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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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My connection is so slow tonight. Ugh.

NEW VIDEO! http://www.sendspace.com/file/3laeoy

Edit: Oops. Ending is messed up with the crediting. I'm not sure what happened. Will have to fix that.

Simple, slow-moving...But full of LuNacy Lovin'. :D

Breakroom? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

EDIT: Of those spoilers that hooked posted, someone named MM confirmed all of them except 2. The 2 were not related to LuNacy or the Quartermaines, so if MM is legit and SD seems to think so,

EDIT AGAIN: Ok. I just realized MM is a regular poster. I'm thinking it's legit. So, I'll let the rest of you analyze what could come out of it. LOL.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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*waves to Colette and Hooked*

I just thought I'd share a bit of funny news. I opened up my yahoo homepage and I saw something hysterical!!! Some people may not find it as funny so I apologize now for that, but I loved it. In light of all the other buz-killing news that seems to float around and make it's way to every page in the news papers..... there are evidently "out of control monkeys"! They are breaking into homes in India and stealing sodas and cell phones. Yup, that's what it said...

Ok, that's all I had. just wanted to bring a bit of funny to the thread


I just saw that edit, Mrs Q... WOOT to legit posters!!!!!

edit deux:

Just watched your video Mrs Q... have to say, I loved it! I'm not the biggest Carpenders girl. I don't dislike them they just generally don't do anything for me with the exception of a hand full of songs. That one was great. Favorite part was the ending and not in the way people usually say, like it was greatthat it ended. Everyone watch it and you'll now what I mean. What a scene to end on!!!

*hi BSG*

Edited by knh
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Mussings from Lainey:




When I read this earlier, when you guys weren't sure of the source, I thought for sure it was B.S. Ms. Q... You made me happy!!!!

Ms. Q, You made me doubley happy. Love, Love the little clap followed by the "bed scene." And I FLOVE the effect you put on the bed scene. You really are good at matching mood and music. Talented. Very Talented.

Hey, Nex, Thanks to you, too, for the clips. YUM-OH!

Wow. Yummy!!!

Love all the LuNacy!

And, uh... Monica is....... ALIVE!!!!!!!!! (Her daughter is dead, but she's very much ALIVE!!!!). Cool. Could we ACTUALLY get a Monica storyline!?!?! Fun!! Fun!!!

(Hey, I have never seen these 411 thingys before. Are they weekly?)


Stop the negativity.

They're building them up because it's TIME!

Soaps ALWAYS have that strong, older, "anchor" couple. It's part of the model. Neither one of them wants to do love scenes anymore -- put them together permanently and concentrate on their scheming and lying. Make them the dream scheme deam. (There is an alternative to your downer theory!!! Don't go negative. Resist the urge. Tracy will worry, but she'll pull back. She's a manipulator by nature, not a nagger. Geeessssh!)

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That's our Lainey--ever the optimist (ya young hippy, ya!)

Oh, guess who spent Friday night at CareFirst and last night (early this morning) in the ER? Yup, Fey has serious shoulder pain (lotsa drugs, heating pad, ouchy pain)--so much so that she was willing to take a shot if necessary. (This is the diabetic girl who is so needle-phobic needs an anti-anxiety pill to get her quarterly blood work drawn.) She's still in pain, but the doctor thinks it's just going to take time to work out (and possibly physical therapy). Needless to say, she wants this taken care of before Disney in December, so she's being a very, very good girl and doing what the doctor said.

Such a weekend we've had....

ETA: Hugs MsQ's shweet, schmaltzy, lovely little vid close and holds on tight. :squee:

Edited by MinervaFan
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What a lovely way to wake up this morning, Ms. Q. Thank you.

I'm going with Lainey on this one. They've done enough of the build-seperate-rebuild with this pair. It only take two, three at the most, degrees of seperation before they've touched every single person on the canvas. Even the experiment last Nov. sweeps (I refuse to call it a reunion), fell flat and LuNacy emerged the real couple. Right now they are establishing the depth of the emotions and their basic need for each other. Enjoy the ride, because they will eventually put these expressions on the back burner while they immerce themselves in one scheme or another. I honestly don't think there is a shoe anywhere near them, let alone waiting to drop.

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Quick Sunday morning good news before I head to Dallas in about an hour or so...

