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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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One more thing...in response to this Scene Insider saying why does nobody write or care about the Qs til it is too late and they are dead...

Someone posted that the TracyQ love/hate thread on SON is consistently the highest posted on thread on the whole board!

Woo hoo! Way to go lunatics!!

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OMG! Too funny QT! It is freaking 3am and I can't sleep. Totally wired. Love my purple crown! Wearing it proudly!

Off to try once again to catch a few Zzzz...

Tomorrow after I go exercise is when I am totally playing fic catch up!

I have to book airline tickets, write out babysitter instructions, etc...and get ready to go out of town this week.

My writing just sucks lately. Can't focus...all over the place. End of school is so chaotic!


Spoiler Queen sounds a bit more elegant than Spoiler ho? What do you think? I think I secretly like to let my "inner ho" out though---ha ha! Clearly I am punchy now and need sleep.

Edited by hookedongh
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SOOOOOOOOOOO EXHAUSTED!!! I am getting way too old for these all night can't sleep a thons and getting up at 6:45!

From my little anon friend today at SD..

Well it is a new day, so I will pose my daily question to any lurking insiders:

Anyone know if Tracy will be involved in any part of a storyline this summer? Or will she just make an occasional Lulu propping appearance?

Will she be running the HS? Or is that drop true that the HS is not reopening this summer?

I'm the one who originally told you she'd be seen quite a bit this summer.

I haven't heard anything to indicate otherwise although I do think a lot of it will involve Lulu. But last I heard the HS was not closed for the summer. That could have changed. I'll try and find out.

Why is it that I prefer the title of SpoilerHo to SpoilerQueen? There's a question for a shrink!!!

Oh by the way, I took my son to the shrink this morning...the good news is he talked to her alone for 30 minutes and she called me in and said he seemed in a good place, his mood was good, his self-confidence seemed up and he seemed to be handling stuff well. For those of you who knew how worried I have been, I was very relieved to hear this.

Of course it was 8:15 when I remember we had this appt. at 8:30 and went flying out the door.

Lainey--this SI person who was parked at soapdish for 60 hours this weekend said that Dimax are very popular with offliners too.

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I finally saw Tuesday's episode! Love the swizzle sticks. And the dancing. And the...wow, you look good, Mama Bear attitude he had. :D

I also love Alexis, who is so funny and kewl and sexy again, now that she's not saddled with Ric.

Started to write the DiLexis thing, Lainey, but got sidetracked by computer issues. Sorry I missed you this weekend.

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Hey MF!!! We must chat again sometime. I am having serious writer's block issues.

Glad you are writing again!

The blog is way fun! Of course I screwed up again and posted as Carrie!

Halee--you asked a couple days ago if I was doing episode descriptions for Curlygirl and yes I was. I have been extremely lax as of late but I did do February through August of 1991 I think.

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Hey Remos! Finally caught up on your fics! Love them. I feel like I am right there on this adventure with them!! Really really awesome!

I am not banished from all things Tracy until I do what I need to do today.

Funny--yours are next! can't wait to catch up!

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Okay I have no disclipine whatsoever!! so much for my no things Tracy til I get everything done rule today!!

OMG Remos---that was so awesome! I love the end! Especially who was MIA!!!

Damn they are speaking to you a lot! Tell them to whisper in my ear will ya?

At least I booked plane tickets to miami. The fares are going nuts. I was able to get a good deal on Southwest though . My son is flying back alone and they dont' even consider them unaccompanied minors on SW airlines at 13!!

My summer is soooo busy and it hasn't even started!

I am thinking that L&T might come along on my cruise with me ya know! Since I will have a laptop along, maybe I can contribute a bit!

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Just wanted to pop my head in and say hello! I hope everybody had a great Memorial Day, I myself spent the long weekend in bed sick as a dog, but hey, it could have been worse, the weather could have been spectacular but it wasn't. We had freakish tornados, yes I said tornados, rain, wind and hail so it was better to stay inside. :)

Remos, I spend the better half of my morning reading your story and I LOVE it!!

Hooked, thanks for posting all those spoilers/possible spoilers.

Better get back to work!! :D

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Hey everyone! Hoped you all had a great Memorial Day! Sorry I've been rather absent lately. I've been working a ton lately and getting ready to start back up with school.

So any news on when Tracy and Luke will be back?

I LOVE the blog. I was reading it during a meeting at work lol and I started laughing and all of the other like 20 people in there started to stare at me like I was crazy (it was kind of like that episode of Mary Tyler Moore where they're all the funeral for that clown and everyone else is all serious and Mary keeps laughing and everyone turns around and looks at her). Sigh lol

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