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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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  • hookedongh


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Not one single pizza place is open today. Not the good places, and not even Dominoes, Papa Johns or Pizza Hut.

I am resorting to two frozen California Pizza Kitchen pizzas that I have had for months in my outside freezer. And two frozen totinoes pizzas for the kids. Hmmm...maybe this wasn't such a great gameplan!

I obviously need to move to Port Charles!

Edited by hookedongh
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Aww Hooked I'm sorry you couldn't get any pizza.

I'll be back shortly I gotta go get ready lol my sister and her husband will be here in an hr and i'm not even dressed or got a shower yet I'm still in my p.j.'s lol.

*waves to Remos*

I've written some more on my fanfic i just gotta type it.

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Okay so the frozen pizza was very lame. And to make it even lamer...I watched the GH live today of LnL from last year while I was feeding my kids and doing a book report with Adam on sharks. It was not the wedding, it was Laura's relapse. Our girl was on for a few shots...I loved her face when Nik came in and annouced that Laura had relapse.

Notes: Wow how far lunacy has come in a year....Luke kissing the EWCBO and telling her wherever she is he is there with her (also TG's hands shake so badly...what is up with that...drug withdrawls from Amsterdam??). Two Qs now dead who were there last thanksgiving...Alan and Em. He is still shaking now with those hands (TL and I alwasy notice that)

Genie so did not deserve that emmy...okay she might have deserved in another year in the past and didn't get it so it was her lifetime achievement emmy or pity emmy whatever....but her performance was just not that stellar. I will give her some credit...she has perfected that blank stare look! :) Too funny...my husband walked in and said "who is that girl supposed to be? Her daughter? (referring to lulu) and I said yes. He said "Damn she looks just like her." Then he said he hopes that the writer's strike finishes out GH for good and it goes off the air so I cand spend more time with him! LOL!!! As if that will happen either way--ha ha.

TL--It is 4pm but I can't post a link cause I have been banned from the chat room until I watch Tues and Wed. episodes, so I will have to go do that now. I tried, but my husband fell asleep in there and I didn't want to be slow mo'ing a hundred times with him in tere, and then I had to feed my kids and do a book report and supervise Justin's project he was working on. Then fold laundry, etc. The Cowboy game is one so I am hoping that he will par himself on the couch right bout now and free up the bedroom tv and tivo!!!

I will return later when I am no longer banned!

Remos...if you want to chat with me for a few... am in the breakroom but dont' tell TL!!

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Yay! Let me know how you like them! I actually brought a box to my in-laws (I'm guessing you guys aren't too surprised, lol), but I don't think they have any yogurt. I did make a pumpkin pie and a wicked pumpkin pie (it's extra spicy and chocolatey...it's totally an experiment...we'll see how it turns out). Maybe we can go on a yogurt run tomorrow. :)

aw, hooked! Sorry about your pizza ordering! You need to move to NYC...pizza 24/7/365. Or do what a lot of New Yorkers do and order Chinese for Thanksgiving. Hope the frozen pies turn out well.

*waves to hooked, remos, and TL*

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Ms.Q, yup that was me with the rewinding. :D I kept watching the montage over and over again. And now I can do it even more from the clips.

TL, hope Dana is doing better.

Hooked, sorry about the pizza! Do the chinese like Logan and Lulu, haha.

I am so full and tired now from all the gorging. So who will be out tomorrow at the crack of dawn for some black friday shopping? ME! My second favorite holiday! :lol:

*waves* to TL, Remos, and bsg!

Edited by Colette
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Everyone left by about 5 central. We've been invited to my father's friends house after 8, but I'm not sure if I'm going. We've known the kids forever, but well, none of us are really "kids" anymore. Playing beauty contest, putting together giant puzzles, and telling stupid jokes just wouldn't fly now. LOL. I might stop by to say hello, but I'll probably be around here tonight. If I am, I'll post a link. :)

hooked, you had your own Thanksgiving disaster like the Q's!!! Although, their disaster results in pizza...It's not caused by it. I'm sorry it didn't work out like you had planned.

TL, hope Dana is feeling better.

I am thinking the

will come this week. MM confirmed it. MM is registered, and SoapDish trusts her (I think it's a her). Maybe

From TV Guide Canada

JE is at #10 on a list of 30. The GH'er above her is TG at #1.

GH'ers listed under her are SBu, NLG, and RiH. Ex-GH'ers include JW (ex-Frisco) and LK (nu-Lois).

I don't agree with a certain one of those, but am still glad to see Jane's name.


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Not that I ever read the Canuck TV Guide, but I'm impressed that my fellow country-person is so intellegent when it comes to noticing the greats in soap land. I would have put JE higher on the list (wouldn't we all), but all in all a rather astute list. Some of the names are arguable, but they've got the top listed (just not necessarily in order).

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TL--I have one thing to say...OMFREAKINGG!!!!!!!!!!!! that was awesome!! Beyond awesome on Wed. I am so dying. Gotta watch again and again to slow mo later on. Would chat now but I have to go roast marshemellows and make smores with the kids...will be online later.

Just one small tiny comment...anyone who thinks Lunacy is boring...OMG were we watching the same show???? They were so sexy and cute with their innuendos and the kiss and the snuggling--oy!