This is from Soapdish insider...these are Tracy's scenes/ air days for the week of the 26th of November... (we know she is on M,T,W of the week of the 19th)



Luke & Lucky

Luke & Lucky

Monica & Day Player

Monica & Luke




Luke & Lulu

Luke & Lulu

Funeral Attendees

Funeral Attendees


Funeral Attendees

Funeral Attendees

Funeral Attendees

Funeral Attendees

Funeral Attendees

Funeral Attendees

Funeral Attendees

Funeral Attendees

Monica, Edward, Dillon, Alice, Ned, Skye & Nikolas


Hope to be able to check the thread on my son's laptop and post while I am gone...but if not...I will be on via email and you guys better update me on the scoop for next week! :) I'll be home Wednesday evening.

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@hookedongh: That information means Tracy has 11 episodes and Luke 15 in November. That is not bad, but the other episode count was wrong. It seems no Q is on on Thursday or Friday. I really think this sucks, the fall out of Emily's death should be about the Qs and no one else!

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Exactly SeanM!! Yeah the episode count was off I guess. But at least it was pretty good for TQ! 11 is way better than normal.

I'm off...hope to check in this week..IF not...catch you guys Wed. night!

BTW--SeanM thanks for posting the youtube promos! She gets a new outfit! I bet that is when luke dissapears when he says you always have a choice to Tracy, but then will be found pretty quickly...I don't think he is going on vacation yet!

4.5 hours in a car with three kids in a dog--woo woo--fun day ahead for me!

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hooked, have fun! We'll "see" ya Wednesday! Thanks for the scene/segment counts.

Sean, I wish we'd be seeing the Q's on Thursday and Friday too, but I guess not. So is GH through with them after the funeral?

TL, remos, MinervaFan, Lainey, knh, thanks for the comments on the video! In about a half hour, I will have the corrected version (clips are same; ending credits are fixed).

I will also have OCTOBER 29 CLIPS!!! I've edited them to LuNacy and am waiting for them to upload....

Lainey, I've never seen the 411 clumped together like this, but I've heard of 411's...I don't ever remember seeing Tracy in them though.




Corrected Video: http://www.sendspace.com/file/r6kog8

10/29 Clips: Credit Geena. Edited by me. http://www.sendspace.com/file/jteku0

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I hope we get a Monica storyline out of all this carnage! Come on, Guza!

Thank goodness for Lainey positivity. I would love to see LuNacy as the anchor couple on the show and with their great dynamic and scheming ways they'd actually be engaging and entertaining as the one solid couple. Bring it on!

Hope Fey is feeling better!

Thanks for the scoopage, Hooked. We'll miss you! Hope you can log on this week!

TL: I hope you're feeling better and that your papers are going well!

Ms. Q: Can't wait to watch your new video. Squeeeee!

*waves to nex* Thanks so much for the clips this week!!!

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MF- hope Fey is feeling better soon.

Hooked- gonna miss ya!! hope you have a chance to come around

Ok, now I have a few clip requests. I'm sure I probably have them on the house computer instead of mine, but does anyone have the clips surrounding Laura's return last year? I have the 11-7-06 one, but I don't have anything before that like when Tract found out Laura was back, when she saw her at GH. I don't know what else there is though I'm sure there's something. Thanks so much if you do. I know there are a few more I am missing but i'll have to come back when I figure out which ones.

Actually, I know I am missing everythng from when Luke came back this year. Well, I have a few, but I don't know which ones are there and which are missing. I don't think I have the one when Tracy hugs him and puts her head against him and she tels him to go after Lulu. I don't think I have what's before that, the initial arrival scenes like the one about Ramon

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logging in real quick to say hi from Big D! Deb--Hope Fey is better. You have had your share of medical stuff this past year or so!

Ms. Q will watch your video on wed when I get home. Didn't get a chance to yet, but am sure I will love it. Will you post the link to soapdish website for me when yo uget a chance? I can't find it on google for some reason and I know I will be having withdawls from scoops--ha ha

Thanks for the email TL!

Hope everyone is feeling better: TL, LadA, Colette

Sean--where do you get those soaps 411?

Chat with you guys later...the cowboy game is on (not tha I care, but some friends just came over).

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