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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ms. Q ive been meaning to come back. soo busy these days.

Sadly I just got tired of Watching the Sonny and Carly nonsense hour. :(

The lack of Tracy, Erica on Amc, and the ridiculousness of Dorian caused me to more or less give up on ABC Daytime, in general. It took me years to finally give it up, but ABCD has really in my opinion gone down hill.

I stopped for good about mid march, depressed after not seeing Jane for weeks and upset, and saddened yet mysteriously happy that Tracy told him to shove it. I did see the hair cut. I loved it soo much that I cut my hair sort of a longer version of her hair cut. a much longer version, which has since grown out. :lol: I have to admit, I never really liked Jane with the short hair. Personally I preferred Jane in the long Early 90's dark cut. It was so modern, so fresh her hair looked much more trendier then the "Fashionista mafia b!ch" Kate Howard.

I would quote but I forgot :huh:

~ Here's my Jane Elliot recap ~

She went to Amsterdam with Tony Geary for a bit, which we all thought was very neat. The two also did a radio interview together with Leeza Gibbons, where a lot of things we heard came up, but there was a cute part when Tony mentioned trying out for Jane's lover, and Jane corrects him, "Tracy's lover, Sweetheart." And there was a surprise guest. Anyway, she's been in the mags a lot more than she used to. I'd have to go back and find the articles/summaries, but it's good that she more or less is getting the attention she deserves.

Amsterdam, wow. but there was a cute part when Tony mentioned trying out for Jane's lover Maybe he wanted to be Jane's lover. Can we say a new daytime super couple. Jony? Tone? Hey maybe Jane will go to the emmy's . Still bitter that Jane didn't get a nod. officially she is the Patti lupone of daytime! Oooh who was the surprise. You must tell. EEK *jumping up and down*


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coolkid, I hope this is not all mumbled-jumbled, but here goes: GH has turned into the Lulu hour!!! Carly and Jason still get a ton of screentime though from what I do see, and Claudia too. :angry: And yes, I remember March. Not a good month for Tracy (the reason IMO was TG's knee surgery - that kept him and JE by extension offscreen). Yes, early 90s...The thick, black hair that swooshed all the time...I liked that too. I don't believe it would suit her now, but for the time, it worked perfectly! I believe ILoveTracyQ thinks so too.

Oh, in the interview, TG explained that he didn't get the part of Tracy or JANE's lover. You might find that interesting. And the surprise guest was

As for the Emmys, I don't think JE submits herself anymore. As for her going, she's not listed as an attendee. She's hasn't gone in years, though, has she? I can't really see her going now, anyway, unless you could swear sweats and no make-up to the ceremony. ;)

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Speaking of the serious lack of Tracy, is there any indication that she will be on this week at all? Dates?


Oh, actually there was a Tracy reference yesterday (or Monday, not sure since I watched both eppis back to back on youtube). Ric wanted to talk to Johnny about Tracy and he told Lulu to stay because she might be able to exert influence on Tracy to get her to back off the running of the Star. Ric is wanting it for his puppet master, as you know. Lulu basically told him the Z's were the reason her father wasn't around and she wasn't about to help them with Tracy. Johnny smuggly said that's why they hired Ric so he can do the dirty work, Johnny wasn't going to do it.

Me, I'm thinking Lulu influencing Tracy... yeah right :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: etc, etc, and so on....

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Ms.Q, I loved your new vid! It was so fun, it makes me want to make a vid too! :)

Remos, I am so loving your story!!

halee, I did see that Diane was going to be at Warren's AFI tribute, it's kind of cool and weird that she will be there considering she used to date him, but it seems like she is friends with all her ex-es. I have every intention to watch, if only for her. :D

As for this past Friday's clips, I know I said I would have them posted by yesterday night, but I unexpendedly found myself at Disneyland last night and got home past midnight, so I will try my best to have them up today.

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Thank you muchly....(at least someone who doesn't want to crucify me for chapter 26)

And as a mother of four who desperately want to visit, how does one 'unexpectedly' find themselves at Disneyland past midnight?


Okay, it's not much but Luke left a note in that Mexican bar for Lucky/Sam which ended "give my love to Lesley Lu, Barbara Jean and Tracy."


Oh Lainey... you are going to LOVE DiLex. The are such kindred spirits. My favourite line from Diane about Jerry: "Don't turn your back on him - metaphorically speaking."

My fabourite Alexis line: "There are no words - and I'm very articulate."

And there's some cute, suggestive Dax as well.

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Well for me it's quite easy, first, I have a season pass and second, I live 10 minutes away. My friends and I decided last minute to go after work. They close at midnight now that it's summer and Main St. closes at 1am, so we all decided to ride Space Mountain one more time before closing and it was way past mindight when we finally left. :) That's how I unexpectedly found myself there last night.

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Yeah me too. Well I would watch for Jack too. Jack's my man. Although I saw the pictures of the event on gettyimages.com and he was wearing a naru jacket. What's up with that? Oh well, Diane looked great.

*And at least they mentioned Tracy's name today. They still know she is on the show...

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Thanks! And you should definitely make a video!!! You can use the song that TL suggested; the one called Tracy from the 1960s, I believe. It's so perfect for LuNacy! Oh, nex! Question for you, as I know you take special note of these things. I was watching some clips of the vow renewal (reminds self not to think of the ridiculous dress - shudder). Well, I watched some scenes before she got all "dressed up" and some scenes after. I don't know if I or anyone else mentioned this at the time, but do you think she had hair extensions of some kind? Her hair wasn't super long, and I don't think they could have made it look as high as it was without extensions...Just wondering. :)

remos, thank you as well for the video feedback. I have caught up on the latest chapters of your story, by the way. Can't believe you did that to Luke!!! :o Was not expecting it, maybe since I skipped much of the previous chapter ('cause of the warning). Anyway, I loved Tracy in the early morning scene. So perfect. Looking forward to more.

So, I am wondering if we are still getting Carly/Tracy this week. GH wouldn't cut a (spoiled) Carly scene, I don't think, and there are still 2 more days, so I guess we'll see...

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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