I just really can't believe it!!! Wed was just delicious!!!! Tuesday the Skye thing was hilarious. It seemed like a couple of her lines were edited in cause they were loud and the sound almost jumped like the widow line from tuesday in the triage part...maybe that had to relay that line in or something

Loved her saying "caught you staring" and "your heart needs to tell your libido it is down for repairs!" And the best of all wa sthe "I don't do gentle...you should know that by now". Classic TQ!!!!!!!!!!!!! And just what we all have imagined in all our fics--ha ha.

Doing the happy lunacy dance...the highlight of my thanksgiving day!

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Happy Day all!!!

Here are my thoughts on their "falling flat". I don't think it's the case. I do understand what you are saying ILTQ and I think it may seem that way, but I think we need to keep the storyline in mind (also you should take this with a grain of salt b/c I find no wrong with Luke and Tracy in anything they do). He has just had two heart attacks and surgery. She doesn't know what is going to happen or if he will live. Aside form the fact that she is just scared out of her mind right now, she knows that any little thing can have a devastating effect on his heart condition and end up killing him. I think the fact that she laid into him pretty hard about Skye is a good sign and it show's she hasn't lost her edge. Under the circumstances she just has to watch herself, she's been biting her tongue and just didn't control herself when it came to Skye... or about bossing him into taking care of himself now. I don't think we have anything to worry about, it just has to do with what is happening right now for Luke.

That's what I think!

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I don't think Lunacy is " falling Flat"! I loved their recent scenes together! They are sweet, loving, but at the same time totally them! With all the flirtation and the hilarious one linners! I think both characters are changing , which I think is a good thing! I am a fan of LnL , but Lunacy are IT for me! I mean I can honestly say if GF decided she wanted to come back and be Laura again , I have no idea who Luke would choose. I don't like ppl talking about GF like that though, that's disrespectful and totally wrong!

Anyway I really want Luke to ask Tracy to marry him foreal! I would love to see what their wedding would be like! :D

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okay I am back..most hilarious scene at my house...trying to make s'mores outside wtih this fire pit thing....my little one comes out in ski goggles cause the smoke is bothering him...he is holding his marshmellow like 3 feet above the fire as he is such a chicken [!@#$%^&*]...the others are wearing sunglasses to ward off the smoke...and they are listening to christmas music. I am like well this is a nice turkey day scene.

Plus chinese is closed in houston on T-giving also. Poor planning on my part. I had a veggie patty for dinner. Kids had easy mac. Okay so this was a pretty lame turkey day for us. Next year we might have to do something!!!

I am hopping in the br right now....

Can't sleep...it is 1:15am...just found this tamilu comment on Luke/Tracy....

We would all agree...she is the one who writes the two scoops comments on SOC..

"... got an e-mail this week from a reader who told me it makes her mad to hear Luke and Tracy confess their love for one another, she just can't believe he could love anyone after Laura.

Well, the truth is, people move on after tragedy. Luke adored Laura, no doubt, but the woman has been in a vegetative state for years now (save a few weeks during sweeps last year to boost ratings.) Luke has the right to love again, to move on, and to be happy with someone else. In truth, Tracy probably is better suited to Luke than Laura, because Laura wanted to domesticate and change Luke, while Tracy accepts the fact that Luke up and vanishes on random adventures from time to time. She never tries to make him be anyone but himself. Confession, it's been hard for me to watch Luke having heart attacks. He's supposed to be invincible right? Superheroes don't have heart attacks, do they? "

Edited by hookedongh
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Hey, strangers. I finally saw Tuesday and Wednesday's episodes, and I have to agree with Remos, rather than MsQ and ILTQ on this one. I thought the LuNacy scenes were flawless, beautifully acted, exquisite. My only complaint is that they kept being interrupted (even momentarily) by other characters. As many issues as I have with TIIC, they have quietly given Tracy and Luke the most realistic, grown-up love affair on the show. Ya'll know I hate soap operas, and won't even pretend that I watch this show for anything other than LuNacy. (Okay, Tracy without Luke if she has a good storyline.) Even when they're over the top, they're entertaining.

But this storyline, this beautiful, real, poignant storyline--this is what I've been waiting for since the day I started watching. Two larger than life people dealing with a very mundane, very unavoidable, real life drama. Money can't buy their way out of this. Heroics of the Ice Princess variety are useless here. This is real life, and Luke and Tracy are facing it together, alone as a couple, as we so often do in our lives. When I was in the ER with Fey the other night, her family wasn't there. Our friends weren't there. It was Fey and me, alone in that room. That's what marriage is (whether you're straight or gay), and Tracy is no less of a Quartermaine for staying with her husband than she would have been had she gone to the house.

I have issues with Ned and Dillon not at least visiting their mother in the hospital, but that could easily be fanficced away--we didn't see everything, and it's quite possible the boys went their first (in the "real life" section of GH that doesn't get shown).

I loved their moment in the montage. I don't think I've ever seen Tracy more beautiful, more honest, more real. It was a great couple of episodes, and I'm glad I've finally gotten to see them.

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Woooohoooo! I hope, I hope that's true. :D

OMG, hooked, it sounds like National Lampoon's Thanksgiving! I bet your kids are going to look back and laugh. :lol: I can't believe Chinese isn't even open on Thanksgiving. Not being able to get pizza or Chinese just isn't comprehensible to a New Yorker!

Well said! Thanks for sharing, hooked.

Ok confession...I need to find someplace here at the in-laws where I can catch up on watching the clips from Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm so behind! :unsure:

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