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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Well, good morning sunshine! CAN YOU HEAR ME DOWN THERE???

You were definitely having your own conversation last night.

I like your idea of the proposal being today. If I were a betting person, I would give fair odds that they are on today. They can't just jump into the surgery on Monday without some prep. (well, they can, but they've been giving LuNacy a lot of fodder lately, so I don't think they will)

BTW, don't worry about the article. It might not sit well on your current stomach. :P


oh looky, looky, page 499 wow, that was fast

Edited by remos
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Goodness, I'm sick from work one day and I have like three pages to catch up on, at least five stories to read, a promo to watch and a new video to download. Thats a lot to do in a few hours. I will say that I will try my best to get yesterdays clips up. Unfortunately I have a meeting to go to and it will be a few hours before I can do so, not to mention all the work I now need to catch up on.

I will be back hopefully with clips. :)

**waves to MinervaFan**

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Happy birthday, Keith!

She's on!

Scenes: 7

Hair: good!

Clothes: black pants, shirt, jacket. black sparkly necklace. she looks very pretty and elegant

Basically, Luke tells Tracy he won't apologize for taking off. Its his life, and he doesn't want to be a prisoner. That ultra-happy guy comes in to get Lukester, and he is still crabby. After he leaves to get the tests, Tracy looks a little lost. She goes to the bed and starts to take off the tubes,*sad music*, tears up a little, and in comes Skye!

Skye wants to see Luke. Tracy tells her that he isn't there. She'll wait, even though Tracy said the test could take HOURS. She gives Tracy a note to give to Luke. Tracy obviously opens it without a second thought after she leaves. It tells Tracy to stop being so insecure that Luke will leave her. Tracy crumples up the note. She turns around, and its Alan!

Alan is sorry for Monica and Emily. He greatly emphasizes that he is NOT A GHOST. hahaha. He tells Tracy to stop being naughty or it will come back to get her. Alan thinks that Tracy is being insecure that Luke will leave her. Tracy says that she is NOT jealous of Skye. She has gotten used to the fact that her husband is unfaithful. Tracy repeats that she doesn't care about Skye. Bobbie is in the doorway, and asked "what about Skye?" I don't think I've ever seen those two in a scene together.

Tracy is worried something is wrong with Luke and thats with Bobbie is there. Bobbie says he's fine, and why she is talking to Alan. Bobbie accuses her of worrying an older woman will take away Luke. Luke is rolled in in the wheel chair and asks about what younger woman will be taking him away. Luke is in the bed, Bobbie is laughing, Tracy wants to let Luke rest. Bobbie wants to talk to Luke alone, but Tracy tries to avoid it. Bobbie forces her out. Luke doesn't want more lectures from Bobbie. Bobbie loves Luke and Luke gets teary-eyed; Bobbie doesn't want to loose him. Tracy storms out to see Monica and his results. Monica will do the surgery to make sure its done right. Tracy said under ordinary circumstances she would be her first choice, but is she stable? Monica is offended.

Tracy comes back into Luke's room and tells Luke Monica will visit him shortly. Luke wants to know who the woman is. Luke teases her and Tracy says it was Skye. Luke LOVES HER FOR WANTING HIM TO LIVE! HE SAID IT! "I know you want me to live, and I love you for that." Woah it sounds so foreign. Luke says Tracy can't control what happens on the operating table. They'll have to take what comes. Tracy said that if he had spent just a little bit more time getting better, then he would have been outta there already.

Tracy was the end character montage, whatever its called! No previews.

ILY! ILY! Worded differently, but he still said it! Lots of JE laughing, which I love. They are starting the subtle christmas background music. And Coop is looking pretty darn suspicious.

Edited by Colette
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Colette, did you type and watch at the same time?

Alan, Bobbie and Diane

Actually, she was in all 7 scenes of the day.

Colette has everything, so I won't repeat, but it was very cool to see that the only nubee they were dealing with was the orderlie. It was Luke, Tracy, Skye, Alan, Bobbie and Monica. Bobbie even touched Tracy a few times in almost a caring gesture. JE is really playing Tracy scared and not liking the lack of control. Loved it!

Nothing in the prevues, but we already knew that.


