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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Great Vid Stace! I finally made my way onto a Ms. Q vid! Life is good :D


I'll be there in 5 mins!

Spoke to Hooked today when her plane landed in Newark Airport for her stopover. She is glad to be heading home and said she would be around to chat manana :D and that she misses everyone.

Edit: BSG, Yes, Sister Mary HotPants (SMHP) from "A Change of Habit" ;)

Edited by TracyLuv
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OMG home sweet home!! It is 3:36 am. Great trip but ended on a sour note. Either had my purse stolen or lost at the gate at newark airport. I knew I had it with me as I was talking to TL on my cell phone while I paid for a book at the bookstore. All day I had it in my tote bag zipped up, but the kids took so many bags of pretzels and chips from the continental president's club place, that I had to stick them all in my tote bag and carry my purse. i remember putting on lipgloss at the gate and watching adam put on a runway model show for us with his new giants hat! I realized when I landed it was gone. We were just thinking how careful we had been all throughout europe with not getting robbed, etc.

Trying to be super zen about this, because it is all replaceable stuff, but.....my drivers license, credit cards (only two thank god that I cancelled already) my CELL PHONE, my ipod, my two pairs of good sunglasses and my favorite (not to mention expensive) purse. SOOOOOO UPSET!! Plus the hassle of having to get new insurance cards, get a new license tomorrow etc.

What are the odds of ever seeing that purse again? Lost and found not open til tomorrow.

Anyway, glad to be home. Super exhausted. House is hot as hell. Going to try to go to bed cause this friends who moved a year ago to NC are in town and coming by tomorrow at 10am to see us on their way to the airport---SO NOT HAPPY about that one.

Catch you all tomorrow night...can't wait to catch up.

Luckily I have a temporary cell phone to use, but I want my phone back!!!

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It is 5am and still no sleep. Now I am seriously missing my purse and cell phone! I feel so lost without them!!

Trying to catch up! Read back a few pages of the thread.

I got friday's clips from the week of the 16th I guess, but were Th's little carly scenes posted ever? What about this past week's Tracy scenes?

We have company coming over ina few hours. I should sleep. Two out of threee kids are still up! No food in this house. Yuck!!!

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Hooked, so good to have you back. I'm sorry about the purse, though. That is my nightmare when traveling.

The board has been really slow of late, hopefully Tracy being on tomorrow and Friday will boast it a bit.

I'm off to prepare my kids for camp. In the next 3 1/2 weeks Ruah has two sleep away and one day camp, and Shiloh has two sleep away camps. Then they're home for a week's rest before the next day camp which is for Ruah, Shiloh and Zion. July will be crazy in my world. Hopefully the little guys and I will get some extra camping in so they don't feel too left out. And for the record, I HATE day camp - I'm just not in the grove with packing lunches. It's really hard on the head.

Anyway, I hope to pop back in and perhaps add to The Annals later. Please remember the blog - it's a group effort.

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Hey guys. I left a message on the lost and found recording at newark airport this morning. I know that purse is long gone.

I am going to go get a new license in a few minutes and already cancelled my cards. Only bright spot--I need to go buy a new purse, wallet, ipod, sunglasses, etc.... (of course I have spares, but ya know....)

I so missed you guys!!! I have so much to catch up on with the annals, the blog, GH (all 13 episodes)

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I spent way too much money today - and I'm not happy like Lainey usually is. I actually had 6 people mistake Rusty for a girl today, that is a record. And today was the first time in months we've been running errands and someone hasn't asked why the kids aren't in school. Oy, my head hurts. Good news is Mikey is away on business so I have the place to myself after the screamers go to bed in the next 2 hours! Yay me!!!

How did it go today, Hooked? Get anything fixed?

Nex, not to be a pain but I'm going to be a pain - do you have the scenes of Luke and Robert talking just before the ewcbo wakes up?

Funny, it's been 48 hours - where's #20?

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