednesday because she didn't want to do yet another camp is currently in the kitchen making PB&J and singing Veggie Tales at the top of her lungs, anxious to get going.

My kids are troopers. That's all I've got to say.

Catch you this evening I hope.

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I have some LuNacy ones in the making... Kind of. But I wish I had some new clips. I guess it's hard to accumulate LuNacy clips when one half of the couple is on vacation 5 months out of the year. :( Oh, I've edited the video... Will post the newest version on YouTube later...

Nice job with the annals, btw. I read the latest 2 chapters this morning, which was so weird 'cause I actually dreamt about the annals last night...My dream involved an

Except Lucky was the one going in...He went into the mansion, but he got caught, and someone locked him up in this cellar type of place. Poor Lucky! Tracy, meanwhile, was being escorted around by the housekeeper. And hooked will appreciate this, but Tracy had nice, oomphy hair! Can't really remember the rest except Tracy wasn't eating much, which doesn't really go with the annals. Oh, and she was wearing red...

Truke, I haven't heard of that, but it seems like any Tracy or LuNacy sites/groups that are started always fizzle. I like it here where we keep it going and going and going... :D

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