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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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You're welcome nex. And perhaps Jason being rather out of it helped? And Sonny was getting comedic scenes instead of his usual brooding ones, so that helped too IMO.

So I am realizing from posts on various boards that the Emmys are on tonight. Is it wrong that I want TG to win just to see if he thanks JE? :lol:

On the topic of YouTube awesomeness... If you like TrAsh (and or the Q's)...

alanandmonicaforever and halee both have good scenes up. :D

Search Tracy GH (this week).

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I'm feeling a bit bad for wanting TG to win just so he could thank JE. I mean, he did have good material in the dramatic episode he submitted, AND I do consider him to be a fabulous actor; I just SO wanted that Jane Elliot mention. Good thing I got it, huh? LOL.

I don't have this taped, so I can't rewind, but he thanked his partner in crime, Jane Elliot, said she makes him better, keeps him on time, something about knowing his words... It was all very sweet.

Sadly, GH won Best Drama. I don't get it. No writing award. No directing award. Just 1 acting nominee and award. But BEST DRAMA?! And Jill? "This was expected." Are you serious?! My mom can't understand why I'm not happy. Hellooooo, one month/year of good writing is NOT good... And Guza will just keep doing what he's doing now that he's got another shiny statue. Blah.

BTW, for those wondering about GH's montage: It was mainly Hostage Crisis scenes. Nothing with Tracy.

Also, JE/Tracy was not in the tape that they showed of TG/Luke. It was from a Luke/Sonny scene.


And SQUEE for the Jane Elliot mention!

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Well I just watched the boring-ass Emmys and watched to see if TG would win. I everyone saying if TG won would he thank JE. Well we got our wish, TG did win and he did thank his as he put it "partner in crime" JE. I knew he would whoohoo. :D


Ms. Q I was also disappointed that gh won. I was thinking the samw as you do, that Guza can continue writing sh!t that he does and he can always go back to saying we won best drama that year. Gh sucks!!

Edited by funny1
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Im NOT happy GH stole the best show Emmy yet again. and what a class act that JFP is :rolleyes: I guess this just gives GH more validation to continue being crappy all year except at sweeps. BLAH

and while I loved the Jane mentio by Tony, I was really hoping for Peter Bergman to win. I've loved him since I could remember, and really was rooting for him

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halee, it's the second to last category. You will prob. be safe if you tape the last 20 minutes. :D (maybe make that 25 to be on the safe side)

Can I just say how AWESOME it is that about 98% of the posts I have read post-Emmy's include incredible disappointment and shock that GH won Best Drama? Does my heart good. :)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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