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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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just stopped in to say hello to all the lunactics. hey guys dont do so much over thinking with the luke/tracy stuff. relax relate release. you have to know its just entertainment. will post later on. i hop you guys also liked the fanfic. tell me how you think? lol was it hot enough for you? :D

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One bright spot for the morning...this was on wubs.net...not that we didn't know it

**Skye says goodbye to Luke, she's leaving Port Charles

At least they are not leaving together...rather he be with TQ off screen, acting out funny's fic scenario! :)

From serial drama website:

And the only other bit of good news from the Christmas episode, which isn't exactly a newsflash, but: Tracy rocks.

Luke: Tracy, I need you to do something for me. I want a Viking funeral.

Lulu: Dad...

Luke: No. Listen, I'm serious. I want you to just lay me in a rowboat, set it aflame, and shove me out into the harbor.

Tracy: That wouldn't be any fun unless you were alive.

Oh fine, writers: Hee!

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Happy for you too Rachel--it will be a new adventure for you. Hope you are feeling better.

Okay..so I am back to myself today..sorry to those of you chatting with me last night. I let this sit a while and now I am looking at it a whole different way. It makes total sense that TG would be sayng that if they give him something he wants and worth doing, he will come back and do it. If not, he will come back briefly for a stint to wrap up his story. I am sure TG is set for life moneywise and much prefers living in Amsterdam anyway to LA. Why would he want to keep playing Luke if there is going to be nothing meaty to do. I am sure playing bickersome with Tracy is not either of their idea of fun.

I think it also makes sense that if this stuff is all true, that he and JE probably did go talking to TPTB wanting to maintain the integrity of their characters. They probably didnt' want luke running off on her again after they had built their relationship up. I am sure she is financially okay too and is a smart cookie. Neither one of them want to go down with a sinking ship. Maybe she wants to do other things and not be tied down to getting crappy stupid stuff thrown at her once in a blue moon.

So bottom line is...we all wanted them to get to a point where they love each other for real. They are there and if it means them leaving happy together, then I am all for that. I just hope some other soap scoops up Jane and we can watch her somewhere else. Bottom line..we are all JE fans..as she is Tracy. I would watch her with any character she portrayed. So I am glad that (again if it is true), that she is leaving or cutting back on her terms, not getting some pink slip to recurring and being portrayed in the press as not worthy, etc. like JZ. Or being talked about given the ax like SD.

Like Lainey said last night in the breakroom...TG has a damn great agent who has negotiated him the sweetest deals ever! Maybe TPTB will give him what he wants as far a story goes. Maybe they won't. But whatever the case, I am gonna enjoy today, tomorrow and whatever we get of Tracy next week and Luke. At least maybe we will get a good vacation send off scene!

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Let me first start by saying I HATE WALMART. It started with this woman saying to me "one more week and your free of them", while pointing to my kids. Grrr. You don't have to know I homeschool, but sh-t/f-ck/damn, don't insult children IN FRONT of them. They aren't that stupid. That was before I got inside to all the mouth-breathers who stock GARBAGE on their shelves and try to convince children they have a great toyland. 2 hours to find 4 measly things my kids could be interested in from the aunt and cousins for Christmas (gift cards are wasted on the 12 and under).

Grr... breathe....breathe... so...okay.. got that out...did I mention I hate Walmart?

Okay, not for the topic de jour. Stace, are you able to recap, or do you want me to? Starts in a few minutes.

Lainey, since we've both got Diane luv, I'll include her stuff as well.

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I heard there was an ass pinch too in there somewhere in front of the kids. can't wait to watch!

Hot hot hot story Funny! Just read it!

Maybe the vow renewal old spoiler will come into play for them to leave together for that and an extended honeymoon! It would make sense for her to come back early to work..lukey could stay on the beach somewhere!

Wow November 14th 2006 and now January 2, 2008...the time between the words ILY muttered by Luke Spencer (in the exact words, even though we know he sort of said it in many ways since then).

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hooked---you know i got another story in mind for ya lunacy fans. nothing but the best smut i can write. glad you liked it. i did glance that he tapped her ass, but i didnt really get a good look i was on the damn computer, it figures. ill have to look at it on youtube. i loved them today. the ILYs that was hot. :P

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Scene 1, Luke is visted by a man who brings him the cubans inside a newspaper. Luke says he just saved his life. Tracy walks in and LUke says, "I can't believe they traded him to the Nicks". She looks very suspicious and asks who this man in.

Scene 2, Luke introduces Ernesto, who saved him in a lot of scraps in Latin America. The two men feed off each other with obviously false stories about adventures, Tracy not really buying it. Ernesto is a musician, Luke tells her, who used to play at Luke's Club. Then Luke turns to Ern. and tells him Tracy does a mean Mumbo, "Show us your moves, Mama", he says to Tracy. Tracy's having none of it. Lucky and Lulu walk in as Ernesto is leaving. Lucky says he must be feeling better, he's getting some colour back, to which Tracy responds, "Yes, which means you're up to something".