Is it just me, or are they really balancing the show these days. There was a brief encounter between Lucky and Jason, but nothing over the top. Ric overheard, which will get his weasel brain going. Alexis, Diane and Kate were absolutely hilarious today with Sonny's crossing of Kate's boundries and their mutual love for fashion. Suspence regarding the killer of Emily and Maxie being attacked. Trevor walking around town trying to be the big man, while subtly threatening Ric and Skye. Subtle being the operative word. So we had comedy, real life drama, family struggles, suspence, and all of it stayed within the context of the various ongoing s/l. Is someone actually paying attention to the deficites this show has had of late? Neither Sonny nor Jason were screne hogs, Sam and Carly are no where to be seen, and Jake wasn't the raison d'etre.

Edited by remos
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Thanks for the recaps Colette! I just got home. I went and had a massage today because my neck was killing me...I was dreaming of Ramon coming in...but unfortunately it was "Maria"! Ha ha. I was getting text updates on today from the real text message killer TL!!! Just kidding!

Thanks in advance for the clips Nex!

Remos Let's see what kind of shape I am in tonight after the client dinner at a wine bar/restaurant I have to go to tonight! :) Was I really having my own conversation? LOL!

Was Alan nice to Tracy today? Sounds like Luke was a crab....

Saw this for next week on soapdish: "Next week is all Trevor/Johnny with some Jason/Sonny here & there, Luke/Tracy/Lulu/Logan, and SOME Maxie/Georgie/Cooper." No carly--no way!!!! No sam!!!! No way!!!! No Liz...no nik/em...sounds like an awesome week!!! Plus we know monica is on too!

Kids coming home...all hell breaking loose! Check in later.

LadyA--WHere are you????

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I'm off for the rest of the night. I might be on late when I get home, breakroom with a tipsy Hooked again tonight? Haha you were so cute, Remos and I were always a conversation before you because you'd move on to something else. I hope the dinner goes well!

And Remos, I will be reading your fic soon like I promised, along with Kristin's story. God I am so behind.

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I've realized that I CAN watch an entire episode of GH if Tracy is on...And actually, other than Jason's hair and Diane (sorry, I can't get into her), I didn't mind today. Whoever said it seemed more balanced, I agree. It was a bit more integrated (i.e. Skye with Tracy, Skye with Ric, Skye with Trevor - Alexis with Kate, Alexis with Sonny, Alexis with Lucky, Alexis with Diane, Alexis with Jason). I like this no Carly or Liz thing. No Sam either...

I don't think Alan was that rude to Tracy today; he advised she treasured the love she and Luke shared. And Tracy did come off jealous with the whole "younger woman" thing...

I liked this exchange between Monica and Tracy (not word for word):

Monica: I'm capable of doing my job.

Tracy: Do it on someone else.

Jane's delivery and Leslie's reaction shot were both very good.

On the topic of acting, yeah, no one better dare claim TG was phoning it in today. He was awesome with both JE and JZ.

Colette, I am trying to think of other semi-recent Bobbie/Tracy scenes. I know there was one at the PCPD with Bobbie, Scott, and Luke. And then that same day soap time (different episode), I believe Bobbie and Scott showed up at the Q's...There was the Bobbie and Tracy, "I'll b-tch slap you all the way to the Canadian Border" scene last year, and in 2005, Bobbie, Luke, Durant, Tracy, and Skye shared a scene, but it was Tracy/Durant who had the bulk of the dialogue...Oh, on the day of the LnL wedding, Bobbie/Tracy had a brief exchange with Luke in the room, I think...All right, TQ fans, what am I missing?

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That would be me, my dear...


1. Alan's funeral when Scott showed up and Tracy put her arm through Luke's

2. Bitchslap one (my favourite, 'cause I live across said border)

3. Durant/lawsuit

4. Scott in PCPD

5. LnL debacle, in the foyer when Bobbie told Tracy to "leave my brother alone"

6. Hospital today

7. Lulu's birthday party?

That's all I can come up with.

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Wow, this is the first time I've had a chance to get here in days. And I'm way behind on watching the show.

My company announced it's going bankrupt yesterday! And on Kin's birthday!

So as of today I am out of work. I'm pretty much in shock. So goes life in the mortgage business in today's market.

Anyway, back to the Unreal World, which I can sure use a dose of today. I loved the promo and I can't wait. I don't think Scott has kissed anyone on GH in many years. Dare I say it was Laura during the Endgame days?

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