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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Love those spoilers, hooked.

I gotta tell ya.. I'm hoping for some "freaked out Tracy" acting.

I want her praying to a god she doesn't believe in....

Begging Luke to hang on...

Ranting at the world...

I want angry, frieghtened, over the top Tracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We all know JE can rock it out the house. The question is, do they write it that way!?!

Come on, TIIC........ please! Write it that way!

**Lainey gets down on her knees to beg**


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Dear gawd--I come back and there's 10 million pages of posts! :D Sorry I've been away so much--my work has gone all Big Brother concerning personal use of the Internet (up to and including monitoring software), so I can't check the thread nearly as often. I have watched the show *LIVE* two nights in a row. Even without LuNacy yesterday. Scary as all hell, isn't it?

Loved the scenes from the other day--don't mind the "Mama Bear" thing because, well, it's one of my favorite pet names for Spankybuns. I really don't like how the top fits her--it's sexy on one level, but just looks messy on another. It emphasizes the fact that she doesn't have a lot upstairs, which is not something you should emphasize on a beautiful woman. But the color and fabric is lovely, so I can forgive.

Can. Not. Believe. That no one, not even Lainey, mentioned the fact that Tracy said "PLEASE" to Scott Baldwin on Luke's behalf. Dudes, character-wise, that's cosmic. Nice little theme music, pretty appropriate, although not my favorite music they've ever played with LuNacy.

Completely non-LuNacy related. Fey cracked me up about Emily--she's watching her last scenes with Elizabeth and saying, "Sure, they FINALLY turn her into a decent character, and they're gonna kill her in five minutes." All the while, I'm thinking, "Natalia, Natalia, you're a lovely girl. STOP SLOUCHING. Stand up straight, pull back your shoulders, hold your head up. You're actually two inches taller than you've got on your driver's license, if you'd just watch your posture." We are so damned mean, aren't we?

And one more thing--which one's Nadine and which one's Layla and why the heck should I care? Oh, and much as I love Bruce Weitz, an old man in a tux playing finger puppets with himself is just not scary, even when he pulls a gun. Nope, just kinda sad, in a sorry sort of way.

I've definitely got a bunny for the next 100 Situations fic, but it's probably going to have to wait. Like I said, life is kinda crazy round here. Oh, and for the lovely people worried sick about me after my little jaunt in the breakroom Saturday--here's good news. The St. John's Wort is working great. I'd venture to say just as good as the Prozac was working. Woot, right?

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Deb--So glad that seems to be working for you. I have been thinking about you.

So here is a question for anyone around? If you bought cream cheese yesterday at like 5pm and accidentally forgot to put the five tubs you bought in the fridge, so they were sitting out on your counter in your house for like 14 hours, do you think they are bad?? Could they make someone sick? I tasted them and they seemed fine and it was cold last night, so it wasn't like they were in a hot car. But I have to bring snack for my class today of 50 people and I am wondering if I can bring these or should toss them???

My husband said they were fine, and one of my friends, but I am crazy when it comes to food and left overs and always think things have gone bad, etc.

Hoping TQ is on today. Next week should be good.

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I tend to alwys think things have gone bad before they actually do, but I think that's still ok, Hooked. I don't think anyone will have any awful effects of food poisoning.

Deb, glad to hear things are going well... or better. I haven't seen you in a while, sorry I misse you in the BR cuz I think that was the day I was in for a while, but I don't know.

Looking forward to a fic though (* smiles sweetly with flowers, candy, and offering spilling out all over the place!!!*)

Lainey- I'm with you about wanting Tracy to completely lose it over Luke. There are not a lot of situations that I thinking she would do that, aside from losing her mother, but I think this would be one of them so I realyl am hoping for it.

TL, didn't post it last night, but I'm sending all the best vibes I can your way!!!

ok, off to shower and study some more. My sister is either taking me to a movie or shopping after my test, so hopefully I'll be back to watch, but if not I have SN now so it's ok, hope it a good one though!!

Later guys. I'lll et you know the results

*waves to Hooked*

Edited by knh
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Ooh. I can get used to this starting at 11:30 thing. (I'm sure I won't be saying that once I get home later tonight, though - Haha).

MinervaFan, good to hear from you.

hooked, thanks for the spoilers. I'm confident she'll be on Friday for sure, and if that one poster is right, then, she'll be on today as well! Fingers crossed. I wouldn't eat the cream cheese, but I'm paranoid about things like that - Actually, I'm paranoid about everything, so maybe I'm not the best person to offer my opinion. LOL.

knh, good luck today!

Lainey, I messed with the banner a bit last night, but so far, I got nothing.

Colette, hope your throat feels better.

bsg, glad to see you posting again!

regency, if you're out there by any chance, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

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I'm baaaaack.... :D

Don't know what happened, but I woke up this morning and all of a sudden my 'puter likes me again and I can play!!!

Gotta catch up on the posts. Hooked, thanks for emailing me and keeping me in the loop. Ms.Q, those pictures were funny (once I got over the ick of Luke and Felicia). Would be good to see an undoctored one on that theme, eh?

OT: Enrollment was wonderful last night. Got through everything. Now I only have the birthday party this weekend. How many days left to Christmas exactly....

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I don't think TQ is on today at all from what I can tell from Soapdish and it is 2:40. I think it is all Jason, Liz, Nik and Carly's reaction to em's death and Skate.

Guess that person was wrong on the episode counts. But the massive heart attack happens on Monday supposedly. Surely they will be on tomorrow to set that up.

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Luke and Tracy are the first showing in the previews for tomorrow, so they're definately on.

I am wondering if they are using that reshowing of the wedding-that-wasn't in their 14 eppi count. If so, and she's on the rest of the month, it will be accurate. Including that, she'll be 9 by the end of next week.

From the preview, it looks like Luke's second heart attack is because he was moving.

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No TQ, but she was the first one in the previews! Luke was standing and was putting his hand on a table with his other arm out. It was evident that he was having another heart attack. Tracy was starting to grab his arm and went "Luke!" Tomorrow should be good.

Emily's death was so sad! Between my eyes tearing from my cold and bawling from how sad Jason, EDIT: Sam? huh? I meant Liz, haha!, Sonny, and Carly looked, I was a mess.

MinervaFan, Leyla has the dark hair and was shot. Nadine had the blond hair, same dress as Lulu, and is with Spinelli.

Edited by Colette
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No LuNacy today. :(

That's right remos, they are in previews for tomorrow. Luke almost falls and Tracy is trying to grab his arm to catch him. Don't know if it's because he's having another HA, the preview went by so quick. I couldn't even tell on slow mo'.

I am whiped out tired. Didn't get to sleep until 5:30 am and had to get up two hours later. Just got home from school at 3pm.

Nex, thanks for the clips.

Will try to catch you all later. :)

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I had a really long post, but it got erased b/c it didn't go through. I don't want to have to put it all in again so...

I got the license... (now not to quote Kanye West too much but) "now throw your hands up in the sky-y"!!!!

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