Scene 3. Tracy says "No smoking, no drinking and no fatty foods", as she moves closer to Luke and turns towards Lucky and Lulu. Luke takes the opportunity to swat her on the backside. Tracy yelps then glares as him. Then Luke starts that steak is fuel, booze is gas for his engine and cigars are his exhaust. Lucky picks up the metaphor and tells him he's got to stay in the "garage" until he is totally put back together. There is more bantying with the car metaphor, then Luke says if he can't be himself they might as well sell him for parts. Tracy asks who else would want him but her. Lulu says they hospital gave him a healthy meal. She lifts the top and Lucky/Tracy/Luke all say "eww". Luke says "cover it, cover it, cover it". Lulu asks if he wants company, he says he doesn't need a minder. He isn't going to botch his recovery. Tracy looks at him, unconvinced.

Scenes 4-6, nada

Scene 7, Tracy is looking under Luke's bed when Cassius and Leyla return him from having tests. She needs looking around the room and into the bathroom. Luke tells her he would help if she told him what she was looking for. She responds, contraban. That he's not living if he's not sneaking. He says he's trying to stay calm, otherwise they'd have a big arguement about that. Tracy looks at him and does her pout face (I haven't seen that since the Ashton years), and says she doesn't want to lose him. He pats the bed to get her to come closer. Once she sits she tells him she wants them to grow old together. Luke assures her there's a lot of life in his heart, yet. Tracy tells Luke he had better take care of his heart, because it belongs to her. She then gets up to leave and leans over to kiss him. He pulls her head closer while they kiss. She offers her check, then kissing him again. Pulling away, she says she'll leave so he can rest. She asks if he needs anything, water? He says no, he's fine. Tracy turns back from the door and says ILY. Luke looks at her and says ILY, too. When she's gone, he reaches for the water jug, pulls out the cigars and matches, and lights up. After two puffs, he coughs and grabs at his heart.

Preview: Tracy's back and tries to shake Luke, goes to the door to yell for help. Luke flatlines and goes to pergatory.

Diane: Diane is finding out about Sonny in NYC lockup, she's in Sonny's office with Spin and Jason. Suddenly she realizes a letter is addressed to her, opens it and it's the litigator of the year award. She hangs up on NYC, forgetting all about Sonny. Spin offers her his congratulations, and she hugs his head to her breast. Then she starts obsessing about having to buy clothing and leaves. With Maxie later she is trying to find the perfect outfit. Maxie looks frustrated, as Diane goes on and on about what she needs, saying she really needs a counsult with Kate, but due to her shortsightedness, Kate isn't here with them. Maxie doesn't know what to do, so just leans back in her chair. Later it's Diane getting Spin out of trouble, and notices the health inspector has a designer scarf. The two bond and they get Spin off of charges. Diane asks the inspector her opinion about award receiving attire.

Alexis: Less flighty then Diane, every bit as excited. Jerry offers to excort her, but she turns him down. She calls Maxie in for a fashion consult, then tells Maxie she understands how difficult it is to lose a sister. Maxie's still really pissed at Flea.

Overall opinions: Wow, someone is listening. We had LuNacy, Lucky, Lulu, Liz, Epiph. Regina, Cassius, Nadine, Layla, Jason, Carly, Max, Spin., Diane,Nik, Em, Jerry (who gets an office, btw, what's up with that when Tracy doesn't have one?),Skye, Ric, Alexis and Maxie. Maxie was with Diane and Alexis. Alexis was with Jerry, Maxie and Ric/Skye. Jason stayed in Sonny's office. Spin was with Max, Diane, health inspector, Jason. Nic and Em were there with Lulu. Carly with Alexis then Jason. If they are trying to get more balance this way, good for them. Lots on today, lots happening. Lots of laughter, some serious stuff. I'll leave it to Ms. Q to do colour commentary, but I laughed a fair bit, so I can't do the dialogue justice.

I haven't edited diddly. Typos are on purfus.

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Thanks remos for the detailed recaps, they are very much appreciated. I am in the process of downloading todays clips as we speak and I will post them as soon as I can.

I hope everybody had a great New Years!!! Its good to be back to normal on both the board and the end of the holiday season.

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Thanks Remos--well at least we are getting good Lunacy stuff before he/she/they leave! Just sent my husband and kids off for a late lunch/early dinner at Hooters--the great family values restaurant, while I stay home to finish up laundry and watch GH!!

Anyone around for a quick chat? It is 4:20 central time!


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Sounds like a really cute show today, I can't wait to watch it!!!

So what is this story from Funny I keep hearing about? I can't find a link, was it on here?

Hope I get a chance to come to the br later... don't know how likely it is, have to go to work early again tomorrow. No lie, seven times in a row I've had to reschedule my hair cut. It's a pain now!!!

Can't wait for clips whenever they can be posted

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Really creepy picture of Genie Frances on this medifast ad... black dress and short hair? It doesn't even look like her...

Liking the light blue! I still like the colors of that other board better, though.

Thanks for the recaps Remos! Sounds good!

Nex, do you have clips of the holidays, etc, by any chance? I have none after Decemer 7th. I think I missed a few days. Thanks!

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